Bibliography: Women and Terrorism (2024)


Bibliography: Women and Terrorism Compiled and selected by Judith Tinnes [Bibliographic Series of Perspectives on Terrorism – BSPT-JT-2020-4] Abstract This bibliography contains journal articles, book chapters, books, edited volumes, theses, grey literature, bibliogra- phies and other resources on women and terrorism. It covers women’s involvement in terrorism (as perpetrators / supporters) and counter-terrorism, as well as their victimization. The bibliography focuses on recent publications (up to March 2020) and should not be considered as exhaustive. The literature has been retrieved by manually browsing more than 200 core and periphery sources in the field of Terrorism Studies. Additionally, full-text and reference retrieval systems have been employed to broaden the search. Keywords: bibliography, resources, literature, women, females, gender, role, terrorism NB: All websites were last visited on 02.04.2020. - See also Note for the Reader at the end of this literature list.

Bibliographies and other Resources Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) (2018): Women’s Roles in Peace Processes. [Data and In-Depth Profiles of Major Peace Processes from 1990 to Present]. URL: tion-in-peace-processes/explore-the-data Gentry, Caron (2017, August): Gender and Terrorism. Oxford Bibliographies Online. DOI: https://doi. org/10.1093/obo/9780199743292-0220 NATO Multimedia Library (2019, September): Women, Peace and Security. (Thematic Bibliography No. 5/19). URL: One Earth Future (OEF), Our Secure Future (OSF) program (2019): Just the Facts: A Selected Annotated Bibli- ography to Support Evidence-Based Policymaking on Women, Peace and Security. URL: https://oneearthfuture. org/news/just-facts-women-peace-and-security

Books and Edited Volumes Abraham, Rachel (2016): Women and Jihad: Debating Palestinian Female Suicide Bombings in the American, Israeli and Arab Media. Jerusalem: Gefen Publishing House. Abu Rumman, Mohammad; Abu Hanieh, Hassan (2017): Infatuated with Martyrdom: Female Jihadism from Al-Qaeda to the “Islamic State”. (Banan Malkawi, Trans.). [e-Book]. Amman: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Jordan & Iraq. URL: Alabed, Bana (2017): Dear World: A Syrian Girl’s Story of War and Plea for Peace. New York: Simon & Schuster. Alison, Miranda H. (2009): Women and Political Violence: Female Combatants in Ethno-National Conflict. (Contemporary Security Studies). Abingdon: Routledge. Argenti-Pillen, Alex (2003): Masking Terror: How Women Contain Violence in Southern Sri Lanka. (Ethnogra- phy of Political Violence). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Aroussi, Sahla (Ed.) (2017): Rethinking National Action Plans on Women, Peace and Security. (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series – E: Human and Societal Dynamics, Vol. 135). Amsterdam: IOS Press. Auga, Ulrike; von Braun, Christina (Eds.) (2006): Gender in Conflicts: Palestine – Israel – Germany. (Berliner

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Gender Studies). Berlin: LIT Verlag. Avraham, Rachel (2016): Women and Jihad: Debating Palestinian Female Suicide Bombings in the American, Israeli and Arab Media. Jerusalem: Gefen Publishing. Bennoune, Karima (2013): Your Fatwa does not Apply here: Untold Stories from the Fight against Muslim Fun- damentalism. New York: W. W. Norton. Berko, Anat (2007): The Path to Paradise: The Inner World of Suicide Bombers and their Dispatchers. (Elizabeth Yuval, Trans.). Westport: Praeger Security International. Berko, Anat (2012): The Smarter Bomb: Women and Children as Suicide Bombers. Lanham: Rowman & Little- field. Berry, Marie E. (2018): War, Women, and Power: From Violence to Mobilization in Rwanda and Bosnia-Herze- govina. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. DOI: Bielby, Clare (2012): Violent Women in Print: Representations in the West German Print Media of the 1960s and 1970s. Rochester: Camden House. Billaud, Julie (2015): Kabul Carnival: Gender Politics in Postwar Afghanistan. (The Ethnography of Political Violence). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Bloom, Mia (2011): Bombshell: Women and Terrorism. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Brown, Katherine E. (in press): Gender, Religion, Extremism: Finding Women in Anti-Radicalization. (Oxford Studies in Gender and International Relations). New York: Oxford University Press. Caldwell, Ryan Ashley (2016): Fallgirls: Gender and the Framing of Torture at Abu Ghraib. (Classical and Con- temporary Social Theory). Abingdon: Routledge. (Original work published 2012) Chandler, Robin M.; Wang, Lihua; Fuller, Linda K.; (Eds.) (2010): Women, War, and Violence: Person- al Perspectives and Global Activism. New York: Palgrave Macmillan / Springer Nature. DOI: https://doi. org/10.1057/9780230111974 Clark, Lindsay C. (2019): Gender and Drone Warfare: A Hauntological Perspective. (Routledge Studies in Gen- der and Security). Abingdon: Routledge. Cohn, Carol (Ed.) (2013): Women and Wars. Cambridge: Polity Press. Colvin, Sarah (2009): Ulrike Meinhof and West German Terrorism: Language, Violence, and Identity. (Studies in German Literature, Linguistics, and Culture). Rochester: Camden House. Cook, Joana (2020): A Woman’s Place: U.S. Counterterrorism since 9/11. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Cragin, R. Kim; Daly, Sara A. (2009): Women as Terrorists: Mothers, Recruiters, and Martyrs. Santa Barbara: Praeger Security International. Davis, Jessica (2017): Women in Modern Terrorism: From Liberation Wars to Global Jihad and the Islamic State. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. Deb, Basuli (2015): Transnational Feminist Perspectives on Terror in Literature and Culture. (Routledge Inter- disciplinary Perspectives on Literature, Vol. 36). Abingdon: Routledge. Delphy, Christine (2015): Separate and Dominate: Feminism and Racism after the War on Terror. (David Broder, Trans.). London: Verso. Desbois, Patrick; Nastasie, Costel (2018): The Terrorist Factory: ISIS, The Yazidi Genocide, and Exporting Terror. (Shelley Temchin, Trans.). New York: Arcade Publishing.

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Dyvik, Synne L. (2016): Gendering Counterinsurgency: Performativity, Embodiment and Experience in the Af- ghan “Theatre of War”. (War, Politics and Experience). Abingdon: Routledge. Eager, Paige Whaley (2016): From Freedom Fighters to Terrorists: Women and Political Violence. Abingdon: Routledge. (Original work published 2008) Eichler, Maya (Ed.) (2015): Gender and Private Security in Global Politics. (Oxford Studies in Gender and In- ternational Relations). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Eifler, Christine; Seifert, Ruth (Eds.) (2009): Gender Dynamics and Post-Conflict Reconstruction. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. Eltantawy, Nahed (Ed.) (2016): Women and Media in the Middle East: From Veiling to Blogging. Abingdon: Routledge. England, Sarah (2018): Writing Terror on the Bodies of Women: Media Coverage of Violence against Women in Guatemala. Lanham: Lexington Books. Fink, Naureen Chowdhury; Zeiger, Sara; Bhulai, Rafia (Eds.) (2016, April):A Man’s World? Exploring the Roles of Women in Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism. [e-Book]. Abu Dhabi / New York: Hedayah / Glob- al Center on Cooperative Security. URL: ing-the-roles-of-women-in-countering-terrorism-and-violent-extremism Frerks, Georg; Ypeij, Annelou; König, Reinhilde Sotiria (Eds.) (2016): Gender and Conflict: Embodiments, Dis- courses and Symbolic Practices. (Gender in a Global/Local World). Abingdon: Routledge. (Original work pub- lished 2014) Gacemi, Baya (2006): I, Nadia, Wife of a Terrorist. (Paul Côté; Constantina Mitchell, Trans.). (France Overseas: Studies in Empire and Decolonization). Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. Gentry, Caron E.; Shepherd, Laura J.; Sjoberg, Laura (Eds.) (2018): Routledge Handbook of Gender and Security. (Routledge Handbooks). Abingdon: Routledge. Gilmartin, Niall (2018): Female Combatants after Armed Struggle: Lost in Transition? (Routledge Studies in Gender and Global Politics). Abingdon: Routledge. Glynn, Ruth (2013): Women, Terrorism, and Trauma in Italian Culture. (Italian and Italian American Studies). New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Gonzalez-Perez, Margaret (2008): Women and Terrorism: Female Activity in Domestic and International Terror Groups. (Contemporary Terrorism Studies). Abingdon: Routledge. Groen, Janny; Kranenberg, Annieke (2010): Women Warriors for Allah: An Islamist Network in the Netherlands. (Robert Naborn, Trans.). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Habila, Helon (2016): The Chibok Girls: The Boko Haram Kidnappings and Islamist Militancy in Nigeria.New York: Columbia Global Reports. Henshaw, Alexis Leanna (2019): Why Women Rebel: Understanding Women’s Participation in Armed Rebel Groups. Abingdon: Routledge. Herath, Tamara (2012): Women in Terrorism: Case of the LTTE. New Delhi: SAGE Publications India. Holt, Maria; Jawad, Haifaa (2013): Women, Islam, and Resistance in the Arab World. Boulder: Lynne Rienner. Hussein, Shakira (2016): From Victims to Suspects: Muslim Women since 9/11. Sydney: NewSouth Publishing. Inge, Anabel (2017): The Making of a Salafi Muslim Woman: Paths to Conversion. New York: Oxford University Press.

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Irving, Sarah (2012): Leila Khaled: Icon of Palestinian Liberation. (Revolutionary Lives). London: Pluto Press. Jacobson, David (2013): Of Virgins and Martyrs: Women and Sexuality in Global Conflict. (Themes in Global Social Change). Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. Kaliszewska, Iwona; Falkowski, Maciej (2016): Veiled and Unveiled in Chechnya and Daghestan. London: Hurst. Karcher, Katharina (2017): Sisters in Arms: Militant Feminisms in the Federal Republic of Germany since 1968. (Monographs in German History, Vol. 38). New York: Berghahn Books. Khalaf, Farida; with Andrea C. Hoffmann (2016):The Girl Who Escaped ISIS: Farida’s Story. (Jamie Bulloch, Trans.). London: Square Peg. Khalid, Maryam (2017): Gender, Orientalism, and the “War on Terror”: Representation, Discourse, and Interven- tion in Global Politics. (Postcolonial Politics). Abingdon: Routledge. Kurdi, Tima (2018): The Boy on the Beach: My Family’s Escape from Syria and our Hope for a New Home. New York: Simon & Schuster. Lehto-Bleckert, Katriina (2010): Ulrike Meinhof 1934-1976: Ihr Weg zur Terroristin. (Geschichtswissenschaft, Vol. 12). Marburg: Tectum. Malvern, Sue; Koureas, Gabriel (Eds.) (2014): Terrorist Transgressions: Gender and the Visual Culture of the Terrorist. (International Library of Cultural Studies, Vol. 37). New York: I.B. Tauris. Massoumi, Narzanin (2015): Muslim Women, Social Movements and the “War on Terror”. (Palgrave Politics of Identity & Citizenship Series). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Matfess, Hilary (2017): Women and the War on Boko Haram: Wives, Weapons, Witnesses. (African Arguments). London: Zed Books. Meger, Sara (2016): Rape Loot Pillage: The Political Economy of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict. (Oxford Studies in Gender and International Relations). New York: Oxford University Press. Mekhennet, Souad (2017): I Was Told to Come Alone: My Journey behind the Lines of Jihad. New York: Henry Holt and Company. Melzer, Patricia (2015): Death in the Shape of a Young Girl: Women’s Political Violence in the Red Army Faction. (Gender and Political Violence series). New York: New York University Press. Mikhail, Dunya (2019): The Beekeeper of Sinjar: Rescuing the Stolen Women of Iraq. (Dunya Mikhail; Max Weiss, Trans.). New York: New Directions. Moaveni, Azadeh (2019): Guest House for Young Widows: Among the Women of ISIS. New York: Random House. Murad, Nadia (2017): The Last Girl: My Story of Captivity, and my Fight against the Islamic State. New York: Tim Duggan Books. Murphy, Paul J. (2010): Allah’s Angels: Chechen Women in War. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press. Narozhna, Tanya; Knight, W. Andy (2016): Female Suicide Bombings: A Critical Gender Approach. London: University of Toronto Press. Neighbour, Sally (2009): The Mother of Mohammed: An Australian Woman’s Extraordinary Journey into Jihad. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press. Ness, Cindy D. (Ed.) (2008): Female Terrorism and Militancy: Agency, Utility, and Organization. (Contempo- rary Terrorism Studies). Abingdon: Routledge.

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Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Transnational Threats Department (TNTD), Action against Terrorism Unit (ATU) (2019, May): Understanding the Role of Gender in Preventing and Coun- tering Violent Extremism and Radicalization that Lead to Terrorism: Good Practices for Law Enforcement. [e-Book]. Vienna: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). URL: https://www.osce. org/secretariat/420563 Ortbals, Candice D.; Poloni-Staudinger, Lori (2018): Gender and Political Violence: Women Changing the Pol- itics of Terrorism. Cham: Springer International Publishing. DOI: Otten, Cathy (2017): With Ash on their Faces: Yezidi Women and the Islamic State. New York: OR Books. Palani, Joanna; with Lara Whyte (2019): Freedom Fighter: My War against ISIS on the Front Lines of Syria. Lon- don: Atlantic Books. Passmore, Leith (2011): Ulrike Meinhof and the Red Army Faction: Performing Terrorism. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Pearson, Elizabeth; Winterbotham, Emily; Brown, Katherine E. (in press): Countering Violent Extremism: Mak- ing Gender Matter. (Rethinking Political Violence). Palgrave Macmillan. Peet, Jessica L.; Sjoberg, Laura (2019): Gender and Civilian Victimization in War. (Routledge Studies in Gender and Security). Abingdon: Routledge. Perera, Suvendrini; Razack, Sherene H. (Eds.) (2014): At the Limits of Justice: Women of Colour on Terror. To- ronto: University of Toronto Press. Poloni-Staudinger, Lori; Ortbals, Candice D. (2013): Terrorism and Violent Conflict: Women’s Agency, Leader- ship, and Responses. (SpringerBriefs in Political Science). New York: Springer. Qazi, Farhana (2018): Invisible Martyrs: Inside the Secret World of Female Islamic Radicals. Oakland: Ber- ret-Koehler Publishers. Quin, Mary (2005): Kidnapped in Yemen: One Woman’s Amazing Escape from Captivity. Guilford: Lyons Press. Rajan, V. G. Julie (2011): Women Suicide Bombers: Narratives of Violence. (Critical Terrorism Studies). Abing- don: Routledge. Rinehart, Christine Sixta (2019): Sexual Jihad: The Role of Islam in Female Terrorism. Lanham: Lexington Books. Rosenau, William (2019): Tonight We Bombed the U.S. Capitol: The Explosive Story of M19, America’s First Fe- male Terrorist Group. New York: Simon & Schuster. Satterthwaite, Margaret L.; Huckerby, Jayne C. (2014): Gender, National Security, and Counter-Terrorism: Hu- man Rights Perspectives. (Routledge Research in Terrorism and the Law). Abingdon: Routledge. Schweitzer, Yoram (Ed.) (2006, August): Female Suicide Bombers: Dying for Equality? Tel Aviv-Yafo: Institute for National Security Studies. URL: Scribner, Charity (2015): After the Red Army Faction: Gender, Culture, and Militancy. New York: Columbia University Press. Shekhawat, Seema (2014): Gender, Conflict and Peace in Kashmir: Invisible Stakeholders. Delhi: Cambridge University Press. DOI: Shirazi, Faegheh (Ed.) (2010): Muslim Women in War and Crisis: Representation and Reality. Austin: University of Texas Press. Sjoberg, Laura (2014): Gender, War, and Conflict. Cambridge: Polity Press. Sjoberg, Laura; Gentry, Caron E. (2007): Mothers, Monsters, whor*s: Women’s Violence in Global Politics. New

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York: Zed Books. Sjoberg, Laura; Gentry, Caron E. (Eds.) (2011): Women, Gender, and Terrorism. (Studies in Security and Inter- national Affairs). Athens: University of Georgia Press. Speckhard, Anne (2015): Bride of ISIS: One Young Woman’s Path into Homegrown Terrorism. McLean: Advanc- es Press. Stern, Orly Maya (2019): Gender, Conflict and International Humanitarian Law: A Critique of the “Principle of Distinction”. (Routledge Studies in Humanitarian Action). Abingdon: Routledge. Sütalan, Zeynep et al. (Eds.) (2019): Women in Terrorism and Counterterrorism. (COE-DAT Workshop Re- port). URL: terrorism.pdf Sutton, Barbara (2018): Surviving State Terror: Women’s Testimonies of Repression and Resistance in Argentinia. New York: New York University Press. Tax, Meredith (2016): A Road Unforeseen: Women Fight the Islamic State. New York: Bellevue Literary Press. Third, Amanda (2014): Gender and the Political: Deconstructing the Female Terrorist. New York: Palgrave Mac- millan. Trisko Darden, Jessica; Henshaw, Alexis; Szekely, Ora (2019): Insurgent Women: Female Combatants in Civil Wars. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) (2019, July):Handbook on Gender Dimensions of Crim- inal Justice Responses to Terrorism. [e-Book]. Vienna: United Nations. URL: frontpage/2019/July/unodc-addresses-gender-dimensions-of-criminal-justice-responses-to-terrorism.html Wahidin, Azrini (2016): Ex-Combatants, Gender and Peace in Northern Ireland: Women, Political Protest and the Prison Experience. (Palgrave Studies in Compromise after Conflict). London: Palgrave Macmillan / Spring- er Nature. DOI: Wali, Farhaan (2013): Radicalism Unveiled. (Religion and International Security Series). Farnham: Asghate. Walter, Ben (2017): Gendering Human Security in Afghanistan: In a Time of Western Intervention. (Routledge Studies in Human Security). Abingdon: Routledge. Webb, Simon (2014): The Suffragette Bombers: Britain’s Forgotten Terrorists. Barnsley: Pen & Sword History. Wesemann, Kristin (2007): Ulrike Meinhof: Kommunistin, Journalistin, Terroristin – eine politische Biografie. (Extremismus und Demokratie, Vol. 15). Baden-Baden: Nomos. Wibben, Annick T. R. (Ed.) (2016): Researching War: Feminist Methods, Ethics and Politics. (Interventions). Abingdon: Routledge. Wimpelmann, Torunn (2017): The Pitfalls of Protection: Gender, Violence, and Power in Afghanistan. Oakland: University of California Press. DOI: Winter, Bronwyn (2017): Women, Insecurity, and Violence in a Post-9/11 World. (Gender and Globalization). New York: Syracuse University Press. Wood, Reed M. (2019): Female Fighters: Why Rebel Groups Recruit Women for War. New York: Columbia Uni- versity Press. Zedalis, Debra D. (2004): Female Suicide Bombers. Honolulu: University Press of the Pacific. Zeiger, Sara et al. (Eds.) (2019): Enhancing Women’s Roles in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/ CVE). (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series – E: Human and Societal Dynamics, Vol. 144). Amster-

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dam: IOS Press. Ziolkowski, Britt (2016): Die Aktivistinnen der Ḥamās: Zur Rolle der Frauen in einer islamistischen Bewegung. (Studies on Modern Orient, Vol. 29). Berlin: Klaus Schwarz. Zizola, Anna; Inghilleri, Paolo (2018): Women on the Verge of Jihad: The Hidden Pathways towards Radicaliza- tion. n.p.: Mimesis International.

Theses Bartlett, Isam (2018): Bring Back our Girls: A Human Rights Analysis of Child Abductions by Boko Haram. (Mas- ter’s Thesis, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa). URL: Bayar, Zeynep (2019): The Role of Women in Terrorism. (Master’s Thesis, City University of New York, New York City, United States). URL: Berick-Aharony, Omna (2009, March): Womanhood “Under Terror”: An Investigation into the Embodied Ex- perience of Jewish-Israeli Women Living in a Protracted Conflict Zone. (Doctoral Thesis, Victoria University, Footscray, Australia). URL: Bitar, Sali (2015, December): Sexual Violence as a Weapon of War: The Case of ISIS in Syria and Iraq. (Master’s Thesis, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden). URL: Brody, Kathryn H. R. (2017, August): Minority Report: The Danger of Women in Islamic Terrorism and in ISIS. (Master’s Thesis, Brandeis University, Waltham, United States). URL: Brownridge-Edwards, Rena’ (2014, March): Rape as a Tool of Recruitment and Retention in Terrorist Organi- zations. (Master’s Thesis, American University of Paris, Paris, France). URL: pubnum/10305843.html Caffera, Catherine Elizabeth Antes (2019):A Comprehensive Examination of Women in Terrorism. (Master’s Thesis, Kansas State University, Manhattan, United States). URL: Campbell, Latisha Tennille (2014, December): Why Female Suicide Bombers? A Closer Look at the Liberation Ti- gers of Tamil Eelam and Chechen Separatists. (Doctoral Thesis, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, United States). URL: Card, Kathryn (2016, Summer): Comparative Study of Chechen and Kurdish Female Terrorists in the Mass Media. (Master’s Thesis, George Mason University, Arlington, United States). URL: Cone, Heather Ann (2016, November): Differential Reinforcement in the Online Radicalization of Western Mus- lim Women Converts. (Doctoral Thesis, Walden University, Minneapolis, United States). URL:http://scholar - Crawford, Zane K. (2017, June): Chechen Female Suicide Terrorism. (Master’s Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, United States). URL: Cremin, Emer (2017, June): Gambling for Survival: The Mobilisation of Women in Violent Acts of Terror. (Mas- ter’s Thesis, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands). URL: Dearing, Matthew P. (2009, December): Agency and Structure as Determinants of Female Suicide Terrorism: A Comparative Study of Three Conflict Regions. (Master’s Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, United States). URL: DeSitter, Elizabeth A. (2015, September): Reverse Migration: Western European Muslim Women’s Flights to ISIL Territory. (Master’s Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, United States). URL: http://hdl.handle. net/10945/47246

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Dhaliwal, Sukhwant (2012, January): Religion, Moral Hegemony and Local Cartographies of Power: Feminist Reflections on Religion in Local Politics.(Doctoral Thesis, University of London, London, United Kingdom). URL: Dougherty, Rebecca; Frier, P. Kathleen (2016, May): Gender and Violent Extremism: Examining the Psychology of Women Participating in Non-State Armed Groups. (Master’s Thesis, George Washington University, Wash- ington, DC, United States). URL: Erickson, Sarah E. (2019, June): Invisible Soldiers: Integration and Motivations of Women within Boko Haram and the Cross-Regional Trends of Female Terrorism. (Master’s Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, United States). URL: Fine, Zoe D. (2018, March): Becoming a Woman of ISIS. (Doctoral Thesis, University of South Florida, Tampa, United States). URL: Fyfe, Shannon (2018, August): Responsibility and the Harm of Mass Sexual Slavery. (Doctoral Thesis, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, United States). URL: Galehan, Jordan N. (2019, August): Gender and the Enactment of Suicide Bombings by Boko Haram. (Doctoral Thesis, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, United States). URL: tions/1709/ Gentry, Caron E. (2003, February): Women in Revolutionary Organisations. (Doctoral Thesis, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, United Kingdom). URL: Gibson, Chelsea C. (2019): Russia’s Martyr-Heroines: Women, Violence, and the American Campaign for a Free Russia, 1878-1920. (Doctoral Thesis, Binghamton University, Binghamton, United States). URL:https://pqd - Gibson, Kyle Richard (2011, December): The Roles of Operational Sex Ratio and Young-Old Ratio in Producing Suicide Attackers. (Doctoral Thesis, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, United States). URL: https://collections. Gomez, Nancy Regina (2015, August): Quechua Women’s Embodied Memories of Political Violence in Peru (1980s-1992): The Female Body Communicates Memories. (Doctoral Thesis, Ohio University, Athens, United States). URL: Gray, Lillian Ayana (2015): Female Integration in Secular Terrorist Groups. (Honors Thesis, University of Ar- kansas, Fayetteville, United States). URL: Gronnvoll, Marita (2008): Gender under Torture: How Gender Shapes and Is Shaped by Torture. (Doctoral Thesis, University of Georgia, Athens, United States). URL: - ta_200805_phd.pdf Hassen, Suha Hazeem (2016, May): Investigating Sexual and Gender-Based Violence as a Weapon of War and a Tool of Genocide against Indigenous Yazidi Women and Girls by ISIS in Iraq. (Master’s Thesis, Orgeon State University, Corvallis, United States). URL: Henshaw, Alexis Leanna (2013): Why Women Rebel: Understanding Female Participation in Intrastate Con- flict. (Doctoral Thesis, University of Arizona, Tucson, United States). URL: dle/10150/293429 Herlitz, Andrea (2016, Summer): Examining Agency in the News: A Content Analysis of Swedish Media’s Por- trayal of Western Women Joining Daesh. (Master’s Thesis, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands). URL: Hlatshwayo, Belinda S. T. (2017, March): International Criminal Law and the African Girl Child Soldier: Does the International Criminal Law Framework Provide Adequate Protection to the African Girl Child Soldier? (Mas- ISSN 2334-3745 162 April 2020 PERSPECTIVES ON TERRORISM Volume 14, Issue 2 ter’s Thesis, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa). URL: Kasatkin, Jacqueline-Marie W. W. (2017, June): Veiled “Bombshells”: Women’s Participation in Islamist Extremist Organizations. (Master’s Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, United States). URL: http://hdl.handle. net/10945/55633 Khamas, Eman Ahmed (2013): New Colonial Rescue: Appropriating a Feminist Discourse in the War on Ter- ror. (Doctoral Thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain). URL: dle/10803/129320 Lee, Vivian Sin Yee (2017, May): Justification of Suicide Terrorism and the Gendered Interpretation – Case Study: Al-Qaeda and ISIS. (Master’s Thesis, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands). URL:http://hdl.handle. net/1887/52155 Leiby, Michele (2011, July): State-Perpetrated Wartime Sexual Violence in Latin America. (Doctoral Thesis, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, United States). URL: Lillevik, Ragna (2012): Islamist Women and Political Rights: A Case Study of Islamist Women’s Increasing Po- litical Participation in Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood. (Master’s Thesis, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway). URL: Luintel, Gyanu Gautam (2016): Intrastate Armed Conflict and Peacebuilding in Nepal: An Assessment of the Political and Economic Agency of Women. (Master’s Thesis, Portland State University, Portland, United States). DOI: Lyness, Claire (2015, September): Governing Bodies: Gender and the Politics of Corporeal Weaponization. (Doctoral Thesis, University of California, Santa Cruz, United States). URL: item/3f36t38f Mangini, Katerina (2018, March): The Sacred Space and Religious Identity among Yezidis: Accounting for the Lived Experiences of Internally Displaced Persons in Northern Iraq. (Master’s Thesis, Florida International Uni- versity, Miami, United States). DOI: Matonte, James Philip (2018, April): Exposure to Terrorism and Birthweight Outcomes in Nigeria. (Master’s Thesis, Montana State University, Bozeman, United States). URL: handle/1/14568 Monroe, Brandi Lynn Evans (2016, September): Brand Caliphate and Recruitment between the Genders. (Mas- ter’s Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, United States). URL: Moran, Melanie (2016, August): Trafficked into War: Investigating the Case of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, how do Women and Girls Continue to Be Disproportionately Vulnerable to Sex Trafficking and Systematic Rape in Periods of Armed Conflict and Civil Unrest? 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(Master’s Thesis, University of Tennes- see, Knoxville, United States). URL: Peladeau, Hillary (2016, August): “Support for Sisters Please”: Comparing the Online Roles of al-Qaeda Women and their Islamic State Counterparts. (Master’s Thesis, The University of Western Ontario, London, Canada). URL: Pooley, Elizabeth (2015, May): A New Sisterhood: The Allure of ISIS in Syria for Young Muslim Women in the UK. (Master’s Thesis, Arizona State University, Tempe, United States). URL: Porkka, Jenni (2017): Terrorism and Genocide: The Islamic State and the Case of Yazidis. (Master’s Thesis, Up- psala University, Uppsala, Sweden). URL: Rashid, Naaz Fouzia (2016, Spring): Veiled Threats: Producing the Muslim Woman in Public and Policy Dis- course in the UK. (Doctoral Thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science, London, United Kingdom). URL: Rehman, Jessica Lee (2012, December): Rape as Religious Terrorism and Genocide: The 1971 War between East and West Pakistan. 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About the Compiler: Judith Tinnes, Ph.D., is a Professional Information Specialist. Since 2011, she works for the Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information (ZPID). Additionally, she serves as Information Resources Editor to ‘Perspectives on Terrorism’. In her editorial role, she regularly compiles bibliographies and other resources for Ter- rorism Research (for an inventory visit She wrote her doctoral thesis on Internet usage of Islamist terrorists and insurgents (focus: media-oriented hostage takings). E-mail: [emailprotected]

ISSN 2334-3745 201 April 2020

Bibliography: Women and Terrorism (2024)


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