Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (2024)

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (1)



Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (2)

“Our revels now are ended”

Our revels now are ended. These our actors, As I foretold you, were all spirits and Are melted into air, into thin air: And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces, The solemn temples, the great globe itself, Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff As dreams are made on, and our little life Is rounded with a sleep. William Shakespeare From The Tempest, Act 4 Scene 1

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (3)

So you’ve lived here a year and you’re pretty sure you’ve got it down is a quick checklist to see whether you’ve become a true “New Yorker”: • You stand 3 feet into a road waiting to cross • You jaywalk right in front of a cop. • You stop noticing the crazies • You haven’t cooked at home in a month • You only look one way before crossing a road • You actively avoid Times Square and sneer at the mention of it by visitors • You feel naked walking down the street without some form of beverage in your hand • You roll your eyes at visitors who pronounce Houston Street like the city in Texas not "howsten" • You're standing in line to order food and the person ahead of you is dithering, you talk over his or her head and start ordering anyway. • You say "the park" meaning Central Park and "the city" meaning New York City, wherever you happen to be • It never crosses your mind to pick someone up at the airport – they can catch a cab... • You get annoyed that there is no water at your table – even if you have no intention of drinking it • You walk past the naked cowboy in times square & don’t notice because you’re trying to get somewhere • You actually catch a train from Grand Central

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (4)

Foreword from the IMC Speak to many Mountbattens at this time in the programme and they’ll say the same thing – how can all this be over? They might also start crying uncontrollably or whooping for joy, but in all cases I would bet my life that their eyes will gloss over and a smile will come over their face as they start to think back over their year. So as you think about the best day, the best weekend, or the best experience you’ve had over the course of this year, remember that you’re damn lucky to have been here and shared it with the people you now call friends! This yearbook is simply a reflection of all this. Out hope is that, in 6 weeks when you’re home and it all feels a little like a dream, flick through this yearbook and remember that it really happened. Then laugh at the good times... there have been many! Listening to everyone’s experiences, it is almost possible believe there is no New York; there is only a set of projections, and it can be anything you want! It has the worst people, it has the best; it is the worst, it is the best. It is the acceptance of the contradictions and illusions. In any relationship, you can alternately love and hate somebody every day. New York is so mutable and surprising. Even if you don't love it, it is always compelling, always interesting, and never boring. It will always be here and it might continue on without you, but you’ll never be the same. It gave us one hell of a year, so THANK YOU NEW YORK...

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (5)



Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (6)

Adekunle Adegboye

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… When you get paid bi-monthly

Best Celebrity Spot... MADIBA

Best Food Experience... Japanese food

Fave Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Rooftop at 230 on 5th

Biggest Achievement of the Year... Networking skills

New York’s Best Kept Secret...

What I’ll Miss The Most... Independence day Fireworks

Favourite New York Moment… July 4th. Independence day

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Pre drinks and cook your meal

Quote of the Year… You never know until you try

Sponsor Company Deutsche Bank AG Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 8th May 1981 Hometown Lagos, Nigeria Nickname Ade

Advice for the new intake… Enjoy every moment- It’s just one year

Final Words of Wisdom... It can only get better

Class of 2011/12

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (7)

Omolola Akitoye

Best Celebrity Spot... Julianne Moore

Best Food Experience... The Meatball Shop

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... The Highline in the morning/ Bryant Park in the evening

What I’ll Miss The Most... Waking up to the Manhattan skyline

Favourite New York Moment… Afternoon at an empty Beach 116th Street, Rockaway Park

Advice for the new intake… Treat every day like it’s your last day in The City!

Final Words of Wisdom... You can do almost anything in New York for free…

Sponsor Company UBS Hometown London Nickname Lola

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… you wake up in the morning, look out of the window & can see the Manhattan skyline (& when you have to make the toss-up between getting the subway or a dollar slice)

Class of 2011/12

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Jay Amin

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… Your eating $1 pizza for lunch/dinner and spending your Friday night at Scotland Yard for $1 beers

Fave Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... At a NYC Happy Hour Bar

Biggest Achievement of the Year... Not taking a single ‘sick’ day from work / Managing to make into work at 8:30am after getting home at 7:45am from the night before

What I’ll Miss The Most... Friends / Freedom / Nightlife / Hearing “I love your accent” every 5 mins!

Most comical Moment… Looking out from the balcony and catching all the ‘Walk of shames”!! (Not mentioning any names!)

Quote of the Year… Police: “Why did you just jump the train barrier?” Mountbatten: “Because I do it in London” / “Oh no… She is getting mad!!” / “When is the UK Independence day?”

Sponsor Company UBS Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 21st April 1987 Home Town London

Advice for the new intake… Make the most of it. The time goes by as quick as the MB wage leaves your account Final Words of Wisdom... Make sure you’re not alone on the path after a night out. You will miss the ‘Newport’ stop! (Right Raj??)

Class of 2011/12

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Steven Anderson

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… Your beloved football team goes into administration, goes bust, loses all its players then gets relegated three divisions – and you STILL have one of the best years of your life

Best Celebrity Spot... Bruce Willis at a diner

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Lunchtimes by the fountain at the bottom of Wall Street

Biggest Achievement of the Year... Getting fit and back running again after over 2 years out injured

NY’s Best Kept Secret... The Slaughtered Lamb pub

What I’ll Miss The Most... Subway / deli employees panicking and proceeding to gaze at me like I just sprouted three heads, when I ask for no salad

Favourite NY Moment… Electric Zoo music festival

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… $ slice is your friend

Quote of the Year… “I love the accent – you’re German, right?” – Random deli woman

Sponsor Company AIG Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 9th February 1983 Hometown Glasgow

Advice for the new intake… Meet Americans and locals. Live the year outside the bubble.

Final Words of Wisdom... Embrace all the change that New York brings into your life – even if it means you have to do a little bit of growing-up.

Class of 2011/12

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Charles Arrowsmith

Favourite Place to Sit & Watch the World Go By… Anywhere on the waterfront.

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… You plan your week around free meals.

Best Food Experience… Baby Watson Cheesecake at D’Aiuto: Brilliant.

Biggest Achievement… Three catch-outs in an innings in the field playing for the Consulate softball team.

Best Celebrity Spot… President Obama AND President Bush in the same motorcade.

New York’s Best Kept Secret… Cheesecake at D’Aiuto.

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Don’t spend it all at once.

Sponsor Company British Consulate-General Personal Email [emailprotected]

Home Town Shrewsbury Nickname Bucks

Advice for the new intake… Branch out.

Class of 2011/12

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (11)

Andrew Austin Best Food Experience... The Piper’s Kilt, 210th & Broadway after a long afternoon of hockey. They claim to have the best burger in the city, I believe them.

Fave Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... South Street Seaport. Right under the Brooklyn Bridge, sun shining and deck chairs provided.

What I’ll Miss The Most... My little sis Marie, my flatmates Nik, Guilaine, Dammy and Debs and all my friends on MB who have the amazing ability to turn no plans at 5:00 on a Friday Night into an awesome weekend. And Binita’s Cakes.

Favourite NY Moment… Actually a NJ Moment – Six Flags Theme Park, Jackson NJ. Tania to my right absolutely fearless, Tessa and Ash laughing hysterically and the rollercoaster about drop us 240ft in 10 seconds.

Most Embarrassing Moment… My Free Running accident in Philadelphia

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Don’t room with Ward, his roommates go missing.

Sponsor Company JP Morgan Chase & Co. Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 26th October 1982 Home Town Aylesbury, Bucks

Biggest Achievement... the “Snowbowl” Flag-Football tournament. What started out as a few of us trying to play American Football in a park turned into us playing at the Superbowl Champs stadium, raising over $2000 for charity, meeting amazing kids & supporting a brilliant charity.

Class of 2011/12

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Emma Austin-Carroll

Best Celebrity Spot... Cameron Diaz and P-Diddy at PHD Fave Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Times Square Red Steps Favourite New York Moment… July 4th, picnic by the river Advice for the new intake… You’re only here for a year, say yes to everything! Final Words of Wisdom... not quite words of wisdom but … Incredible city, with awesome people = BEST YEAR EVER!

Sponsor Company Thomson Reuters

Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 15th May 1989 Home Town

Billericay, Essex

What I’ll Miss The Most... You guys being around the corner! And the weather, its been so nice to have an actually SUMMER!

Class of 2011/12

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (13)

Hazel Baird Best Celebrity Spot… The amazing Andrew Garfield

Fave New York Moment… Sailing on the Long Island Sound one evening whilst watching the fireworks over New York City in the distance.

Biggest Achievement… Silencing the comedy actors at Boca by shouting Braveheart quotes, “You may take our lives…!”

Fave Place to Watch the World Go By… My office window. The views were amazing; Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, Bryant Park and Downtown towards the Freedom Tower and Statue of Liberty on a clear day.

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… You compare your poverty level to that of Oliver Twist, the words ‘free’ and ‘bar’ are music to your ears and your kitchen could feature in an episode of ‘How Clean Is Your House’.

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment… The entire Miami trip Claire and I endured. Record rainfall, heat stroke, fainting, concussion and missed flights all in one weekend.

Sponsor Company Prospect Capital Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 31st May 1986 Home Town Troon Nickname Crazel

Advice for the new intake… Refrain from spending your entire pay packet in one weekend.

Quote of the Year… “I represent the PATH” – Sun Heer, 2011

Class of 2011/12

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Elizabeth Barker

Best Celebrity Spot... The Statue of Liberty (she counts)

Best Food Experience... Hot dogs from the hot dog stand

Fave Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Battery Park

Biggest Achievement of the Year... Passing every cleaning inspection!

What I’ll Miss The Most... The 24 hour subway system

Favourite New York Moment… Ceviche & co*cktail party on an apartment rooftop in the summer

Advice for the new intake… Don’t bother with the free ferry trip to Staten Island to see the statue. It really is a waste of time.

Sponsor Company Deutsche Bank Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 22nd April Home Town London Nickname Liz

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… The landscape looks like America, but all the voices are British

Class of 2011/12

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Jessica Barton

Best Celebrity Spot… Kanye West eating Taco in the West Village

What I’ll Miss Most… Frozen margs, rooftop views, secret bars, after work dumplings, fro-yo’s, outdoor movies, the weather!

NY’s Best Kept Secret…Mulberry Project beer garden

Best Food Experience… Burger at The Sunburnt Calf, Korean food at Cho dang gul, the $ slice!

Fave New York Moment… Watching the fireworks from Hoboken on 4th of July.

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… You’re singing karaoke in an East Village bar at 3pm after a boozy Sunburnt Cow brunch

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment… Getting caught by Newport security rolling under the fence in fancy dress with a bottle of vodka.

Quote of the Year… Anika Mistry wakes up after a night in Miami beach, throws back the covers, looks at what she’s wearing and says “Guys… whose knickers are these?”

Sponsor Company Jill Miller & Associates P.C Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 16th March 1990 Home Town St. Helens Nickname Jess

Advice for the new intake… Marry an American and get yourself a Green Card!

Final Words of Wisdom… Amazing, amazing year!

Class of 2011/12

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Alex Battle

Best Food Experience…Bread & Butter’s Chicken Chilli Soup

Biggest Achievement…Being crowned the ‘2012 Institutional Investor Nerfball Champion’; Reaching the NY Rugby 7s final with the infamous ‘MB Barons’; Playing ‘football’ at Metlife Stadium; Collecting all 50 US State quarters.

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…After a year of working, your manager concludes that your “decision making ability” is … N/A.

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment…Pete’s entrance with Mike and the lawyer; Ruari’s general behaviour at his birthday brunch; ‘Toblerone-Gate’; Samantha the Las Vegas ‘Consultant’

Best Celebrity Spot…Victor Cruz in Vegas or world renowned DJ David “Fozzy Maiden” Currie … it’s a toughie!

Quotes of the Year…”Any danger?...”; “Stitch Up”; “Hate to see it…”; “Lagers soon”; “Shagaaarrrrrrrrr” (P Shiells); “She didn’t cup meeee” (R Sinclair)

Sponsor Company Euromoney Institutional Investor Personal Email


Date of Birth 19th May 1989 Home Town Essex Nicknames Battle / Slugs Mahoney

What I’ll Miss Most…NFL Sundays; ‘Culture Vulture outings’; Brunch; Beer Pong; 24/7 Sports; Central Park; Dollar slices; 5 Guys; the constant free events. Plus all the great people I’ve met along the way.

Class of 2011/12

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Joe Bennis

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… People show a look of genuine horror when you tell them how much you get paid

Best Celebrity Spot... Ben Stiller

Best Food Experience... Food Vans!

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Outside bars near the Hudson in Hoboken

What You’ll Miss The Most... The ability to do anything you want within a couple of hours of travel

Quote of the Year… Let’s Go Giants!!!

Sponsor Company Deutsche Bank

Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 3rd September 1988 Home Town London

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment… Getting trapped in DC’s bathroom until 5am due to a broken lock (thanks Mountbatten Accommodation Services)

Class of 2011/12

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Frederick Beroud

Best Celebrity Spot... Film sets

Best Food Experience... Serendipity

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Times Square

New York’s Best Kept Secret... The other boroughs

What I’ll Miss The Most... Harlem crazies

Favourite New York Moment… Christmas

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Killington, VT

Sponsor Company UBS

Date of Birth 10th June Home Town Les Arcs, France Nicknames Autumn

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… you get paid $900 a month?

Class of 2011/12

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Siobhan Brewster

Best Celebrity Spot…Cameron Diaz and P. Diddy flirting.

Fave Place to Watch the World Go By…Bakeri.

Fave New York Moment…Dressing up as Marie Antoinette arisen from the dead and roaming the streets of Manhattan with my petticoats dragging in the freak snow storm.

Best Food Experience…Ma Peche, Maine lobster

What I’ll Miss The Most…The PATH

New York’s Best Kept Secret…Maison Premiere, Decibel.

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…You can’t remember the PATH journey home (because you paid $60 for a taxi).

Sponsor Company ING Capital Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 18th June 1987 Home Town Edinburgh

Advice for the new intake…Go hard or go home.

Final words of wisdom…Smile and the whole of Manhattan will smile with you / hit on you / try to talk to you about their invisible friends.

Class of 2011/12

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Class of 2011/12

Hayley Bromilow You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… You think it's normal to get drunk on a Monday night

Best Food Experience... Locande Verde

Fave Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Highline

Biggest Achievement of the Year... Organising a client dinner for my CEO

New York’s Best Kept Secret... The Speakeasy bars

What I’ll Miss The Most... My wonderful colleagues

Favourite New York Moment… When the Giants won the superbowl

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment… I haven't stopped laughing

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Always carry a hairbrush, deodorant and make up, you never know where the night may take you

Advice for the new intake… Don't say no to anything, do everything

Sponsor Company Thomson Reuters

Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 2nd December 1985 Home Town Chipping Campden (The Cotswolds) Nickname Hayls

Final Words of Wisdom... See and do as much as you can, make as many friends as you can, enjoy yourself and be prepared to be exhausted!

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (21)

Adele Brown You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… You find a box of cocopops an absolute rip off.

Best Food Experience... Proper Fish and Chips from The Chip Shop in Brooklyn

Biggest Achievement of the Year... Surviving

Favourite New York Moment… Seeing Foster the People in Central Park when it started lashing down with rain on the last song.

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment… Obviously when I ripped my leather trousers off in public or when Tom Fraser got ‘mugged’ in Pacha.

Quotes of the Year… ‘Nicccce’ ‘State of it’ ‘What about it!?’ ‘Excuse me are you a professional dancer, great, watch this!’ ‘DRIVE it’s your journey’ ‘Something went wrong last night’ ‘Only in New York…’

Advice for the new intake…No-one forgets anything – just remember that.

Sponsor Company Institutional Investor

Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 28th January 1988 Home Town Washington, Tyne & Wear Nickname Goldie Chung

What I’ll Miss The Most... Sitting in Union Square on my lunch in the Sun watching the Manhattan crazies or Washington Park watching the world go by listening to the piano man.

Class of 2011/12

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (22)

Beatriz Brown You Know You’re On MB When… NY's most alluring hot spots are beyond the realms of your budget.

Best Celebrity Spot... Nico Jaar on Spring Street- what a DJ! What a face (mine first Manners)!

Best Food Experience... took place in Chicago's finest: Ruxbin, The Girl and Goat and Black Dog gelato.

Fave Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Brooklyn Bridge Park. Or the top of any fire escape ladder in Bushwick.

Biggest Achievement of the Year... Ordering caipirinhas to the UBS account on Miami's beaches.

New York’s Best Kept Secret... Must remain away from Mountbatten ears: Blkmarket Membership.

What I’ll Miss The Most... Hipster Hunting in Brooklyn, conspiratorial drinking from red cups, dollar oysters, rooftop invitations, Charles’ book recommendations, the Met Opera for its splendour and generous student love, MoMA parties for adults & facepaint…

Sponsor Company UBS Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 31st December 1986 Hometown London Nickname Bea, Beasy

Favourite New York Moment… Gatecrashing Fashion Week parties at the Hotel Americano with (art) dealers and crafty blagging, plus the inevitable morning after the night before with Krugs. And the perfection that was Antony and the Johnsons singing at Radio City.

Class of 2011/12

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Sylvester Campbell

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… You're sick of dollar slice. Best Celebrity Spot... Someone who may or may not have been Sarah Jessica Parker!

Best Food Experience... The Meatball Shop

Fave Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Union Square Biggest Achievement of the Year... Scoring a Field Goal at the Giants Stadium

New York’s Best Kept Secret... Exploring outside Manhattan

What I’ll Miss The Most... Sunshine and having an accent!

Favourite New York Moment… The Tartan Day Parade

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Get used to being tired

Sponsor Company UBS Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 10th June 1982 Home Town Aberdeen

Advice for the new intake… Try and fit in as much as possible, but New York will always be here to come back and visit.

Class of 2011/12

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Sam Cherry-Downes

What I’ll Miss Most… $ slice; Misha’s hula hooping; Big Raj’s drunken antics, AYCD brunches (esp. Yotel); pretentious rooftop bars; PAX; Le Bain’s hot tub.

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… A dollar slice seems an acceptable and nutritious dinner.

Best Food Experience… Vin et Fleurs

Fave Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By… Tribeca

Biggest Achievement… Walking 32 miles around the shoreline of Manhattan. Never. Again.

Best Celebrity Spot… Cameron Diaz and P Diddy in PHD at the Dream Hotel

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment… Ru’s bday… Or begging for $2.25 at the subway station to get home as the night before had left me with no money, cards, ID...

New York’s Best Kept Secret… Employees Only.

Sponsor Company British Consulate Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 24th January 1989 Home Town Ipswich Nickname Cherry / Chezza D / Eagle Eye

Quote of the Year… “Dollar dollar slice yahhh”.

Final Words of Wisdom… Don’t fall asleep on the PATH.

Class of 2011/12

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Amy Clarkson

Best Food Experience... Buddakan

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Bryant Park

What You’ll Miss The Most... Great friends

Sponsor Company UBS

Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 5th April 1989 Home Town Middlesborough

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment… When Alison McGirr attempted to go to work at 8pm on a Sunday evening after having a snooze after brunch, thinking it was 8am on Monday morning

Class of 2011/12

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Fiona Collins

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…You have to check your bank balance before you make a purchase.

Best Celebrity Spot…Ben Stiller.

Best Food Experience…Sparks Steakhouse / Norma’s for brunch

Fave Spot to Sit & Watch the World Go By…Bryant Park.

Biggest Achievement of the Year…Work – getting extra responsibilities.

New York’s Best Kept Secret…A rooftop park with views of Brooklyn Bridge.

What I’ll Miss The Most...The fact that there is always so much to do/ the view of the skyline Final Words of Wisdom...Make the most of it

Sponsor Company JP Morgan Chase Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 5th November 1988 Home Town Dublin

Favourite New York Moment… Ah there’re are so many…Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade / New Years Eve in the City

Class of 2011/12

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Pat Collins You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… you accept the offer.

Best Celebrity Spot... Will Smith

Best Food Experience...Hurricane Club, Smith & Wollensky’s, Morton’s, Uncle Jack’s Steak House, Brick Lane Curry House, Brennan and Car.

Fave Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Highline.

Biggest Achievement... being a great R.A. and consistently getting my essay extension requests approved.

What I’ll Miss The Most… The stairwell in JM.

Fave New York Moment… Nero, Christmas Cabin, numerous nights out

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… always ask for your change back

Quote of the Year… “Seriously” “everyone on Mountbatten calls me BJP”, Ozzy Dave- “ Tullett- “Why does it have a fan if it’s called a Macbook air”

Sponsor Company UBS

Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 24th June 1989 Home Town Sheffield Nickname Dillman aka Dilley and Pat

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment… Paul booking Miami flights online for the guys and after a few drinks puts ‘Ozzy Dave’ for Dave Murray’s official name.. it cost him $50 to change the deets the next day.

Class of 2011/12

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Daisy May Coster

Favourite New York Moment… ice skating in Central Park on Christmas Day.

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… you get the path back to Newport from WTC before changing onto the 33rd street train as you have no money to get the subway.

Best Celeb Spot... Bon Jovi at Harlem Globe Trotters.

Fave Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... South Street Seaport or Central Park.

Best Food Experience... Magnolia Bakery’s Banana Pudding, anything from Max Brenner’s choc restaurant.

What I’ll Miss The Most... wandering the city and always finding things you hadn’t seen before.

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… dollar slice!

Quote of the Year… As all Devils fans know “Rangers Suck, Flyers Swallow”

Sponsor Company Capuder Fazio Giacoia LLP Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 6th April 1989 Hometown Newport Nickname DMC, Daisu-Mau, Day-Z

Final Words of Wisdom... Take up every opportunity, you never know where it will lead but you will have fun finding out.

Class of 2011/12

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Chris Currie

You Know you’re On Mountbatten When… You run out of work to make happy hour.

Best Food Experience... The Lobster House, Cape May

Fave Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Liberty State Park

What I’ll Miss The Most... Hanging out with friends, exploring the city, weekend brunches, planning trips and amazing nights out.

Favourite New York Moment… Showing my family around the city when they came to visit. And getting a surprise birthday party.

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Free Friday lunches at Liquidnet, budget the stipend and $1 slices of course…

Sponsor Company Liquidnet

Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 16th June 1987 Home Town Dungannon, N. Ireland

Advice for the new intake… Live for the weekend & take more pictures.

Class of 2011/12

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David Currie You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… Your TV is older than you are.

Best Celebrity Spot... Kelly Kapowski from Saved by the Bell or Jay-z, the Mayor, Jimmy Fallon and the cast of Entourage at the Yankee game., tough call.

Best Food Experience... Probably any Dollar slice when half cut

Fave Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Hudson Park or the Highline.

New York’s Best Kept Secret... SantaCon

What I’ll Miss The Most... The diversity, the atmosphere, the grid systems of streets, New Yorks Women’s uncanny ability to have great bodies and of course The Culture Vultures.

Quote of the Year… Hate to see it – Various. ‘Here we go’ - Will Power

Sponsor Company Credit Suisse Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 24th April 1987 Home Town Glasgow Nickname DC

Final Words of Wisdom... Always check the path times before walking down there at the end of a night, never pay more than $40 for a cab home, Shake Shack is not at good as the line would make you think, visit Cafe Wha at least once. Always tip. And make sure you get your Visa applications in early as possible.

Class of 2011/12

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Class of 2011/12

Tamryn Curtis You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… You start talking like a Brit.

Best Celebrity Spot... Kanye West visiting my office every week, and his little serenades.

Best Food Experience... Degustation at WD-50

Biggest Achievement of the Year... Surviving on $230 a week

New York’s Best Kept Secret... Phileo Frozen Yoghurt

What I’ll Miss The Most..., Jess’s morning emails, teaching Paul to speak properly.

Favourite New York Moment… Coachella’s Creator’s Project in Dumbo, Matt & Kim gig, Fire Island with JB, Bonnaroo, trip to New Orleans

Most Comical Moment… Crawling under a fence with Jessica Barton, and getting told we were going to jail by Newport’s finest security guard.

Quote of the Year… “Sod it!” ,“Fake it till you make it”, “You can sleep when you’re dead”

Sponsor Company OMA (Office for Metropolitan Architecture) Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 1st June 1989 Hometown Sydney, Australia Nickname Tam

Final Words of Wisdom... New York City.. You gave me a little bite out of your amazing, chaotic, crazy, enchanting world…and I’m exhausted! Thank you for giving me the most amazing adventure!

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Jonathon Deakin

Best Food Experience... Mandarin Oriental Asiate

Fave Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Central Park, E 85th Street

Biggest Achievement of the Year... Running first 5K on 23rd birthday

New York’s Best Kept Secret... La Quinta Inn rooftop bar in K-Town

Favourite New York Moment… Random food and drinks with MLB business associates

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment… I had a wire on my shoe

Sponsor Company Citigroup Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 31st May Home Town Coventry Nickname Deakin Beast

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Having personal in-house chefs

Class of 2011/12

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (33)

Stephen Dilley

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…your pay cheque doesn’t last a weekend

Best Food Experience... The Four Seasons

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... outside Starbucks in Newport

Biggest Achievement of the Year...toss between not managing to take a sick day from work all year or kissing Jessica Lowndes

Favourite New York Moment… definitely more than one favourite that can’t be described in just a few words

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment… rolling down the stairs at Stamford station

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… be nice to your parents

Advice for the new intake… don’t be thinking you can budget in this city!!

Sponsor Company UBS Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 14th April 1989 Hometown Bexley, London Nickname Dill / Dillman / Dill-dog

What I’ll Miss The Most… brunch / the banter / the ferry journeys / dollar slice / Hobokes / AC / pre-game / surprise birthday party / cabin / 24/7 trains / my free concert & those who don’t move London

Class of 2011/12

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (34)

Nawal Elkhassasi

Best Celebrity Spot…Ryan Gosling – the day he saved a woman’s life!

Biggest Achievement of the Year… Playing Tag Football at the MetLife stadium … “Let’s go Mountain Goats!”

Fave New York Moment… Fireworks on Independence Day

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment… Brunch in Washington … if only I could remember it all!

What I’ll Miss The Most… “Oh my God, you have an accent!”

Fave Place to Watch the World Go By… Newport Pier

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… No matter where you go, there’s half a dozen Mountbattens there too!

Best Food Experience… Cafe Mogador

Quote of the Year… “It’s like Jurassic Park!” – Holly Jones, New Orleans, Swamps

Sponsor Company Selldorf Architects Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 7th September 1989 Home Town Camden Town, London

Final words of wisdom… We must stop forgetting how young we are … we must start enjoying the moments; rather than thinking away the seconds.

Class of 2011/12

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James Emmanuel

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Ramen noodles

Best Celebrity Spot... Partying with DJ Mark Ronson at Santos Party House

Favourite New York Moment… Dancing in Certral Park in the Rain at the B.E.P’s concert

New York’s Best Kept Secret... Brooklyn Charm

What I’ll Miss The Most... All the great friends I have made here. Team D!

Best Food Experience... Roti Canai from Nyonya

Quote of the Year… ‘Are there churches in Africa?’ ‘Oh you fancy, huh?’

Sponsor Company UBS IB

Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 15th April 1990 Home Town Totteridge Nickname Jamsie, Jimmeh, J

Final Words of Wisdom... Don’t blame the DJ, just because you can’t dance!

Class of 2011/12

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (36)

Paul Ernoult Biggest Achievement of the Year... 2 Point Conversion at The Metlife, Hitting Red 23 in Atlantic City and spending a year in the same room as Rohan Popat!

Best Celebrity Spot... Nicole Kidman… “Oh Hey!”

Favourite New York Moment… Creators Project, Atlantic City, Matt & Kim, Cyndi Lauper, Bonnaroo, Coney Island, Thanksgiving, Miami, Of Men and Monsters, The Knicks at MSG, 2102,

New York’s Best Kept Secret... Woodchuck/ Fat Baby has a rooftop?

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment… Timmy not knowing the difference between a duck and a goose. Ozy Dave showing the mattress who was boss. Halloween path journey.

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… keep 2 dollars in your desk draw just in case… you never know when that next slice will be needed.

Quote of the Year… Sun - “I Represent the Path” Rohan - “Happy Birthday babes” Timmy - “where is my cage” Pat - “I just really love a cuddle” Tam

Sponsor Company Liquidnet Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 23rd March 1989 Home Town Orpington

Advice for the new intake… Do as much as you can, go to as many places as possible…Food really is the last priority! Final Words of Wisdom... Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard.

Class of 2011/12

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (37)

Class of 2011/12

Lily Evans

Best Celebrity Spot… James Corden on Broadway.

What I’ll Miss Most… Richie Roth; boozy brunches; living so close to all my lovely friends; air conditioned subways that run 24/7.

New York’s Best Kept Secret… Café Wha

Best Food Experience… Burger at The Sunburnt Calf, Korean food at Cho dang gul, the $ slice!

Fave New York Moment… Mulready and I discovering the infamous chicken bus; the Christmas and Summer cabins and the RFL Fall Bash.

Biggest Achievement… To have not lost any valuables. Yet!

Quote of the Year… “OK, so I may have slept on the streets of Manhattan until 9am in my Halloween costume … get over it” – Tom Mulready

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… You have no money left in your account.

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment… When the lunge was incorporated into almost every night out.

Sponsor Company The Roth Law Firm Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 3rd May 1987 Home Town London Nickname Lil / Lils / Lilith / Lilykins / L-Boom

Advice for the new intake… Get on Groupon / Living Social / ClubFreeTime for the best deals in NYC.

Final Words of Wisdom… Enjoy every moment!

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (38)

Tom Fraser You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… Duane Reade is Duncan Higgins alternate outspoken persona.

Best Food Experience... Meatball Roulette – As emotional as an eating experience comes. Glory, relief, confusion, satisfaction, disgust, pain, nervousness and anguish – the game will be remembered and reenacted by future Mountbatten’s for years to come.

Biggest Achievement of the Year... Being admitted into the Yotel Hall of Fame along with Andrew Massie for being superior brunch participants.

New York’s Best Kept Secret... Long Island Rail Road Roulette – a game played by thousands every weekend during the Summer months. We discovered this game one afternoon in Penn Station, when purchasing a ticket, local bystanders informed us to just “go anywhere.

What I’ll Miss The Most... The Culture Vultures. This exclusive group, handpicked by an even more exclusive group, left no stone unturned in their excursions around New York City. I am privileged enough to say that I was a member of this elite assembly and I will not forget the times we had exploring New York City this year.

Sponsor Company US Trust, Bank of America Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 3rd June 1989 Home Town Southend Nickname The Big Apple

Fave NY Moment… Either the 3 game wait to see the Nets lead a game or the NY Giants winning the Superbowl! Ice skating in Central Park, Rockefeller Christmas tree lighting, US Open tennis final, brunches, family & friend visits, NFL draft, days of vulturing.

Class of 2011/12

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (39)

Kishen Ganatra

You Know You’re On MB When… your dollar slice spending equates to your monthly Path card cost

Best Celebrity Spot... Hugh Jackman

Best Food Experience... Mamouns – falafel sandwich

Fave Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Washington Square Park

Biggest Achievement of the Year... bothering to hand in all assignments on time #cashbonusbaby

New York’s Best Kept Secret... Fuerza Bruta

What I’ll Miss The Most... Having a bunch of waste’s living around you at all times – the view on the walk to Hoboken

Fave NY Moment… Giants winning the Superbowl

Top MB Survival Tip… bring money from home

Quote of the Year… ”what a d*ck move, she snaked me” (Tino Makoni)

Sponsor Company Deutsche Bank Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 27th September 1988 Hometown Beckenham Nicknames Kish

Advice for the new intake… Make the most of free (alcohol) events & head to Trader Joes

Final Words of Wisdom... Get into the sports – football, basketball and ice hockey all good to go watch

Class of 2011/12

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (40)

Misha Gondhia

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… Everyone uses the word ‘poor week’ every other week

Best Celebrity Spot... Snooki from the Jersey Shore

Best Food Experience... Hurricane Club for New York Restaurant Week

Fave Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Park in Hoboken

New York’s Best Kept Secret... Alice’s Tea Cup

Favourite New York Moment… Harvard vs. Yale football game

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Have an English bank card to rely on!

Advice for the new intake… I wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise

Sponsor Company Deutsche Bank Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 3rd May 1990

Biggest Achievement of the Year...

Appearing in LOOK! Magazine

Class of 2011/12

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Class of 2011/12

Chandni Govindia

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… Your card gets declined at Morton Williams Best Celebrity Spot... The Knicks at Greenhouse Best Food Experience... Dollar slices at 5am Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Met Steps, Froyo in hand Biggest Achievement of the Year... Climbing up the Rockefeller without dying What I’ll Miss The Most... BRUNCH

Sponsor Company UBS

Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 5th February 1990 Home Town London

Final Words of Wisdom... ‘If you can only have one great love, then the City just may be mine’ Carrie Bradshaw

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (42)

Class of 2011/12

Ahava-Shaffra Gray-Read You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… Friends at work give you their leftovers.

Best Celebrity Spot... Miss Lilly’s – Jessica Alba and Shaggy on the same night!

Biggest Achievement of the Year... 10K GOGI Race

New York’s Best Kept Secret... Qi - $6.90 lunch deal

What I’ll Miss The Most... My church – Brooklyn Tabernacle And Sephora

Embarrassing/Comical Moment… Ended up bumping in to a guy that I cancelled on and then awkwardly pretended I was on the phone.

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Always get to places before they charge.

Quote of the Year… YOU AIN’T ABOUT THIS LIFE!!

Advice for the new intake… Flaunt your accent – it will get you places!

Final Words of Wisdom... Cherish every moment because the year will speed ahead of you.

Sponsor Company Thompson Wigdor LLP

Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 17th August 1989 Home Town Great Yarmouth Nickname Shazzy

Favourite New York Moment… partying with the Jets, going on a date with a Jets player, private concert with P Diddy and Mariah Carey, Watch the Throne in AC, Xmas cabin in Vermont, Ashley’s 24th, the many soca nights.

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (43)

Nikunj Gupta You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… you bump into other MB interns at the weirdest hours in the most random locations.

Best Celebrity Spot... Jimmy Fallon at Barnes & Noble.

Best Food Experience... Melt-in-your-mouth lamb chops at Michelin-starred Junoon restaurant, NYC.

Fave Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Battery Park in the sun: gorgeous!

New York’s Best Kept Secret... 60th floor of 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza – best views of NYC bar none.

Fave NY Moment… Wearing a traditional Scottish kilt down 6th Avenue for the Tartan Day Parade.

Quote of the Year… “Walking? For what joy?” – Ritul Nammalvar “DUDE!” – Ash*tha Jagadish “Just a second please.” – Andy Sam

Advice for the new intake… Do something different and meet someone new everyday – this is the land of opportunity.

Sponsor Company JP Morgan Chase & Co. Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 15th June Home Town Ilford, London Nickname Nik, Nix, Niko, Niku, Nik-Nak, Nikki G, Nikipedia, Nicolas, Ninja

Biggest Achievement of the Year... Surviving an entire fortnight on one $5 footlong Subway sandwich per day.

Class of 2011/12

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Katy Hanby

Best Celebrity Spot… Harry Connick Jr (moving out of Lily’s way!)

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Lose all shame and always say yes to freebies.

Fave New York Moment… Lily’s rooftop law bash; Top Gun on top of the Intrepid; New Years Eve; Sledging on Christmas Day.

Biggest Achievement… Flying to places on my own and not clutching random strangers out of pure fear. What I’ll Miss The Most… Outdoor films ... and weather that permits them!

Fave Place to Watch the World Go By… From a rowing boat on Central Park lake.

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… You are surviving off porridge and ramen noodles.

Best Food Experience… Free dinner at Ciprianis

Quote of the Year…’f*ck it, let’s ballroom’ - Elly Lacey ‘Just rub it in, it’s good for the skin’ - Michelle Jones ‘Welcome to Katy and Elly’s co*cktail Land’

Sponsor Company Thomson Reuters Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 16th October 1987 Home Town Loughborough Nickname Hanbers

Advice for the new intake… Never ever take your cash card out with you. Ever.

Final words of wisdom… Just say yes.

Class of 2011/12

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (45)

Nilofer Haroon

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… You pay in pennies to buy coffee before your payday.

Best Food Experience... Westville

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Brooklyn Bridge

What I’ll Miss The Most... Chicken over rice

Favourite New York Moment… Starbucks Chronicles

Advice for the new intake… Working Advantage ( For discounts)

Sponsor Company Deutsche Bank

Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 25th June 1988 Home Town Mumbai Nicknames Miles, Faith, Duffer

Final Words of Wisdom... Fake it ‘til you make it

Class of 2011/12

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (46)

Sun Heer

You Know you’re On Mountbatten When… drinking is no longer fun, instead you are forced to binge drink as much as possible to make the most of an open bar!

Best Food Experience... Papa John’s

Biggest Achievement... Giving up pizza for 7 weeks!

What I’ll Miss The Most... BRUNCH!

Favourite New York Moment… July 4th celebrations and all the Birthdays!

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment… What happens on the PATH stays on the PATH

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… $lice and Ramen noodles!

Quote of the Year… “Aussie Dave, is he welsh?” Chiggs 2012

Sponsor Company British Airways Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 12th August Hometown Royal Leamington Spa

Advice for the new intake…Bring spray deodorant, Cadbury’s and SAVE $!

Class of 2011/12

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (47)

Claire Higgins

Best Celebrity Spot... Spiderman (Andrew Garfield) in Meatpacking Biggest Achievement of the Year... Sitting the bar

Best Food Experience... Sun’s spag bol!!

What I’ll Miss The Most... Team D, living with my 2 besties and not living minutes away from everyone!

Favourite New York Moment… Being at the bottom of an ice luge with Hazel and Black eyed peas in the rain in Central Park.

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment… Spending my entire life savings on a trip to Miami which caused the near death of Hazel, 3rd degree burns, a 3 day monsoon, and a rather interesting hot tub incident. And did I mention we missed our flight home? Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… co*ckroaches are attracted to fake tan so learn to exterminate!

Quote of the Year… “I’m still waiting…..”

Sponsor Company Boundas Skarzynski Walsh and Black Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 11th May 1986 Home Town Glasgow (Scotland) Nickname Chiggs/Chiggsy

Advice for the new intake… Don’t sit on the bar!

Final Words of Wisdom… Never say no to a night out as that’s the night everyone will end up in a bar with Nate Archibald from Gossip Girl!!!

Class of 2011/12

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (48)

Duncan Higgins

New York’s Best Kept Secret...

Katz Delicatessen (not exactly a secret, but easily missed)

Best Celebrity Spot...

Hugh Jackman

Best Food Experience...


Biggest Achievement of the Year...

Might Barons finale!

Fave Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By...

Newport Swim & Fitness social area

Favourite New York Moment…

Inaugural Yotel Brunch

Quote of the Year…

Ruari Sinclair – “she did not cup me!!!”

Sponsor Company Deutsche Bank Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 27th July 1986 Hometown Worcester

Most Comical Moment… Pete Sheills joining the party late and obliviously crying “shagger” (directed at Mike Lindley) moments after he’s introduced us all to his new girl.

Class of 2011/12

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Porawit Hongsuwan

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… You barely have money to eat, yet you save up for the weekend

Best Food Experience... Krispy Kreme (uhhh…)

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Newport waterfront, and my window, and my balcony

What I’ll Miss The Most... The winter - winter back home is always nice.

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment… Getting busted and going to court for peeing on the street in Brooklyn

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Don’t eat

Quote of the Year… America runs on Dunkin’

Advice for the new intake… Live your life, bitch

Sponsor Company UBS Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 17th January 1987 Home Town Bangkok Nickname Kiggy

Final Words of Wisdom... We’re here in the year of Linsanity. I’m happy Asian athletes are making impact in American sports but if you call me Lin I hate you.

Class of 2011/12

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (50)

Jussi-Pekka Hulkko

New York’s Best Kept Secret... 44, M

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… you have no money left from your paycheck… after 3 days…

Favourite New York Moment… Cabin

Fave Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Standard,

Upstairs, Jersey side river bank, … Bocca…

Best Celebrity Spot... SVZ

Best Food Experience... Mussels baby mussels (from HK)

Biggest Achievement of the Year... the list

What I’ll Miss The Most... Lads on twoer

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… There is no survival.

Sponsor Company Citi Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 15th November Hometown Joensuu Nickname Jupe (You-Pay)

Advice for the new intake… when you are thinking about staying after lockdown… DON’T DO IT!!! …and no red-wine-pong…

Class of 2011/12

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Hadel Jaber You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… You see the empire state building at lest once a day!!

Best Food Experience... Koran town - poocha 32

Biggest Achievement... Living on a budget (just about)

NY’s Best Kept Secret... The secret subway station ‘City hall’, go on the 6 train till the last stop and stay on you will see it – mostly used for filming

Favourite New York Moment… kayaking on the hudson

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment… Falling drunk at Pranna in front of the whole room! (Very embarrassing)

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Noodles no matter how poor you are you can always afford them!! :)

New York’s Best Kept Secret... The secret subway station ‘City hall’, go on the 6 train till the last stop and stay on you will see it – mostly used for filming.

Sponsor Company UBS

Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 17th October 1988 Home Town London Nickname Hadelio

Advice for the new intake… Enjoy every moment….the year goes too fast!! Final Words of Wisdom... Make ever second count! Work hard & play harder ;) Take as many pictures as you can. And make it a year to remember.

Class of 2011/12

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (52)

Ash*tha Jagadish

Best Food Experience... Meatballssss

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… You are caught eating a slice or two at 2 Brothers ;)

What You’ll Miss The Most... My friends and roommates.

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Washington Square Park

Biggest Achievement of the Year... Working on Wall Street I guess

Favourite New York Moment… Basking in the sun at Central Park <3

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Ramen Noodles :P

Sponsor Company Deutsche Bank Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 21st September 1989 Hometown Bangalore, India Nicknames AJ

Advice for the new intake… Live it up while here coz the

year goes by faster than you think :)

Class of 2011/12

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (53)

Class of 2011/12

Adam Jaques

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… You’d walk 30 blocks to save the price of a subway ticket

Best Celebrity Spot... Jim Cramer on Wall St.

Best Food Experience... Cupcakes at Sweet Revenge

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Central Park

Biggest Achievement of the Year... Winning Quizzmas and Quizzumer/ Inventing the “Atari”

New York’s Best Kept Secret... The Dove Parlor


Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment… The Subway/McDonalds/PATH trip after rebel bingo

Quote of the Year… If you were any more inbred you’d be in a sandwich…

Sponsor Company Deutsche Bank Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 5th February 1988 Hometown Buckhurst Nicknames Rico Suave, Baby Grey, Game Time

Advice for the new intake…StudentRush for Broadway tickets

Final Words of Wisdom... If in doubt, whip it out

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (54)

Class of 2011/12

Michelle Jones You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… You can’t go anywhere without bumping into Mountbattens!

Best Celebrity Spot... Jerry O’Connell, Topher Grace, John Lithgow, James Corden

Best Food Experience... AG Kitchen – course after course of free food – why stop at three?!

Fave Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Newport beach – it’s pretty much the only time I’ve stopped!

Biggest Achievement of the Year... Not stopping!

NY’s Best Kept Secret... How to score free theatre tix!

What I’ll Miss The Most... The Mountbattens – you guys have rocked my world :)

Fave NY Moment… Upstate cabin trips, 4th of July.

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Pasta-sauce lunches!

Quote of the Year… “I’ll sleep when I’m in England”.

Sponsor Company UBS

Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 12th July 1984 Home Town Leeds / Guildford Nickname MJ, Jonesy

Advice for the new intake… Treat every New York day as if it was your last day here. The time flies far too fast and you can sleep when you get home!

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (55)

Class of 2011/12

Ellen Keenan-O’Malley

Best Celebrity Spot…Samuel L Jackson.

Biggest Achievement of the Year…Being appointed Co-Chair of the Women’s City Club Young Professionals, New York.

Fave New York Moment…Watching the debut performance of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra at the Avery Theatre

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment…The night with JM Apt 1202 mannequin legs, Misha and Nawal

What I’ll Miss The Most… My amazing roommate, Nawal.

Fave Place to Watch the World Go By… The Irish famine memorial site on the Hudson River.

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… You buy a dollar slice so you can afford alcohol.

Best Food Experience… 3 course meal at Sea Grill, Rockefeller Center, Restaurant week.

Quote of the Year… “Well my boobs…”

Sponsor Company Reavis Parent Lehrer LLP Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 5th April 1989 Home Town London Nicknames Elmo

Advice for the new intake…Say YES to everything!

Final words of wisdom…Never regret anything; at that moment in time it was the right decision.

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Class of 2011/12

Natasha Kochhar What I’ll Miss Most… The antics of Team D.

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Dollar slices.

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… You have spent your entire wage in one weekend.

Best Food Experience… Chipshop – purely because they sold Irn Bru!

Fave New York Moment… Cabin, Christmas bonanza, 4th of July, Atlantic City.

Biggest Achievement… Going two weekends in a row without drunk dialing.

Best Celebrity Spot… The others saw Nate … I saw Rufus Humpfrey.

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment… Falling off a statue of an elephant, while dressed as a leprechaun, at one in the afternoon.

Quotes of the Year… “It’s your journey, drives, you play whatever music you want”. “Vicky, please stop calling the driver drives”. “Sorry drives”. “No one’s a winner … it’s meatball roulette.”

Sponsor Company Garson Decorato & Cohen Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 1st November 1988 Home Town Edinburgh Nickname Tash / Tash Bash / Trash / Scweff

Advice for the new intake… Go hard or go home.

Final Words of Wisdom… Nothing good happens after 2am.

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Ami Kotecha

You Know You’re On Mounbatten When… You see Mountbattens … everywhere. Best Celebrity Spot…Tyra Banks in the Harvard gift shop. Best Food Experience…Chop’d Fave Spot to Sit & Watch the World Go By…Outdoor restaurants New York’s Best Kept Secret…Owls Head Park, Brooklyn Quote of the Year…”Goofy”

Sponsor Company JP Morgan Chase Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 21st August 1989 Home Town London

What I’ll Miss Most…Living the American dream

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip…Date rich!

Class of 2011/12

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Ellen Keenan-O’Malley Best Celebrity Spot…Samuel L Jackson.

Biggest Achievement of the Year…Being appointed Co-Chair of the Women’s City Club Young Professionals, New York.

Fave New York Moment…Watching the debut performance of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra at the Avery Theatre

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment…The night with JM Apt 1202 mannequin legs, Misha and Nawal

What I’ll Miss The Most… My amazing roommate, Nawal.

Fave Place to Watch the World Go By… The Irish famine memorial site on the Hudson River.

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… You buy a dollar slice so you can afford alcohol.

Best Food Experience… 3 course meal at Sea Grill, Rockefeller Center, Restaurant week.

Quote of the Year… “Well my boobs…”

Sponsor Company Reavis Parent Lehrer LLP Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 5th April 1989 Home Town London Nicknames Elmo

Advice for the new intake…Say YES to everything!

Final words of wisdom…Never regret anything; at that moment in time it was the right decision.

Class of 2011/12

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Elly Lacey You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…Your dinner is a bagel and cream cheese for the fourth night running.

Best Celebrity Spot…Goldie Hawn & Kurt Russell on 9th Ave.

Biggest Achievement of the Year …Blogging a picture a day, every day for a whole year.

New York’s Best Kept Secret…City Island (Bronx)

What I’ll Miss Most…Drunky brunches

Favourite New York Moment…Cycling Round Central Park in the spring sunshine.

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment…Whilst singing to A Little Mermaid at Marie’s Crisis, someone shouted “Ariel” at me; subsequently everyone sang at me.

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip…Always remember you get paid in dollars not pounds – it’s not as cheap as you think!

Sponsor Company Impact International Personal Email


Date of Birth 18th May 1984 Home Town Hastings Nicknames Red / Blue Eyes / Princess

Quote of the year…f*ck it. Let’s ballroom.

Advice for the new intake…Go exploring, say yes to everything, volunteer, meet new people, dye your hair and never take a single second for granted now or ever.

Class of 2011/12

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Drew Leitch You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… you run out of money a week after being paid!

Best Celebrity Spot... Mila Kunis, Jonah Hill

Best Food Experience... Shake Shack, guilty.

Biggest Achievement... Breaking my shoulder!

New York’s Best Kept Secret... Rockaway Beach! What I’ll Miss The Most... Vicky Poole, Adele Brown and the II Crew as well as the lovely flat mates!

Favourite New York Moment… I spent an afternoon with a certain celebrity which was just incredible. Unforgettable New York with its unpredictability!

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment… Adele Brown thinking my shattered shoulder was one of my jokes – thanks for that pat Adele!

Quote of the Year… ‘Lets not count the last days, lets make the last days count’ Victoria Poole

Sponsor Company Institutional Investor

Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 14th January Home Town Cheltenham Nickname Drewball, Achilles, Archie Munro

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Get out of the city when you can – will give you a welcome break but make you appreciate the city more when you get back in!

Class of 2011/12

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Class of 2011/12

Victoria Lomax

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…You compete to see how many times you can go round the food court collecting samples until they realize

Best Celebrity Spot…James Cordon in Times Square

Best Food Experience… A mysterious bar located at Avenue A and 1st. They made the most beautiful Asian food and gave it to us for free!

Biggest Achievement of the Year…Surviving

New York’s Best Kept Secret…The mechanical bull in Johnny Utahs

What You’ll Miss The Most…My partner in crime Megha Patel, all my work friends at SWH and of course Red Velvet Cupcakes!

Most Embarrassing Moment…Falling asleep at my desk TWICE during the first week!

Quote of the Year… “Men are animals. They should be caged”. Biggest Achievement of the Year.…Surviving!

Sponsor Company Sanford Wittels & Heisler, LLP Personal Email vickilomax_8@hotmail. com Date of Birth

4th June 1990 Home Town Liverpool Nicknames Vicky

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (62)

Class of 2011/12

Michael Lindley You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… You can’t afford to eat lunch every second week

Best Food Experience... Uncle Jacks Steak House, closely followed by Michael Jordans

Fave Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Central Park

Biggest Achievement of the Year... kite enhancement

New York’s Best Kept Secret... Pranna

What I’ll Miss The Most... The daily interaction with the friends I have made out here.

Favourite New York Moment… Love in this club remix ‘Mugged in this club’ by DJ Static

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment… Peter Sheills, the frying pan…

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Dollar Slice (You better start liking pizza)

Quote of the Year… “Son Danger a la”, “This is my life!!!” “She did not cup me”

Sponsor Company Deutsche Bank

Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth 14th March 1989 Home Town Sheffield

Advice for the new intake… Try and sort out a job and a visa as soon as possible, otherwise you might end up going home! Final Words of Wisdom... Make the most of it, you never know how quickly you will be back!

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (63)

Class of 2011/12

Tamsin Macdonald

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…You walk thirty blocks to work because you can’t afford the $2 subway ride!

Best Food Experience…Hot pastries in Mountain Lakes

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By… Newport Board Walk (the postcard shot)

Biggest Achievement of the Year…The Wolfpack!

New York’s Best Kept Secret.…New Yorkers actually walk really slowly!!

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment…Too many to choose from, I have laughed a lot this year.

What Was Your Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Great friends solve all problems

Quote of the Year… Tamryn Curtis: “New York that never stops eating”

Your advice for the new intake… Mamouns $2.50 – watch out for the hot sauce

Sponsor Company Citi Private Bank Latin America Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

10th October 1989 Home Town Yorkshire

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (64)

Class of 2011/12

Laura Manwaring

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…$1 slice

becomes the staple of your diet

Best Celebrity Spot… James McAvoy, filming in Chelsea

Best Food Experience…La Esquina

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By… Cafe Doma, West Village

New York’s Best Kept Secret…Café Piccolo, Mid-town / Ajasai Susi, Midtown

Favourite New York Moment…Walking through Times Square after the Superbowl

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment…Being given an IT help book for Christmas

What You’ll Miss The Most…American Friends

Your advice for the new intake…Get out of Newport and into Manhattan at every opportunity you have, and make sure you do something or visit a new place as much often as possible!

Sponsor Company Thomson Reuters Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

8th October 1987 Home Town London Nicknames Manners

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (65)

Class of 2011/12

Andrew Massie

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… Splitting the bill at a meal takes as long as the meal itself

Best Food Experience…Yotel Meatball Roulette

What You’ll Miss The Most... brunching, the sport, flat abuse and Shiellsy’s relentless singing

Favourite New York Moments…Christmas Eve in NYC – Tailgate, Jets vs Giants, meal with families, Christmas beers

Most Comical Moment…Toblergate in Vegas

Biggest Achievement of the Year…Ru’s Kite filling out his ‘muscle fit’ shirt and ringing the closing bell at the NYSE

New York’s Worst Kept Secret… Duncs’ Halloween attempt to get on the IMC

Quote of the Year…“We threw Dunc’s flip flop from the balcony” Ru Sinclair and Ben Rose

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip…Pasta, bacon, onion and cream

Sponsor Company British Consulate-General Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

30th June 1987 Home Town Edinburgh Nicknames Mass

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Class of 2011/12

Nicholas Masters

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…When you cringe at the mention of the term ‘Journal squared’

Best Food Experience…Shake Shack

Biggest Achievement of the Year… Honor role award in NYRR 5k run

New York’s Best Kept Secret…Mamouns falafel

Favourite New York Moment…Halloween bar crawl

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By….Times Square

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip…Dollar slices close to the 9th street path station

Your advice for the new intake…Make the best use of this one year living the American dream

Most Comical Moment… Jonathon Deacon almost slipping on the floor while crossing a road followed by a homeless man shouting out ‘SAFE!! (baseball reference) because Jonathon didn’t quite fall’

Sponsor Company Citi Private Bank Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 28th December 1987 Home Town Lisbon, Portugal Nicknames Nicky

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Class of 2011/12

Alison McGirr You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… Eating meat is a privledge

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Central Park

Biggest Achievement of the Year... UBS job offer

What You’ll Miss The Most... the opportunity to do anything

Favourite New York Moment… Far too many to think of only one!

What Was Your Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Go to everything you are invited to – especially if there is free food and drink involved!

Quote of the Year…“So what do I do with this exactly” (Amy with a potato peeler)

Final Words of Wisdom…Sláinte!

Most Embarrassing Moment… Again far too many to remember but Think it may have to be Tom Mulready’s photos from Chris’ BDay brunch and the events following the brunch..

Sponsor Company UBS Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth Undisclosed Home Town Trillick Nicknames Mcgirrrrrrrrr

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (68)

Ben Meacham You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…Crisp sandwiches become a meal, rather than a snack!

Best Food Experience…Is Hooters a ‘Food Experience’?!

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By…Washington Square Park… In the fountain!

New York’s Best Kept Secret…Wave Hill, the Bronx

Most Embarrassing Moment…Getting trapped in a revolving door… by a man with crutches

What You’ll Miss The Most…Having so many people, so close. Not being able to just hang out in the city, or at the beach, or in others’ apartments.

Your advice for the new intake…“He who would make serious use of his life must always act as though he had a long time to live and must schedule his time as though he were about to die.” Émile Littré

Quote of the Year… “Well, I just burped, and could still taste the first hot dog we had… so… in for a penny, in for a pound” Parker, M. (2012) Incidentally, it was a foot long, and, following this justification, decided a second was probably worthwhile.

Sponsor Company Royal Bank of Scotland Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

8th October 1985 Home Town Lichfield, Staffordshire

Class of 2011/12

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (69)

Anika Mistry Best Celebrity Spot... Zac Effron

Best Food Experience....Arancini bros - Brooklyn

Biggest Achievement of the Year…Skiing down the Blue Slope, that’s how hardcore I am

New York’s Best Kept Secret... Duane Reade

What You’ll Miss The Most… All the FREE

Favourite New York Moment… July 4th Fireworks over the city and seeing Jay Z and Kanye West in Madison Square Gardens

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By… Outside the New York Public Library

Achievement of the Year…Skiing down the Blue Slope, that’s how hardcore I am!

Your advice for the new intake… Be the ‘Yes’ man for a year

Sponsor Company Citi Private Bank Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

5th June 1986 Home Town London Nicknames Annie

Class of 2011/12

Final Words of Wisdom... New York City is pretty much a concrete jungle where dreams are made and I do feel there’s nothing you can’t do (to an extent) now in New York!!!

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (70)

Mairi Mitchell

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…You pull what looks like a rat out of your bath drain

Best Celebrity Spot…Pierce Bronson

Best Food Experience…Caracas LES

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By… Boat Basin UWS

Biggest Achievement of the Year…Passing on horseface

New York’s Best Kept Secret…The view at the Wythe Hotel Brooklyn

Final Words of Wisdom…Don’t over plan – the random things are always the most fun What You’ll Miss The Most…Friends in New

Sponsor Company Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 3rd April, 1985 Home Town Edinburgh

Class of 2011/12

Favourite New York Moment… Climbing into the back of the stained glass clock in Grand Central and looking over the city.

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Tessa Moran

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By…At the end of Wall Street by the Hudson river

Best Food Experience…nothing beats a bit of street meat. Especially after being there only 3 times, the guy recognizes you and remembers your order

New York’s Best Kept Secret…Somewhere, there's always a free bar

Favourite New York Moment… Walking as part of the Tartan Day parade down 7th avenue, thousands of Scottish flags and people waving and cheering at us. And afterwards going to a local pub that not only had one of my favourite Scottish beers, but were giving it away for free!

Final Words of Wisdom…1) Never underestimate the humble bagel and cream cheese. 2) You can do absolutely anything you like in New York - it really does never sleep!

Quote of the Year… Watching the New Jersey Devils ice hockey team: Jersey player shoves a player from the opposite team and slams him into the arena wall. Guy in the stalls in front of us stands up and yells "Welcome to Jersey, bitch!“ - Prudential Centre, NJ

Sponsor Company Deutsche Bank Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

22nd June

Home Town Tighnabruaich, West Coast of Scotland

Class of 2011/12

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (72)

Tom Mulready You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…you live on ramen noodles to save your pay for beer & hookers

Quote of the Year…‘Noooo, Nicky. I’LL. GIVE. YOU. CASH.’ (A. Jaques, 2012)

What You’ll Miss The Most…the beautiful people I’ve met (and licked) along this ridiculous journey.

Most Embarrassing Moment…spending the night sleeping outside the UN on a snowy Halloween dressed as a Native American Indian.

Favourite New York Moment…watching The Rock return to WWE Survivor Series at Madison Square Garden.

New York’s Best Kept Secret... – for the well-informed New Yorker.

Final Words of Wisdom…Everybody should experience the Chicken Bus once in their lifetime

Sponsor Company Thomson Reuters Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

2nd February 1989 Home Town King’s Lynn, Norfolk

Class of 2011/12

Your advice for the new intake… Attach yourself to a group of incredible people who will plan your life, make you laugh, tell you you’re a dick when needed and make you tea and bagels when you’re hungover; give them lots of love back.

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Jessica Murphy

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…Beauty samples become a staple

Best Celebrity Spot...Michelle Williams and Jason Segal

Best Food Experience...L’ybane

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Washington Square Park

Biggest Achievement of the Year...Attending the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in Washington

New York’s Best Kept Secret...The Cloisters

Favourite New York Moment…Dancing in Central Park at a pop-up rave on a Sunday night

Most Embarrassing Moment… Asking my colleague for a ‘rubber’

Sponsor Company Thomson Reuters Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

19th June 1986 Home Town Brighton Nicknames Jess

Class of 2012/13

Quote of the Year…“This is the best night of my life!” Final Words of Wisdom…Just say “yes”

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David Murray

Best Food Experience… Pizza a Casa Pizza School

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go

By…230 FIFTH

What You’ll Miss The Most …Brunch, weekenders & the casual Australian racism.

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment…Calling security after getting locked in a Harlem Primary School

Quote of the Year…‘If you’re not lying, you’re not trying’

Your advice for the new intake…Keep up, it’s New York. Say YES

Sponsor Company Thomson Reuters Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

3rd September 1988 Home Town Sydney, Australia Nicknames ‘Aussie Dave’

Class of 2011/12

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When …You’re

working alongside millionaires 9-5 & standing alongside

Two Bro’s 5-9.

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (75)

Ritul Nammalvar

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…I Started my 2 hour daily travel to STAMFORD

Best Food Experience…The river café near Brooklyn bridge & Brunch in PRANNA

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By…

Dumbo point , Central park

What You’ll Miss The Most…Back to back weekend outings

Favourite New York Moment…Helicopter tour of Manhattan on my birthday.

Most Embarrassing Moment… When I got wasted in Brett’s bday bash

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip…Be Patient , Listen more and talk less

Sponsor Company UBS Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

25th September 1985 Home Town India / Thailand Nicknames Ritz

Class of 2011/12

Your advice for the new intake…1 year Roller-coaster ride : - Enjoy it to the fullest

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Felix Oliver Best Celebrity Spot…Giving an unimpressed Julia Styles a wink and a smile

Best Food Experience…Prosperity Dumplings. Every day. Any time

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By… Bryant Park

Biggest Achievement of the Year…getting 5 flights for under $20/running a marathon

New York’s Best Kept Secret…late-opening toilets around union Sq

Favourite New York Moment…walking 50 blocks up Park at 5am on new year’s morning

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…You eat granola bars for two days straight

Sponsor Company UBS Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth July Home Town London

Class of 2011/12

What Was Your Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… know where your nearest dollar slice place is

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Adelaide Osei You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…You’re always looking for a Citi bank to avoid charges

Best Celebrity Spot.… With Jessica Alba and Shaggy by my side at Miss Lily’s

Best Food Experience… Negril (Caribbean, Miss Mamies Spoonbread (Southern Soul food) in Harlem

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By… Madison Square Gardens

Achievement of the Year.… Jay Z and Kanye at the Watch the Throne tour and travelling to the Bahamas and Barbados

New York’s Best Kept Secret.…The real Bronx/Brooklyn neighborhoods, an interesting experience

Quote of the Year… You ain’t about this life, don’t talk to strangers, YOLO

Sponsor Company Deutsche Bank Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

24th February

Home Town London Nicknames Adele, Adeley, Island Girl, Del, Adaaaare

Class of 2011/12

Favourite New York Moment… Being invited to a VIP Mariah Carey & P.Diddy concert, Chilling with Ice T, Coco & Naughty by Nature for the Superbowl, partying with rapper Maino and his entourage popping bottles!!! and getting a free taxi ride from Manhattan to Newport

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Class of 2012/13

Shella Palmer Best Food Experience…The burger at Spotted Pig, the burger at Corner Bistro, the burger at shake shack, the burger at Steak&Shake, the burger at Dumont Burger and..,the burger at DBGB Bar & Kitchen

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By…The Highline

New York’s Best Kept Secret…MOMA PS1

What You’ll Miss The Most…Having something to do and something to do it with every night of the week

Favourite New York Moment …Taking a helicopter tour around the city (closely followed by a mass pillow fight in Washington Square Park)

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment…Throwing up on the PATH at 4pm in the afternoon on a poor man (not a baby!)

What Was Your Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Free bars, free theatre trips, free films in the park, free food – anything which features the words free

Sponsor Company British Consulate-General Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 2nd June 1986 Home Town Rugby, Warwickshire Nicknames Shell-Belle, Sheeellagh;

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (79)

Class of 2011/12

Martin Parker

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…Choosing between alcohol and food

Best Food Experience…Sushi party at a friend’s in Hoboken

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By…Washington Square Park

Biggest Achievement of the Year…Scoring two touchdowns at MetLife Stadium

New York’s Best Kept Secret…Rags A Go Go, 14th Street

What You’ll Miss The Most…24hr Public Transport!

Favourite New York Moment…July 4th fireworks over the Hudson

Most Embarrassing Moment…Newarking myself twice in one journey home Your advice for the new intake… Do everything

Sponsor Company Deutsche Bank Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

29th January 1986 Home Town Hemel Hempstead Nicknames Prime Time; Martian; Marty McFly, M Parks

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Binita Patel

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…You walk really far because you can’t afford the Metro

Best Food Experience… Adrienne’s Pizza on Stone Street, Cones on Bleaker, Brooklyn Ice-Cream Factory, BabyCakes

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... South Street Sea Port, bottom of Wall Street, by the river by Exchange Place, outside the WTC PATH Station, Central Park

What Was Your Top Mountbatten Survival Tip…,,, and With these you can do loads of things without being completely broke

Final Words of Wisdom... Enjoy every moment. The year goes way too quickly

Sponsor Company Deutsche Bank Home Town London Nicknames B, Bonita Applebum

Class of 2011/12

Quote of the year… Martina: Dovile, can you please put some music on? Dovile: I'll see what's on my iPod. What do you want to listen to? Martina: I don't know, some classical music. Dovile: I don't have any. Like who? Martina: Like David Guetta and LMFAO.

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Dimple Patel You know you’re On Mountbatten When…your Citibank card gets declined in Target buying Raman noodles

Best Celebrity Spot…Harlem 125th – Hello Obama!

Best Food Experience…Nankings, Sala thai, Vapianos, K-town

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Night time kayaking on the Hudson and obviously Central Park

New York’s Best Kept Secret... The Highline party

What You’ll Miss The Most... Harlem’s craziest of crazies

Most Comical Moment… Eventful brunch at Pranna

What Was Your Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Have cereal for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

Sponsor Company UBS Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 13th January 1988 Home Town London

Class of 2011/12

Quote of the Year… ‘I didn’t know panda’s were Asian...they don’t look it’

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Hiren Patel Best Food Experience…Bon Chon’s Double Fried Chicken, although you can’t beat a 9th street dollar slice after a messy night out!

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By…JA

303 balcony watching the walks of shame on a

Weekend morning

What You’ll Miss The Most…1) Being known as the

poor intern so never having to pay for drinks after

work. 2) Dollar Beers. 3) Brunc h

Quote of the Year…‘Christmas isn’t even real…its based on the Bible!’ or ‘If I was rich I’d buy money’

Your advice for the new intake… Lower your expectations and standards…QUICKLY

Sponsor Company UBS Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

11th May 1989 Home Town London

Class of 2011/12

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… 1) On the Thursday before payday, your lunch consists of all the free samples from the mall 2) You have to cross your fingers and say a little prayer every time you pay for something on your card.

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Janvi Patel Best Food Experience... Mamouns Falafel…I LOVE IT! You …Your

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Brooklyn Promenade Best …Sparks

Biggest Achievement of the Year…Surviving on little money

New York’s Best Kept Secret…It has the most surprises and things you will never see anywhere else including Naked men posing in Times Square!

What You’ll Miss The Most…Lifestyle

Favourite New York Moment… Seeing the sunset whilst jogging in central park

What Was Your Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Learn how to budget!

Sponsor Company UBS Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

24th September 1985 Home Town Benfleet, UK

Class of 2011/12

Your advice for the new intake…Be ready for all the craziness of New York and embrace and make the most of it…it’s a lifetime opportunity.

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Megha Patel You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…you’re so hungover at work you need to take a nap in the bathroom stalls

Best Celebrity Spot…Walking onto Ben Stiller’s film set by accident and almost having a head on collision with him.

Best Food Experience…The 5boro Picnic and Cookout NYC on Governor’s Island. And basically every brunch I have ever been to

New York’s Best Kept Secret…The mechanical bull in Johnny Utah’s.

Favourite New York Moment…Spending 4 glorious days in Lake Placid this summer at an amazing cabin with 21 awesome people

Quote of the Year…sh*t’s about to hit the fan!!!

Sponsor Company Citi Personal Email megha.patel08@gmail. com Date of Birth

8th November 1987 Home Town Bexley, Kent Nicknames Meghatron

Class of 2011/12

Most Comical Moment…Drunkenly trespassing onto Newport Beach when it was under construction with Adam, then having to perform some serious acrobatics after realizing there was no real way out of the caged enclosure.

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Minal Patel

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…You’re entire diet consists of ramen noodles

Best Celebrity Spot…Dining and whining (literally) along sode Jessica Alba and Shaggy Best Food Experience…Agave brunch, Miss Lily’s, Qi Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By …Bryant Park or Hoboken Waterfront

What You’ll Miss The Most …my flatmates aka NY family. Oh, and not having to buy my own drinks, ever!

Favourite New York Moment…Christmas in Vermont

Quote of the Year …YOLINYO! You Only Live In New York Once!

Sponsor Company Citi Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

27th April1988 Home Town Leicester Nicknames Min, Minz, Minez, Mynal, Mya (LOL), Coco

Class of 2011/12

What Was Your Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Never underestimate the power of an English accent and a short skirt in this city!

Final Words of Wisdom...Seize every opportunity. No regrets

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Samir Patel

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…you total 130+ $ beers on a Friday night in Hobo.

Best Food Experience…Street Meat Chicken n Rice / Bonchon Favourite New York Moment…NY Giants winning the super bowl

Biggest Achievement of the Year…Brick Lane Curry House Phaal Challenge

Quote of the Year…GO ON ANGE

Your advice for the new intake…carry hand sanitizer everywhere you go. Final Words of everything…twice!

Sponsor Company Citi Private Bank Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

17th June1987 Home Town East London Nicknames Sam / Sammy

Class of 2011/12

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment...When Natasha through my shoe onto a high ledge in the Path Station, Raj saved my life. Thanks bro / Rohan getting caught doing a poo…naked.

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Victoria Poole You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…you consider asking for a PATH card for Christmas/ Birthday

Best Celebrity Spot … Alec Baldwin and Chase Crawford

Biggest Achievement of the Year…Keeping my fish Keith alive even with all the threats/negative comments about him

What You’ll Miss The Most … the Union Square Crazies, the view from my room and Keith my fish.

Favourite New York Moment… Foster The People during a thunderstorm in Central Park, 4th July, random rooftop party in Brooklyn

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip…The cereal deals in CVS

Sponsor Company Institutional Investor Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

14th February 1987 Home Town Cardiff Nicknames Vicky, Vixen, Hugh Huffner, Welshy

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Class of 2011/12

Advice for the new intake…If you are handed down a fish from the last intake please take care of it. They are for life not just for hand-over.

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Rohan Popat

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…You have to steal toilet roll from work

Best Food Experience…SEA, Williamsburg & Mamouns

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By… Columbus Circle fountains

Achievement of the Year…Putting up with Paul Ernoult – the wolf costume, the Buddhas, the filthy boat shoes, his terrible DJ skills etc. The boy’s a mess.

New York’s Best Kept Secret…Dizzy’s Club Coca Cola – Jazz Bar

Favourite New York Moment…The feeling after seeing ‘Fuerza Bruta’ for the first time.

Sponsor Company Deutsche Bank Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

21st July 1989 Home Town Northampton Nicknames Ro, Po, Pohan

Class of 2011/12

Quote of the Year… ‘I represent the PATH’ – Sundeesh Heer . ‘I like this Harvard place… reminds me of Leicester’ – Jarinpaul Tut. ‘DO YOU WANT SOME MONEY!’ – Samir Patel. ‘This is a question for uhhh… September intake’ & ‘I appreciate the feedback…’ - Dave Murray.

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James Powell

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…You’re drinking lite beer

Best Food Experience…The Boat House, Central Park

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By… Sheeps Meadow, Central Park

Biggest Achievement of the Year…Achieving ‘Outstanding’ in my performance evaluation

New York’s Best Kept Secret.…Charles’ Fried Chicken Shop in Harlem (155th)

Favourite New York Moment…Watching my first live Yankees game What You’ll Miss The Most…Watching the NFL in Hoboken on Sundays

Sponsor Company Deutsche Bank Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

2nd July 1990 Home Town Handforth, Cheshire Nicknames Jimbo

Class of 2011/12

Most Embarrassing Moment…A New York Giants fan smashing my pitcher of beer out of my hands and over a bunch of girls after San Francisco scored their first Touchdown in the NFL NFC Conference Final

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Daniel Power Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By…

Outside UBS 1285 51st Avenue of Americas!!!

New York’s Best Kept Secret…The hidden unused

6 train & The Whispering wall

What You’ll Miss The Most …The Beast Family

Favourite New York Moment…THERES A WIRE ON MY SHOE

Most Comical Moment… Sheema Patel on New Years Eve

What Was Your Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Don’t Get ill!!! Advice for the new intake…Work hard play hard (AND VISIT HARLEM)

Sponsor Company UBS Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

8th September

Home Town Liverpool Nicknames Danny Beast

Class of 2011/12

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…You buy

shoes from payless shoes / You take a tin of tuna AND the tin opener to work and open it in front of all the business people in the canteen!

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Frances Pritchard

You know you’re On Mountbatten When… When you decide having a phone is overrated

Best Food Experience…53rd and 6th street meat

Favorite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By…

Embarrassingly, probably Newport Beach

New York’s Best Kept Secret…Strawberry fields in Central Park

Favorite New York Moment…Ski bunnies take to the slopes of Hunter Mountain

Top Mountbatten Survival Tip…Use and abuse a promoter

Quote of the Year…Erm… ‘halo, I speak a very unusual dialectic of sweedish’

Sponsor Company Citi Private Bank Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

18th June 1988 Home Town Sweden Nicknames IKEA

Class of 2011/12

Final Words of Wisdom… Where ever you find yourself next, treat it with the same ticking time bomb that you treated NYC. Leave no rock unturned and seize every opportunity that falls your way.

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Class of 2012/13

Sam Roberts

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… You pay for a loaf of bread on your credit card.

Best Celebrity Spot...Jude Law and Pharrell Williams (not at the same time)

Best Food Experience...Dinner at 44 & X.

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Newport Beach

Biggest Achievement of the Year...Finishing my Stacks breakfast

New York’s Best Kept Secret...Free pizza with every drink at Crocodile Lounge.

What You’ll Miss The Most...My MB Family (and 3 Sheets, obvs!)

Favourite New York Moment…Lake Placid – Cabin of Dreams!

Quote of the Year…“I f*cking LOVE cheese” Adam Jaques “I probably know more about gangster rap that anyone else on this train” Robert-John Tasker - on a packed Path train at around midnight. He then failed to name 3 Snoop Dogg tracks!!

Sponsor Company Deutsche Bank Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 4th September 1985 Home Town Hemel Hempstead Nicknames Big-time, Cisco

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (93)

Joseph Russell

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…Its 5am and your waiting for the path with a dollar slice, and you are praying to do not get JSQ’d

Best Celebrity Spot…Kanye West and Kim Kardashian

Biggest Achievement of the Year…Not getting JSQ’d

New York’s Best Kept Secret…PRANNA

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By …Newport Marina

Best Food Experience…Two Bros Dollar Slice

Sponsor Company Deutsche Bank Personal Email [emailprotected]

Date of Birth

1st February1989 Home Town London Nicknames Joey Guns

Class of 2011/12

Favourite New York Moment ...Mass Rave in the middle of the street in MeatPacking at 3am. Quote of the Year …To Dare is to DO

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Chongtat Sam

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By…Williamsburg, Brooklyn & In front of Macy 32st.

Biggest Achievement of the Year …Survive a

year in British/American environment

New York’s Best Kept Secret…Place for $1

oyster, place for $8 a pitcher of draft Japanese


Favourite New York Moment…New Year

count down at Bryant Park

Best Celebrity Style Spot…Miami Nightclub

Sponsor Company Deutsche Bank Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 8th June 1984 Home Town Macau, China Nicknames Andy

Class of 2011/12

Your advice for the new intake…Pre-drinking before

going out, always.

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Davinder Sanghera

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…you knick loo roll, milk & tupperware from work or fill empty bottles with shampoo & conditioner at the gym

Best Food Experience…Buddakhan and Blue Ribbon

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By… sitting on the loo in the Standard Hotel

Achievement of the Year…Running the Brooklyn Marathon

New York’s Best Kept Secret…Lavo brunch!

Favourite New York Moment…Sunday Funday! Boozy brunching and rooftop pool partying.

Quote of the Year…”First World Problems”

Final Words of Wisdom...always carry a condom!

Sponsor Company UBS Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 10th January 1988 Home Town Heston Nicknames Dave

Class of 2011/12

What You’ll Miss The Most…random chats on the path with complete strangers, dollar pizza slices, my ears popping in the office building when heading to the 37th floor, walking through grand central every morning., boozy brunching and Sunday Fundays.

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Motunrayo Sanni

You know you’re On Mountbatten When… You give the waiter/waitress a $1 tip :s

Best Celebrity Spot... Jessica Alba, J Cole, Drake

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... The bench on 7th Avenue outside Agave

Biggest Achievement of the Year... Attending every Saturday School tuition, even on only 2 hrs sleep!

What You’ll Miss The Most...Watching Love and HipHop ATL with the girls

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment… Waking up with Red Velvet cake in my hair and all over the wall then hearing stories from the previous evening :/

Your advice for the new intake…Do everything and anything….don’t hold back and if an event is free, then make sure you’re there!

Sponsor Company Deutsche Bank Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 24th April 1989 Home Town South London Babbyyee Nicknames Motz, Sanni, Moozie, Monica

Class of 2011/12

Quote of the Year… “YOLO” “She’s shaking the table” “The next path is in 5 mins…RUN!” “Y’all from England? Now that’s whatsup”

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Jinal Shah

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…You tell people you live in New York and not Newport

Best Food Experience…Grimaldis Pizza

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By… Times never gets old

Biggest Achievement of the Year…Climbing up 70 flights of stairs to the top of the Rockefeller

New York’s Best Kept Secret…5am Karaoke in K-Town What You’ll Miss The Most…Boozy Brunch Favourite New York Moment…Getting free Starbucks because of my accent

Sponsor Company UBS Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

19th April 1990 Home Town London

Class of 2011/12

Your advice for the new intake…NEVER get the ferry when your hanging…

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Class of 2011/12

Sairina Singh

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… Your CITI card gets rejected when trying to buy a $1 pint

Best Food Experience... Dollar Slice

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... The courtyard outside John Adams

Biggest Achievement of the Year... Using every possible mode of transport bar helicopter to get to work every day in Stamford.

What You’ll Miss The Most... Duane Reade

Favourite New York Moment… Racing to the top of the Rockefeller for the Multiple Scleorsis Foundation

Most Comical Moment… Playing ‘I have never’ on a bus to Atlantic City with a few MBs, few bottles of wine, no bottle opener, and a man with a mask on.

What Was Your Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Don’t fall asleep on the Path when you have had a few drinks.

Sponsor Company UBS Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

25th December 1987 Home Town Newbury Park, Ilford, Essex

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Class of 2012/13

Aney Soud You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…you only have $10 to your name for a week and still manage to go out

Best Food Experience…The burger joint at Le Meridian parker hotel

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By…the riverside in Newport

New York’s Best Kept Secret…Pain Killers for co*cktails in LES

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment…when I tripped and fell down the stairs at the Apple store in Grand Central What Was Your Top Mountbatten Survival Tip …Be good to people, they will be good to you!

Favourite New York Moment…When I went out to party for my birthday and unexpectedly got invited out to SL Lounge in Meatpacking where I got treated to unlimited champagne and when I asked for sparklers, I got sparklers, champagne and a birthday cake!

Sponsor Company UBS Personal Email [emailprotected] Home Town London

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Class of 2012/13

Pooja Suri Best Food Experience...Bohemian Japanese in Soho

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Central Park

Biggest Achievement of the Year…Successfully being President of the Entrepreneur Club

What You’ll Miss The Most…Friends and amazing food

Favourite New York Moment…when you walk back from work and its really late, but realize how lucky you are to be in the most amazing city

Most Embarrassing Moment…Running to the Path station and fall flat on my face and my skirt ripped and it was only 6am!

Your advice for the new intake…Work hard, play harder!

What Was Your Top Mountbatten Survival Tip…Just think how many people would die to be in your shoes

Final Words of Wisdom...Never forget who you are and the reason you came to NY in the first place

Sponsor Company UBS Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

3rd August 1989 Home Town London

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Raj Thind You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… You’re counting your change to pay for food.

Best Food Experience…Dollar slice after a night out – cannot beat it!

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By… Outdoor seating area in Boca

Achievement of the Year… Not losing my wallet

What You’ll Miss The Most… The PATH train – absolutely loved that commute

What Was Your Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… For a cheap night out, have a couple four loko’s. Probably not healthy but will definitely save some money

Quote of the Year… “How are India getting on in the Euro’s?” – Vicky Poole

Sponsor Company UBS Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

23rd September 1986 Home Town Rochester

Class of 2011/12

Your advice for the new intake…Work out early on how to get the PATH train from 14th/23rd street station after a night out. Still a mystery to me.

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Emily Tullett

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…You start questioning whether to call Alcoholics Anonymous Best Celebrity Spot... Some geezer from Gossip Girl Best Food Experience... Mussels from HK and Macchiato Cookie’s Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By... Standard Rooftop What You’ll Miss The Most…Team D Favourite New York Moment… Cabin, Webster Hall, Carrie’s Doorstep, Brooklyn Bridge Most Comical Moment… Meat juice spillage pre-cabin trolley dash

Sponsor Company Citi Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

2nd February 1988 Home Town Bromley, Kent Nicknames Tully, Tullay

Quote of the Year…“Awkward” “Are you a professional dancer? Yeh… well watch this!”

Class of 2011/12

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William Vaughan

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When…You go to another city and bump into a Mountbatten

Best Celebrity Spot…Kim Kardashian

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By… New York Path stations at 3am

Biggest Achievement of the Year…Organizing New York’s largest veterans hiring fair and charity dinner

New York’s Best Kept Secret…The Cloisters (an annex of the Met Museum)

Favourite New York Moment…Catching the bridal garter (apparently it is the male equivalent of throwing the bouquet at some American weddings) at a colleagues wedding

Most Embarrassing/Comical Moment…See above

Sponsor Company Deutsche Bank Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 1st October 1987 Home Town London Nicknames “Wild Thing” Vaughan

Class of 2011/12

Quote of the Year…(Without trying to be funny…) “Can we do a trade in the UK on 4th July? Do you guys celebrate it over there?”

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Ward Viaene

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By… Any spot in Brooklyn where you can see the Manhattan skyline

Biggest Achievement of the Year… Living on less than a $1000 and still be able to do so many things

New York’s Best Kept Secret.…The NYC Meet-up groups

What You’ll Miss The Most …The fact that every night out can be full of surprises and can turn into something amazing

What Was Your Top Mountbatten Survival Tip… Always walk instead of taking taxi/subway and you’ll save a few dollars that you’ll definitely need the last week before payday

Sponsor Company JPMorgan Chase & Co Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth 20th July 1985 Home Town Leuven, Belgium Nicknames Wardy, Viviane

Final Words of Wisdom…You don’t need a lot of money in NYC to be able to enjoy yourself

Class of 2011/12

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Eilidh Whyte

You Know You’re On Mountbatten When… You have a pillow fight with strangers just because it’s New York

Best Celebrity Spot…Snoop Dog

Best Food Experience…Gramercy Tavern

Favourite Spot to Sit & Watch The World Go By… Any bench in a quiet part of central park

Favourite New York Moment…Being kissed at the top of the empire state building Most Embarrassing Moment…admitting the last answer

New York’s Best Kept Secret…A section of the Berlin wall sitting quietly between two buildings in Midtown

Sponsor Company GACE consulting Personal Email [emailprotected] Date of Birth

29th January 1988 Home Town Aberdeen Nicknames Eils

Class of 2011/12

Quote of the Year… “gud fud” Your advice for the new intake…Don’t leave all the items on

your bucket list to the final 6 months

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Not Forgetting:

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Leaving Speech Delivered by David Murray and Vicky Poole

August 9th, 2012

Looking around the room I see many of you hail from large, powerful nations, previous Empires or current Empires; depending on Robert John’s latest Facebook update on the Euro-Zone Crisis, full of history, pride and global dominance. Thus, standing here, it makes me wonder why I, one of only three Australians on this intake, was elected to impart ‘wisdom’ on you all. I can only warn you that this may have been a very bad idea. With that in mind, I say to you; sit back, relax, however don’t get too comfortable – this speech may be for you, but it’s also about you. WELCOME - DAVID First, I would like to welcome Dr Paul Beresford-Hill, distinguished guests, faculty and graduates. From this, and to the September intake, congratulations on your graduation and completion of your year in New York. To the MBA’s good luck for your future endeavors in Thailand. Having shared this year with you all, I am proud to say I was on a program full of hard-working and talented individuals who when fused together as an intake, formed a very powerful group of people. It was also this group of people who managed to juggle three occupations at the same time; at their sponsor company; as fans of New York City touting its greatness to our friends back home on Facebook with all the hash tags under the sun as to why we had it so much better than them; and finally not only as Ambassadors from our country but as real New Yorkers, living the Sex and the City or Mad Men lifestyle. Guys, I really don’t know how we made it this far, or more importantly how we are going to make it back to reality. WELCOME - VICTORIA So here we all are gathered together for the first time since orientation, for what seemed like only yesterday. Our first days delayed by hurricane Irene which is ironic as this whole year has been a whirlwind of emotion. Some people, mainly the southern hemisphere folk, had to endure the Amazing Race to arrive in New York after making many stop offs throughout America. Back then we were all fresh-faced, full of energy and a lot of us, a stone lighter. Sadly nearly a year has passed and the fast paced lifestyle of the city, the New York nightlife and dollar slice are finally catching up on us but I can honestly say it has been one of the best years of our lives so far, and undoubtedly can speak for the majority of you when saying this. EARLY DAYS - VICTORIA We all started off in the Wolcott, where the seeds of our friendship groups were sewn and loud personalities started to shine. You had the ‘party of the year’ in room 824, where even if you didn’t want to get photographed, you couldn’t escape the wrath of Brett’s camera. And then the Alpha males of the pack – your Alex Battles and Mike Lindleys, who were not only eyeing themselves up in the lobby mirrors, but the rest of the intake for the year to come. During the evening, Legends, Brother Jimmys, Off the Wagon, Grove 49 and the Standard Beer Garden, were just a few of the places we all got to know and love whilst at the Wolcott. But little did we know that we had just embarked on a can of worms that was New York lifestyle and what a year we were all in for. During the day, we pulled out the tourists maps, and explored the city. Eventually, we were confident enough to stray away from 5th Ave and started to discover hidden gems of New York City. Lower East, Greenwich Village and Meatpacking were places that were soon to become part of our lives as well as being permanent reminders on our bank statements as to why we were so poor.

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INTEGRATION INTO NEWPORT - VICTORIA We soon found ourselves in the New Jersey or Harlem zipcode, greeted from the bus by our RA’s who for most were soon to become our mother and father figures and with our roommates, we had our family in New York. Luck of the draw determined our view from our apartment. Some of us woke up to the Hudson River; a million dollar views of the city while others gazed over the parking lot of Target and Staples. Like first year university, each of us sort to define ourselves; whether it be the first to find the hottest parts of Manhattan, hosting flat parties, or creating a name for ourselves in Hoboken. With Manhattan just a stone through away but a lengthy wait on the PATH after 10pm, Hoboken, especially Bahama Mamas and Room 804 soon became a favourite with our intake. SPONSOR COMPANY - DAVID Balancing our new found love for our fast-paced lifestyles, we were soon introduced to the 9-5 rat race across the Hudson and through Manhattan. Before I continue, I thought to hit some numbers. One thousand, nine hundred and sixty-eight. This is the amount of hours the average person in this room spent at their sponsor company over the course of the year. Two hundred and forty-three. The number of hours we each spent on the PATH or 6 train. To the troopers in the room, no this does not take into account the time you spend getting J-Squared. However, by the looks of the ‘unofficial’ Mountbatten awards I’m certain this is not the last we will hear of your accomplishments. All jokes aside, these numbers leave me to point out one thing. We have all given a big commitment to our job, our career and undoubtedly our future. I know many of you who have worked against the odds, immersed yourselves in daunting and challenging situations; and achieved some key milestones. In finding an apt quote for our intake I searched online for words of wisdom, and after landing on Einstein scrolled down to the more unorthodox – Eminem. I admit, I’m not the biggest fan, however I thought the following lyrics encaptured our professional life in New York; “If you had one shot, one opportunity to seize everything you wanted in one moment, would you capture it or let it slip”. I’m confident that above and beyond we all seized the moment; especially when it counted. THINGS WE EXPERIENCED THAT OTHER INTAKES DID NOT EXPERIENCE - VICTORIA During our time in New York, we have got to see lots of things that other intakes haven’t been so fortunate; the 10th anniversary of 9/11, the Giants winning the Super Bowl, Linsanity and Occupy Wall Street - to name a few. Then there are events that take place throughout the year that we appreciate being in the New York for – Halloween, Diwali, Thanks Giving, Hanukkah, Christmas and New Years, St.Patricks day, and 4th July. These are cultural exposures in themselves and given they were celebrated in the US; it made the celebration even more remarkable. TRAVEL - VICTORIA From running the steps in Philidelphia, posing by the White House in Washington DC, gambling in Atlantic City, and dealing with leaking ceilings in sub-zero temperatures in Lake Placid, these are just some of the places our Mountbatten wage has taken us. And with that we have taken the opportunity to visit as many places as possible, with as little as possible. But whilst there are success stories, some of us have also felt the heartbreak of waking up on a Saturday morning, realizing we have spent $200 of our wage in Pacha, paid for a limo or gypsy cab back to Newport, or making it rain in Turtle Bay, resulting in our ‘rich week’ turning very quickly into ‘poor week’. Four Locco, dollar slice, Overtime and Targets own cereal are how the majority of us have survived mountbatten and will be sure to pass on our survival tips to the next September intake.

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NEW YORK - DAVID After those sitting around you, I’m confident it is the city that surrounds us that we will miss next. Whether it is the morning walks pass the ever growing Freedom Tower or through the hustle and bustle of Times Square, to strolling through the countless museums and galleries, and marveling at Liberty as she watched over us, New York was a home away from home and has become part of us all. For the 1% it was the class and sheen of corporate lifestyle and fine dining that was the norm, for the other 99% it was about making that last $20 stretch. Vanessa’s Dumplings, Two Bro’s, streetmeat and the ever reliable Papa John’s became the staple diet of many. Nonetheless, it is safe to say that we all took advantage of the countless free offerings throughout the city. Days relaxing in Sheep’s Meadow, exploring the neighborhoods of Brooklyn, escapes to Far Rockaway beach and summertime outdoor movie screenings. We also gave back. Many of you repayed the city for its wonder by volunteering for worthwhile causes and reaching out to those less fortunate. New York gave each of us a different experience. It has been a roller coaster of emotions, with us all having experienced our ‘I heart NY moments’ – and sometimes, the excitement of the city is just too much to keep to ourselves. Without a doubt, some of the best moments were caught on your Facebook and blogs. Tom Mulready: The Empire State looked majestic on the walk to my train. A great building that I walk past twice every day, and probably do not appreciate enough. Days like this make you feel lucky. Elly Lacey: Without meaning to get too sentimental, the hours I've spent volunteering this year have, without a doubt, changed and bettered me...and I'm so grateful. Andy Sam, on Wall Street: Two weeks. I know I’m going to miss this place. Throughout the year, I came here everyday. Now I’m about to say goodbye. And finally, Michelle Jones: America, you blow my mind. Happy Independence Day! BRUNCH - VICTORIA Yotel, Agarve, Sun Burnt Cow and PS450, besides writing off our weekends, brunch has played an integral role in building stamina, social skills and our knowledge of Journal Square. From Christmas/Easter bonanza’s, meatball roulette, dancing on tables and collapsing them (Ruari Sinclair), to accidently setting fire to menus, brunch has shown time and time again how a group of young professionals can leave a restaurant late afternoon, end up disorientated and in different parts of the city early evening (notably 3 Sheets) and tucked up in bed by 9pm on Saturday. SPORTS - VICTORIA Whilst in New York, many of us have become new found sports fans. I would say the majority are now fully-fledged New Jersey Nets fans but if it wasn’t for the $3 tickets then I’m sure the New York Knicks would’ve gotten our full attention. It was the Yankees baseball team, travelling to see Yale v Harvard, watching our favorite American football teams week in week out, and playing on the New York Giants stadium as the Mountbatten Mountain Goats that made us feel like real Americans. Also, some of us have literally put our body on the line for Mountbatten. Drew Leitch, after putting points on the board for the Mountbatten Baron’s Rugby team, suffered a broken shoulder and travelled back to the UK for an operation. Needless to say after doubts of his return, we were glad to have him back with us in New York – good form Drewball.

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PROGRAM - DAVID Mountbatten, according to its website, fosters international and cross cultural understanding as well as providing opportunities for personal growth and professional development. I want each of you to look at those in the room this evening. Who would have imagined that 12 months ago you would now have developed such deep friendships with nationals from South Africa, China, India, Portugal, Finland, Wales, Scotland and more – Ireland; are you still in the room? Stay with us, there is an open bar after this. But this epitomizes the scope and power of Mountbatten, we have just shared one of the most monumental years of our lives with people spawning across the globe, a connection of different backgrounds, social classes and religions, played against the backdrop of New York City. I do hope we all stay in touch. Over time, we have come to know each other – some more than others, but for every year that passes, it’s a safe bet that Ritul will be there with birthday cake in hand. It’s also a safe bet that everyone here has endured a sense of personal growth – if only slightly; Paul Ernoult it’s time we all took a look at your birth certificate. However the flipside is that if not now, we are most likely to see the scope of this growth once we step off our flights and return home. I’m certain you all have amazing stories whereby you stretched yourself to reach great heights, overcome failures and ultimately excelled. We should take pride in the fact that we have made the incredible achievement of being successful young professionals in the financial centre of the world. Although we arrived in New York as trainees, we will all leave as professionals in our respective fields, 150% more marketable to new employers and as Frank Sinatra pointed out; king of the hill and top of the heap. I wish you all the best of luck in the next stage of your careers. ACADEMIC - VICTORIA So as we gather here today- Newport Residents, Harlem Residents and our beloved Mountbatten Staff, I know what you are all asking yourselves…besides our obvious love for New York, the website Overtime and the need to try and take as many impressive photos of ourselves across the city for our facebook profiles pics (unless your Stephen Dilley of course) how are we all truly connected?? Is it our love for the PATH or the 6 line? Is it through the ‘Ice’ game in Atlantic city? Or is it that missing piece of our hearts that left us the day Tim Schantz did? No, its those 3 little letters MBA & PGC. Whether you had Dimitra, Rick, Michael, Corbin Wong, Charles etc, as much as that hour and a half a week seemed like a huge inconvenience to us, I know that a part of us will miss getting together as a class every week, catching up with people who you haven’t bumped into on the Mountbatten circuit for a while or hearing Joe Russell arguing his point, even if sometimes, only sometimes, he may be wrong. So I would like to congratulate you all. The academic side of mountbatten has cost us many sleepless nights, a lot of stress and many weekends locked in our rooms slaving over our laptops. Now you can all let out a sigh of relieve and knock that weight off your shoulders. We are all proud owners of our completion certificates and we wish every success to the MBA Mountbattens who are about to embark on their dissertation, as well as another continent. I would like to give a special thanks to the Mountbatten staff. Without their help, the majority of us would not be here today. So from all of us from the August 2012 intake would like to thank you all, for all of your hard work over the last 12 months.

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Leaving Speech PAGE 5

PROGRAM - DAVID Mountbatten, according to its website, fosters international and cross cultural understanding as well as providing opportunities for personal growth and professional development. I want each of you to look at those in the room this evening. Who would have imagined that 12 months ago you would now have developed such deep friendships with nationals from South Africa, China, India, Portugal, Finland, Wales, Scotland and more – Ireland; are you still in the room? Stay with us, there is an open bar after this. But this epitomizes the scope and power of Mountbatten, we have just shared one of the most monumental years of our lives with people spawning across the globe, a connection of different backgrounds, social classes and religions, played against the backdrop of New York City. I do hope we all stay in touch. Over time, we have come to know each other – some more than others, but for every year that passes, it’s a safe bet that Ritul will be there with birthday cake in hand. It’s also a safe bet that everyone here has endured a sense of personal growth – if only slightly; Paul Ernoult it’s time we all took a look at your birth certificate. However the flipside is that if not now, we are most likely to see the scope of this growth once we step off our flights and return home. I’m certain you all have amazing stories whereby you stretched yourself to reach great heights, overcome failures and ultimately excelled. We should take pride in the fact that we have made the incredible achievement of being successful young professionals in the financial centre of the world. Although we arrived in New York as trainees, we will all leave as professionals in our respective fields, 150% more marketable to new employers and as Frank Sinatra pointed out; king of the hill and top of the heap. I wish you all the best of luck in the next stage of your careers. ACADEMIC - VICTORIA So as we gather here today- Newport Residents, Harlem Residents and our beloved Mountbatten Staff, I know what you are all asking yourselves…besides our obvious love for New York, the website Overtime and the need to try and take as many impressive photos of ourselves across the city for our facebook profiles pics (unless your Stephen Dilley of course) how are we all truly connected?? Is it our love for the PATH or the 6 line? Is it through the ‘Ice’ game in Atlantic city? Or is it that missing piece of our hearts that left us the day Tim Schantz did? No, its those 3 little letters MBA & PGC. Whether you had Dimitra, Rick, Michael, Corbin Wong, Charles etc, as much as that hour and a half a week seemed like a huge inconvenience to us, I know that a part of us will miss getting together as a class every week, catching up with people who you haven’t bumped into on the Mountbatten circuit for a while or hearing Joe Russell arguing his point, even if sometimes, only sometimes, he may be wrong. So I would like to congratulate you all. The academic side of mountbatten has cost us many sleepless nights, a lot of stress and many weekends locked in our rooms slaving over our laptops. Now you can all let out a sigh of relieve and knock that weight off your shoulders. We are all proud owners of our completion certificates and we wish every success to the MBA Mountbattens who are about to embark on their dissertation, as well as another continent. I would like to give a special thanks to the Mountbatten staff. Without their help, the majority of us would not be here today. So from all of us from the August 2012 intake would like to thank you all, for all of your hard work over the last 12 months.

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This year has seen us all grow as individuals and most importantly, together. With our friends who have turned into family – such as the ‘Wolfpack’, the ‘Mountbatten family’, ‘Lads on Tour’, Team D and the Culture Vultures to name a few, as we all part our separate ways whether off on our travels or back home to jobs, we can all take away with us that this year, we have accomplished more than we could have ever possibly imagined. Everybody here has enriched each others lives in one way or another and the people around you and beside you have been the main reason that, not my year, or your year, but OUR year, has been so good. So as both myself and Dave conclude and thank you all for your time this evening, I’d like to leave you with something to think about…

Lets not count our last days, but lets make our last days count.

Thank you.

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And a few snapshots of the year...

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And a few snapshots of the year...

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And a few snapshots of the year...

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Mountbatten Official Awards Awarded

August 9th, 2012

Service Award for Mountbatten Programme Participation For outstanding leadership and dedication to the ideals of the Mountbatten Institute


Bob Johnson Memorial Award for Personal Growth For exceptional personal growth over the Mountbatten year


Director General’s Award for Academic Achievement For outstanding academic achievement whilst balancing work and school


Board of Director’s Award for Workplace Achievement For outstanding achievement and dedication in the workplace


Lady Patricia Mountbatten Award for Community Service For outstanding service and commitment to the New York community


Earl Mountbatten of Burma Award for Global Vision For making an exceptional contribution to the Mountbatten Institute on a cultural

and global level


William S. Ball Award for Entrepreneurship For outstanding demonstration of the ability to think and focus on business as an




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Mountbatten Unofficial Awards Awarded

August 17th, 2012

Most Likely to Appear on Jersey Shore Adele Brown

Runners Up: Katy Hanby and Misha Gondhia

Most likely to Stay in the USA Joe Bennis

Runners Up: Ellen Keenan-O’Malley and Claire Higgins

Most Embarrassing Peter Shiells

Runner Up: Paul Ernoult

Biggest Drunken Liability Adele Brown

Runners Up: Ruari Sinclair and Shella Palmer

Most Memorable Laugh Sun HK

Runners Up: Lily Evans and David Murray

Biggest Gossip James Emmanuel

Runner Up: Katy Hanby

Least Likely to be Seen in Class Andrew Massie

Runner Up: Paul Ernoult

Best Dressed Tino

Runners Up: Ruari Sinclair and Claire Higgins

Mr Mountbatten Tom Mulready

Runner Up: Stephen Dilley

Miss Mountbatten Vicky Poole

Runner Up: Tamryn Curtis

Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (118)

“I don't want to repeat my innocence. I want the pleasure of losing it again.” F. Scott Fitzgerald, This Side of Paradise

“Sometimes things become possible if we want them bad enough.”

T.S. Eliot

“What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s already gone forever, impossible to reproduce.” Karl Lagerfeld

“Memory is the diary we all carry about with us.”

Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being


“Dream as if you have forever. Live as if you only have today.” James Dean

“If I can make it there I'll make it anywhere

It's up to you New York, New York”

Frank Sinatra, New York


Mountbatten August 2011/12 Yearbook - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.