The Daily Delta from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

WANTS-WANTS. Acts fiitcst gnteUlgtittt. Bto tons BpntilMli Rcvnliitlmi nml Ctibttt A correspondent writn to ns, warninj all fililmstprs of the utter hnpelflfwne1- now rlrgrftihrtl lo tho IVrw Orlt-nns CMln. BOUIlFaiN MIMTAHV ACADKiTJV. LOTTBRTM (BY APTHOatTT OF TH BTATK Of ALABAMA CONDtltTTKDO TUK 1LAM Claa tt To hm Drawn JlOtU of frpl.

OAPtTAM fl.fiOC MnMTARY The following are the returns of nil I lie interments in the several o( tt city lor the week ending at fi o'clock A. M.on Sunday, Instant of nny attempt on tho inland of Cnha, sinre Concha has been rHored to tho (lovornoMilp (fly the Southern Line. WANTED TO HIKE WoniW lurjolro -r A. UU1i7. M.nt:.-.niry llt.ll, Ofpllt romor of LnluyfUi1 and Si1 l.fv -itrii 1) LAST liniiicdiiiloly.

-1 HI'- K'totl WoiKlmli. Noun ollu-ra lif npplt. Wan. pri d.v, W. .1.

l.o.MN, it 1 0 St. Total. VpIIow Fever. Other Mi. Protestant (Clrod st) (No returns.) Kour Dnys hatri lioni Knrope B.OOO 1 nnd the nnny hai bren inrteaacd to twenty thousand troop.

Ho myn that it Is a common error in the United Hfites to confound Spnn'oh with Mexican troops and Inuino that they AKUIVAb OF TIIH PACIFIC. (OTTUS tsTII.L 1)K0IPI0. WANTKD TO III UK A youiiR colnrj lltil, to .1 UkM woik nlKiilt 11 A. ly K. ASSAPI.T WITH A PANORnnfB WKAPON.

Ort- car Lavaudias was arrested yesterday, and his examination fixed for the 8th una charge of having entered the residence of Andre Adair, on Sunday night, and made an attack on him with a lance. Adair (ilTirms that hut for tho interference of several persons, who hap-nened to be present, the occuted would have killed him. Tim Fonnt-nv Cash. Francis Sander, whose arrest we noticed a day or two ago on a charge of forgery, was yesterday examined before the aotlnc, Hecordcrof the First District and com. mitted for trial.

Pander, It will be remembered, Is charged with having signed the name ot Ills employer to receipts, uud collected the money without authority. Tim Ot.n Third. Yesterday Biddy Kelly and English Lize, were arrested on the Levee of the Third District, for beating Mrs. Victor. Jean Grocelin awaits an examination before He-corder Seuzeneau on a charge of having i'l-iinws KCSt.

Cypress (Irovo No. 1 ii Charity Hospital St. Patrick's Catholic No. 1 2 Cnf 1'lHCi' 1..00 In tin t-tu-d, nnmtiiitiDK to 1 00,00 Kvery I'rlu itrnwn at cim-Ii draw lug, Tlrkijti, fi llnl vv ntxl (Jimrlftil lu rrnporlton, Jilll 011 Rolvput bauha Inktrn at par. All uomiLtl'ilcfiO'iinlrlfai' ooiifUlfntlM.

(LAIUm-l, SWAN, ARtntaniiHanitssr, 81(0 of th Broutw Llnnt. Mnnttotntirjr, An SO, 1M4, 1 1 100 ..21 3 4 25 112 8 22 5-' 3 can bo a easily by our militia. Much more to tho same effect i Fpre 1 through ft letter too long for irsertlou In our paper, with 7 21 VI b. PI 31 0 VaNTKI) A coml'ortablo If I family. Tor a BultabK- ImiiiU! a l-rllt w-til 1.

ONE ARK A 1 V. INTKRKSTINO tiENKUAb NEWS. St. Vincent de Paul. Lafayette (4th Dist.j.

which our correspondent has favored us. Mow, we beg, in reply, to say that onr correspondent has not chosen a very favorable WANTKD A situation as Overtteer om VV Hiijttr I'luitaUnn, by a mMdln nirM atiirle man, wh nuuiew iiu lmi.) a far. 0, Una 1 tliof.mrn KIkki n-Hf in- i m. 11 mil flint mix Ut tluni.

tt-r, 0,, Hi tliln iHtlfd, epoch to illustrate his opinion of the valor of 1HS a Tho returns from the Protestant cemetery will probably swell the number to over four young irom AU-i Mr. Volnrj n.PnlmnNpwdimpwrAiroDt, New York, in mitlinrlfw, to 1 ratiM-'t nj biii-ips'1 on Kcrmmt of lite flttlTA. titi-urt no mlwtiwe onH until tin by lilm, oeHlipr ilo wMnrwanl any nr It-red t'lrmirlt tain namcy. (Jitr only luji'nt in Umciiy Now York la A. H.

McDimaW, No. 1U7 V'l'-au Rtreol. Thft Pell 11 very liiy. tYelmve enniir.rtn.wd ri'-ii itniroHr Men.iny iittnnioir piper, will xejt-nlii th 1 im.ta lo our subf-rrib-TK rwry day. wir .1 Riiv inifviivs'ifon.

Thin, with t1i Sft1 i tit Twenty Ctntt per W'e mnkw the i' 'Ta oiif ofth cheiipopt and moBt desirable ivipt-is pulvishM in the flouth-wt. flnffi for Alvrrflcment(. FooPgrARF tun tinea, (iif I'Oirl, or Hi wg,) UWI PolI-AR ff the ('rut Insertion, ftul 1'mi Cksw for every iubiie- que tit Inrfrtion. Fillt A UtLF H'JT'API Of flyf FfPTT CKVTP for th flrt iunrli'n, nnd TtknTt-fivf Cktm fur evprj nulwmeiitmj-BiU. it.

jdr'lltn Dki.ta Ik tim u'y l)T Hits ctly tint tim1 not. char-u tho Kme jrict for hnlf Hs'iiar? for a whole wqusre. Wniit.1 Wnnted fvntona fwrkiin any kfn-1 of or ciii-nt: ill ftirviee1' oi Vi-nb'Mis, Ht by inwrtiin nn for one or two In tli1 anm. tim imi.TA, i(l Killy urn for Half ft X-pmre (hvt- Sine-,) for tl.H fir- iuH'rtion, mi'. Twenty t'v (or evcti will yrv Ril t.i 1 lifir wtuitt immodifll NUpvlinl.

lhrj hiic rwt.t w.U b- e'i tr'eil lor mlvi'i lining Kent, (in'l everv othur kinit 'a tbtt fpnee for which will not nr-enn over tlx paiiiWr of linen iibore npfcideil. ji--Tiio riponlntiftii ol fie Pki-Ta In liial to, not urtiUer than that ot any paper (lublihwl lu the South. Spanish soldiers and the difficulty or getting up revolutions against Hpanish author it3 We hare ouite recently seen a revolution starting lunm, who ru hill A.ldt gentleman out of a considerable hundred, which will be a very slight increase 1 swindled amount of property and money. at Madrid, in the Immediate vicinity of the YVANTKD TO KENT A unmll. com-tfl fnrliiblv Hntii, WlOl K'H1 1 toii nu'-JJ Palace, under the command of an officer of but SI, Cliai les H(ltI New Vobk, Sept.

Collins iteamcr Pacillo hm aralved here, bringlnj; ditos from Liverpool of tho 234 four days later tlma the accounts brought by the Kuropa. Ilor advices repoit a heavy cotton nnrkot at Liverpool, with a downward tendency In pi ices, lli-own, Bblptcy A Co. state that the rates have slightly declined for all (pnlilics. Jnmcs ft Pin ipiote the decline at and llullinnshead, Tctly A Co. at d.

'i It. for the thrra dnj's. There was a fair demand for Ilreadstuffs, and Flour bad advanced inl.T' T' harrcl. tVln-t, however, wns du'l. i.i.d prices had declined 4d.

Hi to n. The Collro mafltet was nun, with on upward over ween, nearly two-tliirds ol the Bbovo Interments wero dining tho llrst hall of the week, and wo Hud a very marked diminution in tho yellow fever cases towards tho close ol the went. Tim Purr Examinations John Punekey, late foreman of Five Company No 10, was ex-sunned yesterday haforo Acting Hecnrd'T Fil-leiil ua two Bcparate charges: The lirst was little prestige, and competed or'v of a rabble and a mii ill band of diaatloctcd persons, which haw triumphed over the regular army ot Spain, Passinii Cm-NTKuFRiT Moniiy. A man named llingley was arrested yesterday in tho Third District tor passing ono of those well executed counterfeit bank notes of the State II ink Louisiana, a great number of which have teen in circulation here for somo time past, 'i hey are so well executed that it is dtllicult to tell them from the genuine. A Ilnn.lnnnn WAN Kb IM MEDIATELY.

FIFTY (Jtirl Worklt.aT HiO. ts, tn UXilai) III lUloLiUt, i Wlllf-h Wo g)vfr ulll, BoHO-tf r. A Bftyoo Mauufftcturii of ltl-SulphlH of Lime. Pavlnf Mantni the m)niiirnitlt the CARONOKMn KKKI NKItY, wo eitibrace tbl ojipurtlinltj to lutnrm all per-no na 1 11 Wren ted tlieinln, aui nieclslljr hKnr-plautra anil 111 (-return ta bn do 1ian1neN (nr tliem, tlmt we nliall anon ba io iivly thun with the BI-HULI'UITK OF LINK. 'lh tma ol ttiia rtkle, wlivn ani)nw ju.iicinnalr In tlie TtiAiiiifictui" of auirar, waa ao cnmilettiiy aarrvaarul dm Itiir Hie last Krln.Mii- neimm, tlmt we fwl nuiivi-intil very iiluiOur Will tw Kiixliiiia to make Ma or It ou a tho litathud of l'llll(f I 1" Wrll UlllltirBtlKMl.

impure an.l bml HI Hntbhltca, whteh eontatu variety of undue miltinc' In "hulnn, to give tliem AppAienlly lily h-errt(r'c, hnvn iloiHillena grrntty OfMitrllniteil to pvptiI en-ttiaiid on pic qiiltp number of akllltnl nurar mUi-r lint hot Into error by nuioyhiK tUtmt Impure rltrif. wlili li lln-r were uuatile ncuorately let mirniil or tln lr itrpnuth. denalty, Ai With a vli'W of prerhitliiiK Uio pnanlM reonrrcne of tlila evil, mi bt'liig itci-li oimof KlvIuitHntlieiitlcftraita. lmnM-ter tn our ntanntrtrturs, wo liavn i-njcai'i-'l the aerrlcex ol Mr. J.

U. AVK'iUIN, a cUdttURUla-lii-dcbfiiil't, wHl ki.owu to pUnlera aii aitKar-rcfltiora, wlin will Klve the uttno't to Lha t'OM'tratlijii of onr ao tlmi llm article will bo of Invariable Btreiiltth, And of mpeil'ir qunltt to any hitherto manulartirnl. over the monarchy, the Queen-Mother, and has effected the complete results. Alter such incidents, let no one treat with levity any plan of rivo'iution within tho ter lor aiaiog ami netting fn a distuibanco and COW LOST Strayed from ipmtai'K of tlie iii onii on nilif or tin' riotg within the limits of the Second District, yesterday arrested a fellow, named John Phil- by IH King persons bv words and on tho 1 i. 1 1....

2 Mi IIkM iivK'imv, wlOi or Hi i WhiiJ III (H'llmiK iWoIItIcI, IHt" 11 11 "'tlrao. in fr.nt of the old he caught in theact of williolly and maliciouslj- tity I 1 11 acts of violence. This charge cutting open bales ot cotton tho Levee, being substantiated, the M-mler nned hira I Acting Recorder Fillieel will attend to his case ritory of this imbecile Power and dUnlVictpd people. WnTpPZ landed on tho island of Cuba with nix hundred men, his prospects were far more fUUerlnic than thoe of O'Ponnell at the at No 11 St, TiU tendency. Money Markft.

The monev niwket at London was easy, and film, In detault of paying which, he was committed to prison for 30 days. The second charge was tor aiding and ab. tting in a riot and lo-uiy. Lakcbny Darnev Me.Mahon wes nrrosl-d TIC S. T.

WATiaiMAH, al commencement of tho Lite succHful revuin- HJM -Run aivny irom iunt to commit ii i Z3 District lor stealing an IllwrrlWl, Oil tl. 9''lll 'tat of Al-H 1 ,1" 1 1 emntv ice barrel trora the Love, narnev we i al, ihr alifVf man ll Uf I live vt 10 too should have taken tlie m1hii li rty yea i a of ane, nml a (tin in ci.lor. II w. when it was 1 u'l. TTRSDAV IHnMi, 8KPTEMHKU .1.

WakthI Waj-thM Our rondcrsVill find no diflU-utty in having many of their wants readily niipiltcd by iimerltutf a few lines In the column of tit IHlta. If 3rr.11 want to rent a hoiiKO, employ clerk, mechanics, or tcflt'lirs, to no an alarm in Hon. Fortune, however, favored the one and nsols had sllKlitly improved, clodnf at frowned on the other. Thus It has lecn In the history of revolutions. The best ran-urcd i Cu most iinm sni! plans have ficiucntly been 1 thwarted by some slight occurrence, whilst the The report of tho most medesp, de, pra.o cnlerpri-e, have sue ftHly I' 1 "0 a ir ceeded, against the judgment of tho wisest and arP'' i''i' a ia.

I Hlim In lie AOiu Ueil. aunt win pii .1 mry to niu at H.y (Vi'l. null. nine Ntrt'ot, ui Cl.itbi.i'UOt if Ai.fitin fi'ncKNrT. lire on the sight of the liiih oi' August and Bfr.

Jarqiies and his wife wero aweated on a Kvt.ry lriYl ol nt-Sulplilte tlmt leav onr aUMMitnent will Ih'-Uii ih-I with the iiamxol Mr. Avfqulu. Mr.JTlI.KS lHlVll.wlllaiirliilnil Ilia Itilnmt arraitu-)-m-tOa ol the twUl'IMmietit, In coiitiinrOnn with Mr. Avi-'iulti. Wearep'opanrt lo tweHanrdi-ra fr.nn tlm ntiiritry-KOW.

Slflt-'F A No. itrert. ft. B. Aa moat of the amir niannUctun-il Uht aeaann waa Ci) 'j(U HKWAUD.

The uiiduNfnm win IS.fOii to any tm hIio wi'I, IT lo III" ali. i III i or hire a servant Adveitlno. If yon have lost Inr and mM at low prlrfa, wo Would ndvlai" most practieal minds. Louis Napoleon was con III 'IllBI il Hml bxariKb i-, 'ft bet tit sepl. Whlto, ninnl.

nd Iliim tOf lal I I lint i inuy, Tin- (tovi-niui' ward i.l "U0. NhI I Wl-lto In tj-out aT yi-. In. 'In'' I.I lb; wclk'lis hI.ohI lr) piiuii'lni I Ma. cut 1 Imh ill! nd 1 I ae n.

a vrr In-'ivy hu blai tx-iaul; II" tr-pUntera to mako of thu mnaiia wllhlii their rearli niinivp tli priHlurte of tlielr Indimlry. Wn, on tlie oilier liaud, nl.nll take great ph'Mtira lu fiirnUlilt. lltcru wltli all tim rmiiimllo lufununllou lor I lie atuluiuout ot tlila obji-rt, Jya luoip l.hjii-t; a wound near our one h.ilil vor found Anything; if yu wunt board or hoarders; yuu wnnt a situation Arivertinoj and wo will insure that two or iimntien will fcccompli-th more towards utipplylng wiuitii tliun any othnr conies you ran pursue. The Di'lU ciiful.ites amotur all claw, and no In-'ttrr medium for H'lvortlseinenUi cad I found; tcsirlpt, ft should be observed tht onr It had been decided In Ihc Baltic, that alter the capture of II imersund. the next place to 1 attacked tho important position of Riga.

Tlif IlliM-k Sen. Tiic expedition to the Crimea was still de laved by the prevalence of the cholera, wl ich had swept oft I tween tea and fifteen thousand of tho Allies. At the lest accounts, however, Ill I.III II.Milt'iW. hi.NJAMIN sidered a madmnn for making his Bttempts at I) iiilo' ir and SiiwIkiuit; but Louis it. d-on has since, nnd he is now regarded ps tho revcrso of a fool or luratic.

Revolution are recr s.uity iietilous and doubt'ul ndven tares, lulu which a'l men ri.onld enter prepared for any late. It was weak at.d nnmmly in the OH MISLAID A NOTE, draws I'rosli iooh, FROM THK MANUFACTORY. bring out the nnginei for the purposeof "wsh- charge ot navmg stolen fi. ineosu, ana sun-big out'' tho home of Attiu' Rprnrxto Filleul. dry articles of household furniture and wear-On tliis charge the IIcoi der, In dotault ol his I ing from the piemists of Julia Farrell, giving bail in the sum of f'JOUO, committed l'u- 011 Uwn lines street.

nekey for trial before the Criminal Court. Akhaclt Michael Keegan, Jno. The Recorder decided in tho case of Victor Keegan and Fully were arm-led on a war-Pupntt and others, charged with attacking the rant yesterday in tlio Fourth lhatriet, for as-hoiito of Kmeliie (lib on, f. w. on the night smiltiiig und Leafing Mr.

John Kpellmun iu a ot the her furniture, mid most shameful and cowardly manner, njtcmpting to hut a down tue piomVs, to com- 1 Hkatiko a Woman. John Casey Is under mit n.inrat to i-iiHo await his ttinl I the arrest in the Fourth District, on acbanreo! I l.trietCourt on tho t-wrrnl charges of having ussaulted and beaten iliss Julianua Keu-iiot and trespass, a-noit, ond bat'try, nnd the nedy. caplt il felony of attempting to commit arson; and Chas.Hcevefi.nMHs Lmg in d-fauli, I Tho roPolt of the operations of the Branch of giving bail in $1000, was committed for tiial 1 Mint lor the month of August will be found Ik fore tho same tiibunal on the charges or riot, under our financial head. trespass, and assault nnd battery the others were dismissed from this charge. DIFOt Josenh Hewitt, 1 Collins, alias Jack hep- I llenr Wu 3 viork, a.

a. nrv- tiatu, itentv Mt aud Hi nry were next tn. hi 1- vm, 11-00, 01 bm tor A. rflirry.f"! auin of eeeir dc'lan trarl DIRECT O.ST JU by to 1C -s. CI.

tin, 'iacat in I to F. II. BOW FN, ofl i. atratt pnyai'ato 1 to den friends of tho compatriots of Lopez to cum I the disease was abating. tonus are only i7y cert for thti fli et insertion 1 OS'I T.

A Check drawn this day by I plain 6f their disinters, since thev muat have of a advcrtisomcutH winch do not exceed five i known, when thev embarked 'n tiiis enterprise, known, when they embarked In this enterp iJ Hie -i iFlKnert, I'll Mtnxr-i. PiftliT ft A tr. No. at The Pi iiu Ipo'ltli At the latest dates from the Danube, the Aus- lines, and (iren'v-Aue cents lor every autisequeut I Oi'up niei, i uio liur ln-1 a'ld ona ft-l'jO i. j.

i. itnt in Im1. in lM-en at th public hatuli ert'-t Is'-s'-l i.i'icn'.i(li.K fur the a una fixv Ajill Uu, If SJ. piJO HC-KMANN 00BTITI8. LOST On the 2Htb nstunt, two DeotU.

ali.ui 1 V. O.aV.-a, lor I of ''Tug how full peril and uncertainty was their venture. In any future efforts for tho same o-pose, wi trust It will bo borne In mind by the nartiua thut thev are engaged In no holiday ti inn army was entering tho Principalities. Wjllachia, was quiet. Kighty thousand Russians were concentrating ou tho right hank ol the Pruth.

I'l-llSSllli Advices from Berlin and Vienna stafo that exam'nrd lor riotinir pnd ot)iioinir the oflicer. r. iui 111 a i ct I'll Hlx funeiitl wilt Thh Hcriiiiiff nlim o'rl. rh ill f( I Insertion, All notices of this character aio placed under one head, In tho most eonsplcn-iiuh part of the paper, win. re tlu-y cannot foil being noticed by every person itho reads the IM1.1.

The Orph.ius' tlonio n-alized tho handsome amount of J10 10 from I ho Amateur Cinctt given In their behalf at the Odd Fellows' Hall. The attention of buyers is enlled to the sole, sport, but In the most dangerous, difficult and ALFRED MUNROE 4 31 Iflngnzliif) afreet, corner Gravler, B'X liiv to Inform their old uud matnnifi Itutt tlipy are now rrct-tviiit; their K.ill ami Whiter btik Cl itbluir, maslit In IU IjitLit Stl, ami of aujuilur w-uk-lijii)ililp, Him-iiB wttlrh are Hack an 1 F.oicy Colored f'lottt rock ami ln-iN CohIm) Hmin sn Ulllt Vfatnj 41 li.ioaklu ana Caashiierc Pntnl'mui't Uiinluess roats of lihn-U and HI il- all iiiutlllua hlilfla, Cn lor Clnlliltor and nuvs' and aiij'itrN's curruiNO) Hiid FCBN'SHINO (lUOl'S. Tiit-y are Minn atTrttita for the ata (ho VNtON INDIA HU1II1KR OOHPANV'S UOftOfl. Pull tnrk on liatid, and anld at PHflory Pilcfa, ALFRED MUN1I0E A ONE PRICE PTOKE, 31 Miifnzlnv street. Mptl Corner of 0 avter.

IhI'Im' tim Mule ol '1 li lii i1. hi Tel a la vor In S.i.i.iN... for On- sai.ia. '1 owner. Jeavl nr tliem at Hie Prut i-ijul'(l, tecvlvea reuiil uo ii to ai) out but lla DO 3 (ka doubtful of mn undertakings, let, on Prussia arming and inilang exiensive pre enndiiioiis.nnd In lull view of thee perils, 1 paratioua to take an active part In affairs.

are thousands In this country ready to Aln. embaik in such enterprises willing to Incur The report of tho defeat or the Tu-ks In Asia the ri-ks. for the glory and advantage of parti-1 has been conllrmcd. in tho dischargo ol their duty, on the night, of the iu Chart strret, between racks and Ho oltal. heating the evidence in this ese, tne Itrcorder dnchsi-ged Henry DTjras nnd committed the other three, for trial bifore the Criminal Court, as chareed.

exam'ni'ions there was no little I excitement In the ut'nily of the If order's 1 C.Mirt amonr the li.Vnds of the who bi PTsembled nlout the phv 0 to I from the ron1.i-ti- of III l-tr, llr, fi tkur, Nu. 211 liw'l, (He lVmlti. Illn Ji, oi I lhs wl.lcli li wn rr ui Ur uUi ly luviU el to allLHrl. lilt iL-uinluM ill li lnk to HjIhu Ibl.T- Ui'lll. ll iliin l(onf kihI Punnma will jil -'f cy, iip.v On Sf-iiffinl.

Itti, hlf-pint r. j- f. wi, JOHN OIlhKN, nikle I hp L'u'crnu, li4i ha nt n. iwuif. II tt I rtuiuli nml InvitH In nn -ucl li'i ni'ial Ht lun d'clm TliU Miming, from N.

1 Clirii Hrt-t't, ul ween uud ncpi FOR SALK. by catalogue, of upwards of 27a lots of fan'-y an I stiiile drv roods bv Vincent Co this etuatlng In the overthrow of Spanish power on h.nin. antstai led.y goods, by Incent wnn'd not dis-1 There is little news of moment from Spain. oay, at uiu rue enure stoca, 1 The cmln.v wa8 still at tho 1. accounts from Madiid SALE.

An rxcdHit I'Inno. Cf A ol Frtivi' in ajr nirtf-t i havinir t. ne.ii It I nt a lw nilii, I for h.iSm.-i 'i'mt. on i of tin- 1'Hiiei'K Ifiivln, Uifl Apj ly Cotl KlrcL lf ween ltoyi.1 and llont els. i tr i i 1 Iw- nOR SALE.

'I befloriim'i- HlV" HI-'V, ti s-aasn- im.i.m and UrJ'lST tn ewi Jt- o. BSI Ion. A ly to nt-A (,.,, h.i aks that wo shall do, nor do we attach an much I AVKBtlXK, to II I ilia J. Miami. C.iti'tt-Ute feit ilia t'4tvl by liie 1 nml i 11..

1 Td rnHKKnp(iNHKNT8. Wo have received tlio Importance ns he doc to the facts stated letter signed" A Cautious Filibuster," butfas the him in regard to the military abilities of Con-wiiter does p'tt give hi we cannot com- cha, and tho force with which he will be pro-ply with one portion uf his request. If ho will pared to defend Hie Mun i. The niilitnty piow- n-u. thk iiu: isititfat or Till BOOTS.

SHOES AND BUOGANS.ri iw hindlni; fn.m ship aud In atuic.f Wl a iiu imm I aiHHi.i tuicut of PLi UOOTS, tillOKS, BOO HATH, CAPS, e. PUtitnlJona snpiillt-d with prime Kmmrt Hroatia, Ptlrltln? Huotn, Wool, Ik'Xlcnu and htiw Hutu, at tliu lowetO maihit lllt I'tIV I llfiivy FhIIhiv. Thoextcnsivo house of llrnry Witherspoon has failed. Tho liabilities are stated at live millions. Ily the Son them t.ine.

Idiilerii Mull. MonjLK, Kept 4. Tho Ka-lern mail has arrived, bringing dates from New York of the ma t.11 limn nil. I 'lit, Ulli' I lie (aiiiiniiO ill On; Ik, roiij lfl'n of wfiul us his address, the (vnllciiun he relets to es of (Vmrha has yet tn lie shown the itlicicn I I'ttlant 1'ii'iriti 1 glim by lt Amtteur llltiMlrvla ou Utiut.Uy, M. It pereaps, 111 nieir ami up tin 1 yesterday evening we hnard eonsidciable loud talk arouvd tha cornets and as we pad emtio of the down-town coft vlioii-'w, but it didn't 1 emount to an) thing moro than loud talk gene rally does.

Tun Wki'ond Pistkk'T Ho mic hut Tlnfrmin avier nnd Unitiste Jourdniti, who wero arrested on tlie night of the With ultimo, as accei- i holies to tite murder of Michel Honors, who was killed by Putriel Harjon tlie rwo were broiitrht yterday beloro Acting Hecorder Fillieul, and, ilt-r the examination of tome twenty witnesses, there iwing no evidence to show that they had piyticipat-'d iu the itnfbrtu-nitrt aflrny, they went discltargi il. Ilin-jon, 1 st ranee to say, has it yt Liu firrtsti d. From tbo testiui'inv of tho wHnr sos ex miin-o' ey ol the Spanish soldiers to be proved. wonui lie happy to reply1 to some of his argu- im'iitt. iii tho l.ut expedition of Culm there was no HOT WI'! ON HOSKCOMIMNV Ni.

111. The iiftl-f nml iiicm.nTi till Cuiiii my 'f bur tmi. i lrte, i PtKT 10 Ua.inuitn-et. Wot'DHTtyP. display of either.

Tho Snauish aoljiei worn ovonlig of the und morninj of tho 30th Or. Xott, of Mobile, In an aitielo on the chs OVED A.VD HATS, CAPS, Ac, at 100 ra- Nila, easily whipped: every encounter tiy one nan into aa diva. pFIM I Ik- ri Aniiuil Jl clii uu MIMA luru at ImM-pfHt 2 ii. tttt 1 i-i'p'r lli'iillilr Wsialilng at k. 11 il ultmliili 1 ji rltriil.ih qi I.

j-M JoHN IIi' IIV, hei'itiUrr. oinirl-li. a rfl vailrty of Milk, Ptir, Ca'alnierv, mi.i hiimmuI Nnr'tl. i.i.ii.. i tlic of militia men, nio.t of whom had never lieen in battle before.

They evinced I 1,, ai, li- ltqiliOb'a. tt ih'lphla and New Vork during tho following 1 hnir Ihn irn It, nil ni nillO irv cm Itvi.t -tM, A Ml A nillwniikfc, Ucoiislii. This flourishing city, of wliich gave you, from personal tximination, some weeks agi, a passing doHorlptiov, I am sorry to perceive, siioiioets. 1 lie Doctm -a piedlctiou has been In 1 part realized. Last year Charleston and S.v- were exempt the visitation, hut the "8 rnfv" the "7 A aid.

Ha In? Mi I day tin poallloit of IVpnty Ckrk of Hm Cmtrl of On rnlle-1 ''tilea, my wi.i -ifU'i' ik vnti I lit the t'i" Mln of ttie I. aw. WI1.UAM New Oili-ana, 1 1 ai-pl3 lw IInricri Magazine for Hi itt-iiilKr. d'i'e his lately biuken out In HirnO cities of their ntinil jr. Five thousand Amer- with virulence.

Tlio moitility is nearly FOR CToRETo UEN'T iJ il I lie At No. 152 Cniinlji at gj-eat as it Wii In this city ut tho height of v- M. WihjI, Panama, Leghorn Straw, ami I'almleaf H.tta, fin b1i by FltO.vp A 00., juljaU'fl lap to Crctne Dm liotir.y Clnimiiipiiet JhtqrtMtas A Pile" brand, ait entirely httt rbtaitl(il firir. tha Cram de Hnm of utturr Wamla. Now landlBat, -Keta ol ttm abut-, aud oiUft i it.

quarts and piuia, aud will rttila, In tua coon of a fa yt, aatlilfartlvr anppiv. Ttifa WIik la inperlor to any othar f.rnps;i unporUKl Into tlila a.atkot, an la wll kiwu by all you lia tried Jaooutrt-on 1U' bnu4 of rithor CrrSia tia vt flaw do HiHery, Alaa, on band, uty mattal aaiortmanttif MWh and Llqnota In tua markt, which will aolt gs ar iMaouaUi tor mi aa any othar hoia iu tho city. aaWttlX T. TATliOB, Janll Iptf No. IS Boval lrL 1 IU yestcrilay, tne ease is aFsumcj a tot Hiy -ieretit aspect, and it now nopeais that Hujon wns acting entirely on th Offensive.

Ho was unexpectedly met in -the street by Mo-hel Honors, who placed a loaded pistol at his hen) and assaulted him with a stick. Hirjon endeavored to gt away from him, and two persons who nc-conmnnied HiTinn, Interfered to prevent the meeting, but Ilonort- struck Hit ion on tho head with the stick he bad in his hind, and discharge lit nist! at h'm at the rime Huji nthen fell, and Honore lumped on hun; the pL'stilence last summer. At all the hKl'TKMIIKR AOAZlNMS, icntiH could march from one end of tho iisl.ind of Ciib i to lie other, even if the Cubans were to remain mutm'. Hut if they are, as they declare, fuvnrable to -nay. ardent for a revolution, I'rtlf that numler of good fighting men, from tlio fulled HI ites, landed on the Maud, Las -ince sulUred grout ly irom a very dentruc-tlve conllagratioii; but knowing the limits to which the Uio wLSi'oiiUncd.

1 am certain the loss cinnot lie anything like as great as estimated, though doulit'e; very large. No city in tho Vnlm has ido greater prop re iutiielac.tli.iecn yeurs than Mliwaukie, In all the c.iHrutlulsof a gn at inland Like commercial ij f-a LUN HON ILLLaTltATtO PAPKHS, N'KW HOOKS, ut at A lie A in li I 'mih aHr. r- ill the I i. an 1 O. ,1 rl.

IiiiILl- 1, 1 11 ti.u loruri lni l.KT. A niliui iid two nihIit effect its fndop-'pjcnee. TT uirKBH run Hhitemiiku We ore indebted N01 m. in for a copy of this periodical. It it-i -client number, ono of the that lies I wen tmblrhed.

ft contains very ruailalile w. Dutdi on iiih it tail," which Itiruvvs a great deal of fitriiton a lihtory which the rxriiiito humor of mil In A great dcil nlrnit tho n'esssity of rlti I in it 1 li. 'iHlnalHt'- a luco and well eipi'ppcd urmy to acliieve thin rrstilt. Hevoltitim', we havoseeti, ht.irt O.l In. 1 Mill I- let (U Join If they clenched, got.

up, and -triiLrcIed together for sometime until they baj got about thhty (' it from thetdaceof the first meeting, when they ltll -get tier on Uridines hireot, and in a few seconds llonoit wuh heard to "He mnrders me." 11 jon tin and mid, You heard the he was alsmt to murder me, and I lliil-peis MhmhJiiv ltif UtHAll MlO.ttNK FOB SKflhMUMt, and nil th I l'ublh4llua. Irjfct- ha I at THOMAS II I 10J atre 'l. Alan, rinhiuiid Fmiry St.t I lottery, Willing Hi-ka, Woik Client ii-katuinou ui.l-, Clie-a Men, Dunruwi, Ac. pt SilUIIKWII, ST CANAI, HTREKT and luauufaetuiing pott, IU barixir, wben completed, will be the large -l and Fiftst on any or the Northern lakes its river-Mitwuukic- which piUics through ami eripjmprsnu.s nearly one-half of the city, being eighteen feet deep where It flows luti ike Michigan. Mihvuiikie, i Washington living h-td onvert'-dinto a sort of T'yiio Iriji 110 110 KNT Two Pvosiory dweMingt-.

Wuttl.l cull att- utloii liH law lock uf HHY OiNiOt Mimii au.l SiKf.HiS" nn-l Pillow jocular myth. There is al io a very Mve aml cvvuU "reuirst inr-M. A nithle o-i "Discovery of the Northwest VuA. I Uw, a uu lens ami incentive the and a cm.tiuual.iui. of Ablntt's embrcd L(J 14 A hrr l.lf I.i, -f Hlel I Mt taj, il tl Hi 1 In iii' Jt f.

rl i. i tm-li tn an Indian name, bignillei a iH-autifut walk; a him. I will Hunender mJeH. 'lltts'st; h'l raid, mi'fht prevent the unwaiUkc CjbauH II. A.

It A 011 III Willi laicr ElaimintfM. more upproptit*to name eimi.i not nave hem I iMouam, oi the evoipm-n 01 several pet-tor -i, d'lwn to the eve of lie battlo ol Wnterli j. Ity select ul, and with its l.ieal advantages, will in '-oior-j, wno wun-eu no Just rer. lif on ronaUnon nt, rrum tho inanufai tniiiHiicuon, iiMiimt' tri'i i-ini in umi' iii MiMiiiiltj Netting, liMnheta, e.nnl.irU, fiitint. r.Hii-1 liiiiiimka, NajiUliia, Towi'la, Tiiwwlltma, t'lirtHln Kin lint, f'nrUlu l'iirlln ILmituka, rrtl Mu-'I 4 il l.i' ueurlalua, ami Coteia, rindi I nlt- nil 4t VlllV LOW I'Hirhs, ti i jj a-'l-ll Siitf lie c.lM,,i street.

tnieia, pUca WALL, for aafn at tuainifac- from making an ellrt for A very large force wouhi vo tlio cntjijir'o the and eh mirier of a uuiue tt ami lu-v anion. "II Crr des won't figlit for their in-dcpendi the gallant old warrior, "they eivfl ti bu Hut the crrr of Lopes was in iking too hiicill a fur. -a. II he Dl FFIKliD American Wcslplmliallaiiil BO ill Ulld I), H.1,1 Httl I titi jj it jilr-, lnimliieiiti tn 1 60 per toll, II A 0.

Comtiilaaloii CAi net ireiufilin, 130 Cati4l atroel, near Hnyal, a. i' fil 3 uro Bull.Uii; oon recover irom 1110 vera visitation mm na just fallen upon It. A city that has grown up, ''i some ten or Iif yeai from a population oi a lew hundred inhabitants, living iu wooden shanties, to ol U.j.UUO, occupying spleml brick and red i.iin Chuiuo lito, UIO t'lil'l-'Kr; iM.u Iii atoiaaml tut a ly 1 y. Uiiw lilt ry bus bven severely djiiouu pd by niL the ipouon those nool lti ex-ee -ive pj ii 'Mty to Na ikon, lis agreeable t'dt'i; dciioi.pi 'oni. are a lmitt ul by nil p'litie- Uae tn pt ret' 1i r'l Iti It w'M cuuf "'y ta'to h'gh rault vu ng the h'oiK of the world.

J' it 1 1 ml true, why d-j uot tlie ci opo it ay i-i dnuiiciatl'irti i Hi- dl k'lov. that the F. hav-j sj-ar no, i Nuts to and tlieehnrat tor lo 1 mi pieenl imh! the it try of V.ip'i I lem ai "-HHfinrentlv itu the line limnmiem, oinr of tne wouni's whieh were in tite breist loine moittjl. Is till, eoni enb-d somo ilie In tho eity, but as yet the noliee hive not Ik en able to ferret him out, whb is not ftny'iit verv mueh (orth'-ir ttlieienef. Were It ft riHMiw.iv aluie, lor reward of one hundred dollais or t'i hud bf en oil-red, doubt-b-ts lr vyoti'd lonij since hnvo ben loiid.

ir St-tte nur.tiies very bid iiolh'v fu not rewinds for the arroht of murdeieri imdothtr PtH'K OF FlKT PlSTHIt'T I'OIiti'K Coi'ltT. This ws pretty well li'b as isuuiHy t'tetifj on ndsv Hiortiiiits. Jitmes D.ivle had landed at IUh' i ilntu'i dh iiil.en hundrr men, he Id iv the Kp.ini. army htnt a'tor WuU tho prtigo of such a Hie Creoles would no -t itriiflinx ami Oil lollis. Ou huu'l, a Ur-fcaml Ix ii'ithnl of Vl l.t y.T 1H11KF and imouin I.

nt) (i 1 I. MIT'IH, AO I 1 A VA 1 1 li iti ba I'riuuj In -loi an. I Im ail'j 1 tf.i..oi:irn 11., "'I'l l.nii .11 1 t. 1AVA t'Ol'i-'Ki: woo p()7keis 7ltrJau, III atum iin.l lni Its I. UO -OHii'lt -H'.

1 sand stone mansions, go ahead. Here (he 'Lhurch and tho sfhollimiKo" aro ehcri-hed. A ready there cm live liuo school houses and i one splendid Norma', lu.ititutc; three I six Catholic, three Alt th nJut, 0110 Diiitariuu, ono I 'iiiveialht, two Congregational nnd three Churches, anil one larore and elegit ul Cathedral; tlve railroads iu proRresaot com plelioii, om running ion miles hum Milwaukiei HlllIK-tt HoKUvicka PUBLISHERS, BOOKaELLEHa, HTATI0NEK3, AND FEAJ.RHH IN BLANK WOniX, ho. 15 Camp treat, (BtwB Caual and Uomnion atrtvat,) aprl ti tf Nl.w OKLfCANi, Coxc 'm Iiu lei Iteiiactly. For ml Id caaaa of Cliolta, or Ilia aymi'tomn, llila ratiiidy will unlf iriiily a euro, ami i.t hovu'o Hm laid down, uti't tho Oiarnfri'in will lw fuiijisl Hie m-mt on it I it and ratlmaj 11.

ode nf airraltny tlie ilia and ulfvctlii 4 curtf. T'i arroin- have r.i'Med to b's biiitier. We brieve tlmt a of 'Mm or g.iod I American h.ildfers and a 1 tttt.y vl ll in artillery wou'd lie nniply hi'Ticleut t.i oveithr. Sto2i lift wi In any ej we nuv nee.i i -hU Ay l.iw l.y yniivv- up'-i them oi- lit ral.i.e. they -aU liliK-s.

cliuicu Uoui ton. lit't iii fc t.uivi- Ct'NVHt-K finial rVa 1 pai'idi p.nvcr. It would sicImovo sevcia! bi'l v. and iiu Btiiifinul. fie wm in iter a d-ietA iiR, middle-need iudiv idiidl, und httd I en iirrrd tm aclnrjsfe of pnir ot -e.

vitl'ied nt tl IT'. dein fi.ut- oeeu Hi tl mi'n'i ol 10 W.VIU.IIOUU trii'l, near Uoyal, 'Jiiiiro ct.tniisMu.N t'Aiil'i l' KO Canal K-ptK li ll.t vii turl tliun, if Cri'uk's iliil wl' and dd. Mined em, the wov'J ie' to 1 e. vulu Me tll-i 1 1) oi' Nitpul i tho h.ahd id by whi to u'i sou, the Heat ot government; two lartje "musical four lirge found ties and two II.K-..,I..U.

.,1 -tfliutl, ijiipuy to us, except iistto-Min'ip-iL or a iureh.ihe with uM olli.r i' -t riiithms cad bstines are to be Jtl hl Oeriiitiii oulli-ui lie Uioptt. lan)ln naaay wll 1m fnund It coulalli all tut Infonuittlon UUA(J ItUANiA' rioin-M nan! U.t. ani(3T mt rui uer Chih pEACU altl ire ol 1 nt moat dlrilieahii; t4.oM.naM a nt IO I l'K COIII hUHI, BUIII.MplI llllll, Ulld as eMu'ine niei. unes, only to be justith by nc- hor iuMi4.

Tiieio are nine banking d.iily fill i liif, uinedy ii iniiiy of ua ieia olh'ied. bbb. very Ftipu- I ft i' Kit; It: I 1 fe I I III i llOII'ti'fl. tivft that I. t.ltt..

j. wiiiou a tu, iinltit.l to C1I1H tliu llistMIO, frenaiudatidluiaWfliy PH. K. COXK, JnlySa ItiiSp fin, wCamii City Bank of Cot 11 a Mr ITHKirr, OTtaB- Vroai and aftar tbla data.

HI fit 8 UAhl. IN- '''iu one dollar upwan's. uf course aro in abtir. lllJii Kn. 1 -S Csitre.

Oilr.l... who lte(ns nn rt ibb on St. sheet. f.I iyle hul no fiicnd-, nnd neitle1 iiioiioy nor lidtut neo to any; Iih iriif tereuold not bo neide to sind tlie and, an tlie broans wei- found lit his posioii, he to co to tho Workhmi-te fr tint d. ys.

it tri'vt fur'h erb the Marirnn iippoaml nt the bar, Vou n-u ehurrrrd with Wing a Viir-mt, and wuinbT-intl Hr'tund the js i tt a late hour of tlie tn 51 lift 'ret, eoubl in ili no aod Irs Honor frnt her to )v ejt Poiie uupany to tlie Workhoiee f-r one month. "Thomas Arnstione sir." "Tom, vou wero drunk h' pbrlif, 1 hfeV "Vca, diHKerous und inquire tenitoi) tleeensary for our Mutely und tjelenee. Ait no ii'1 Imuuit, WtJ learn from tho lVioi V.x-rres.i that one of tin) stupes of I'lu Til TH UllST IN KASIll I I. Il htllK II A I I IS Dbbb'i ELD'S ilAM.3-wO tierocH tsbuo nini I'liwi'-iK -1 n.fni-r Criinil nn.l Ne-v L- vee 0 etn. niCK 25 liticfii li'oli bent.

i eti- it- it an -Vt tat rorn. vCnal hh.1 1- .1 anu vkumickli4'-75 1-Kt-n, t'tiN Ai CO WIU tm ytldat biou-tya 1. lu IM flank, d-mai-i. t.aut whii will one dny lie wore thuu a lire, bu, I was It-Id Is not MillMeut to mcd I tho MUM ol uud othi'i irt du-3 lluw ito the eity diulnrt tlio il-mring und I i.illy, though ol triiuiiiy impoii mee, It wip- UO- Inr MlM .1 Arty judev t. Aitholt hacks up all blhaei lions with ity, and bl-t eiitics would do well to iiiiil lie linn mi I heir wholc-ile ions, tti' this book bi'.

01 ivliuble jiad aolheutic, us It is agreeable and dcliglitlut. Thackeray's "Ncwe jmes" Is ulso euulinm it many other ai tides, 01 iginul uud bono wed, ol great value and Interest, Wc hopo tlmt the Harpers ft. II emtiimo to produce th(ir excei valuable In t)iu style and uccoiding to the plan origin illy irked, without descending into the arena ol parly or sectional us rutnam alieady ha douti, and as tho editor of Harpers' betnys a diipo.mion to do, mi aTiuMuMon to the ka bill iu tho 11,11 uumljor. I I011T I'll) CI NT. raid 011 monaya lull to.

iw Caldwell If'io, between tho Jam-'snv uaclRed tliu, AMI KKI til, Cii n. I'h4r0 iAIt'FHS, tul eilrt trv'ta. Wt10liK-t lw3i 1 1 UHliyiUAYKS OF DUTOtHT luauad Wliaa dwIrtH.laju- ami ivauuwua euuiii, ai.n me poiur at win itie pon i ur uany ui.a unu or two weekly new lac Ilia aaiua ra'a of lutiat. vmir iiht; I was hHiraily We'l rir nassentiern i emiurit or i n. Sniifti iu cui-T-'Kii iijo b.I (s priniM.

co HHOKT UUNH martajou unloBMndt olUtar-la. trlitt Ip Millinery Millinery I Mllllntry I Side train, was upset on A t-itv of Mich rc' inrov cannot loiiti 'td t'ie i-'y duty ti ii't'onn you, that vnu nn i ini i I itJ ij.nd i I verv wronu lo iri't dnink. I have to line Vou rv wroiiK lo gt'l t'finiK. i nave to imp you Thomas; and if vou don't p.iy it. why you Tu lliu ijilic aa-.

IiouiIm. 11U tlio ailtclti, whli'tt will ivtM Kiiaj.ul'lor.'-l liilt at HO Cvllla Oricli) "llii', Dt Sjo-uI fi )nnl i 4 i -ill i bull buxen Star. A I.l, JAMJLKS-lOU bu.M.ft, mtxl ll D. P. KOAWI.AM at No, It OUai ntrat-'t, 'Mj'iKlIullj' Inform Hi LadlM IimI if Ui tiMk iiuliaiiRlii ttiali jiiaiiisi-.

I pitH'tieei, mvi'inl I ttieiu wcio si rioiisl-, Voui.t. W. 1. injured. epres.i Dr.

William W. Carrlp-ton, tt-e regret to hear T'iC lipnti in protesting fipaiiH had both leas b'dly the pi op to let Blr. Zidok Mr, Ifslieil Hit. Itie, of thii city, for a Ion? put ittone wit'i b's mm? on It, In the yea's tmr html rlaiu. b.t tl ni, limy will ntlM! (he Whola of tlmlr alock l( lrtlillni at iat, aud wtaliltil to wind ui' Oil jurt of thuir CLAUlii "15U fitfcL'u lino und ordinary, hmST Hit er tUtm! uu I r.ew nOUUlAJ.S:-lyO CesHt-sorletl.

'1 1 1 1 I A Tho Kedeial I'nh ii uf tlio i'l e.i!vni;? ol crop pmt lu-u'l't, un e.ilurr.l M. lllimi', at lu 1'inu Wlilti' e.iUi' in iviiU i Hfi.ikln-: in imn I'll 4 Jill' Ulllllil, lit I'l Ci'll In V4I'I. S. It. I Hl'li1 llll.l., Hoa'a- ami its lh' 1 IV ll.ikH aoon aa Hmy will uSur ratal lo llli-neraaud marclia.tU.

mlJ -i, if must ffo tn the (or a divs. 1 I know if-j hard; but ii tiic law. Tom ijnM'iit p.iv biivinn np-m the Ivs! to ud lu bis present ii s.i lie id ta visit rowers, i (Jill Jones hat hern aiiTttd fur the sumo jo Unto, uud 'lit tn It Tom eomoniiy. Tiiomns Pav, M.aiioii J. M.

ore and Mi' line I iliill.t mA njipe ired, reipoii-Ue ta a per enittoi sitiinnons. They id Wen urre; ted on that n.o4 uia-t of St. Thnuu i i tn Inr eretili'iff ft fc.vtt ditiiiUmee, b'-iue lima 'ent ol tho llnrtloid Kiru i 1 --u" 1 i.o in many und tenons emm.l.ib.H from i 1 1 1 i ut mvI i.o.a nt mi i' 'inimiiv, lui-l tnio h.tiid U-riih'v I m.1 "lH 1 let him build liiuiiu- City l)tert for AT THIS OFFiUK, taifi'uliil, The eihts of tlnu liio erH wn.t meitt for hiii'-eit and m'yet-'ts Hut it'd 0Nb off, and he tainted several l-tes tr l- i.t bm Tim HI! VI -Tins muy im tho rt-t-uit it I. i.n Ootitaloliif ft I rluf Hi Ol lb OUjr uf Nw Oileei-flV ut Mn d. Hm ui vel it iti-bt ul Ci'ruuoro wr.mir.

I ttlia- I- i. drunk, hdllooinir iiiuult-r and behiil II ah wcuu'j ncr.s IilT tuttiuj; it proper uuteital lor Mr. IVatfs nuuin- i hnd loAded itwttd ml a HI" IbMIP. Ml-ts itthi IS.tulis.fl nic'o nf Vr, ,1 nu'itt nuthiiitc bko leather I hai'ivl. pU'ol nnd a awoj.l.

These worthiei iraria ut lua U4CiartnB 01 1 miifnittioari fiui0) Ilia i'owara uf tuaCnrjuratloiij ttia ax lit lug Acta at IL LsfliUtnruapiillcal'la to Hit) Oily OoveruiOBnti 0 Nr OttarUrand lla msnduieuta, uu. I 1 Uiulli on UhIh utttl ituurlien WILSON UKNUISK BM ASH ltOAeil pKlilltOYrH -i. oi Hm protr.tetftl thought. m.iiu. i 'ni'i.

where tiiiipi w.ti lino ma i wi i Us a the tby Wiiilber It o-( i.b'h ent tin- trop entirely. Nt-ver-l ie1, loeifi w'M I 4 a Moiu-leni'v of rot.i i iK.ippIy tlie n.tolHof tan p-oi(t. wi'lmut The it tlry weu'iier li i mail ti.tiUiii id tho (odder i-i pl.t -i wh. re the Cum eiop is uiotu W'u Ivtr u.itti hit ouiiis ihe totitincrop it etui T.jiHH mid I. nisi, ma; while iu AlNHU-dppi, Alsb.nua trnd ii 'Oi lit leportH Jess favorable.

Hi nnd li 'a-, mili-tit 'lekl 111 in i-on Ota and Mis. ItuNw'l, a oii'nr nnt.l I tilv In i rn -de 4 in ritislvtnrf me Heconk'r that 1 lull Ifitiiu, S. tr i win. Mi MI'llls. Till" of dentils In the t'iev noiily out iiiiio iroiii-, utiii as ii-ir n'vei-al iifi.l Heji.n.lto ri'p'ltatliiiiii HlouiJ Why Hliutilit vv hintullilii wtlli U- ill-i In In tin Ir K'u'iiiin.

tUin lai In wli. fi li.iUl ta wltiiln Uri li lain llii'ili'i' tK( iiltli.nuli tint uf tli Ui.ili.'nl l.i'tiliy llli hi t.nti linn. livtl lli.iiiniUi.U i.f ii.l'il'-lli 1 K-i'V kn-m tut 111 tin .11, a, I'-U--al in Ut'iillj i Mom inihi tiAiie iMiieot'Mi ank IU.00H 1 1. Iii I luln li i.nt.., ui.ini' fill l' ly ii'nin'lti inr Oil v. Ulcli Wl Ii vl'innl fur IIm lurtiil.ii On" l.lal will .1.

in iiu- (In- 111.11 J.i il III Nt. OiIv uh, ami ifl ill, WlilOIII' air Nn. 11 J. DticuiiK'. mi for tli.

v.n'.i i I'Vveu. Tno H.H'irt.iiy of II 1 iinrautrail In Iiu Ilia uiual an In am) eilecll vo a-(niit avt-r ticod .0 II, III 1 "iiu, iiii-v wem .1 Ult U1 I skenk had I. '4n B.rsstul its ilsnei'i-ous 'r. 1 sayni IIMMMU. I I.IIUl-1 H.viil II.

I'ntis. a of tliis riij mn I dly brui on llm hin nml I1U1-. Mr. Ihuhiih W.s, hniij, ir llm deatrultnli (il tlivltj li (iublfaiiln Vi'l litUl. 1 wiroiir IIju of il si Intu li 1 'Tlie iiitol.

i.ihly hot anil i'ry wr.illier Il VMoNO A l' 4 T'i tji att'l, Kaw Oil-4iia, "IV i-i and pott.toeM in thin fuetmu ure tloior i ritiher ive, II, i the M.lllil ol I'fli'l K. I I tun mn- until nil1 in Mr. T.I'. ki-11 liul Inly, of t'jr, Tim V.I., AgUU (II Ol 1. of J.

tvHH-ii'i I'll' mil Iiu ir Mil tiiivn, of Hk' vail ma Hien mil lent Lmntand uf tl a 'I is an -i' i Wil no I 'llili'lli'y Illmti'Ver to ej.i.leiiiii-il' of any It. I.ii't. He huvii -ver 1- 'i-iwn ''i eti.i ttu Jojll llum duly eSiMjil'il WltlKUlt il jiHV, m.u'h luiili'il iu om. ol his uiikliH.

Sir. II. The nri'l- plf )V1S1HNS. A Jl o'MN w. H.i-al'rlnif si tint li juil iu- irtlt.

I fc tl 1 1 It of the A mMt C-trle i. ltni rorrisT WaahAwo KhmIi It li in' lila fil.Mi.ta I'iU'i'iti tu lilaullaUiid f0, eHAltTKK i.l. tin. misiilcn uf lha ttrm-ci', ul I'untninliouaf itn JIiilliliK lot lis. (l u-hu-h th I A.

Tli- town (i'olk 1 11.1 el hli'Cri, niionl Me i iiuil fi tnia, i i.i.i trii.if if. Ull'lh 1 I'm J'lalit l-l tl filial. In i In' iiuw i'1'i'ii an vxti'in-IVf an I KN HUM hi bl'Oi'K A an j. 1 of Uu vm Iniia uuniiH ta and U-t ttit'lmr llund 1 'no x-, U-ifi'i II Ol- MO on i i.i.: i' iu iu in4l, i'lliJ mifiy, Hnrlial Land an.l I.n --'1- ly 1 V. tl Iin-ij miiii'I In-' I rid.

Hm In-tin I' v. -r 1.,.. i i I. ltt-u. tlw l-'il.

I ii, ui. Uu. 'j o( id toLfir, ruin. Not hvimi slum-i-r 1 mi' 'l-iya. Ii will, cnuimi, bfoiiii mil fun vi.l.o ol 1 1 i I 1 "U--U-I of tiL.

l-rl lo Mlvn ili IiimiIi I.i,i,.i-. i.i ill ll.i. i I'iiiii wn liiinii.ij; iii-lhi. am, mill. 1.

30 130 AI.I'KT WAIiKllOtJSK, Cb irinY ct. iTI.M' HiVOltlK-t, MaicUanla and H. oat ta tDiifltad wHU Wtouutti'f ilil'l, III t''l' hl.Ul.O Ot l.i 7 VI.IIlllf Wmu Ol 11'liHUIIlrl lot. were nun. jf on iiui evoivlhiiur I elmriu-ier, out lie tiroveil hun- ii-ll' t'i la.

llPifl'I'ily lui.l' st ilil'l ami i. 1 ill I nui'il on inniiii'iii of liiu iilorV Aiii'iiii M. ('a rty, riiilllns, Jolni D'liara, i 'ou iiininir, Abraham l'asli an, I Mai'l-i li wero all liiiuleil up In one li. on iiit.

i hai'ir" ot lipinir sJl an.l nh-epilli? it. 1 ail new aii.l io It ihe lo. I rue ii. ol tlii'iu lull In Ihe .1 nk, tlnv I is. lei oil lay meilt ol'lliiii' Imaul hi, bill ae.

weiH iii the il.n hut here ii.n-.l, iheir olii'iiii appi-aruiir to li.iv lieen no oileiiee whatever. I. tn. Ann W.lki.uiiii wan 111,101.11. ve leulav lieinre iii ti.114' Hluoniiii'iil, aa.i 0I1 oi 1 nt nuiliv to a I'lunre luaile aKiiu-l I.e.

by Mi, lii.i Sollii 111, Ii-min; -I0V11 a ol hi-i'tN, anil toweli. li-'ui liitn. exaiiiiiiation of Ihe r.oe was llxeil lor liio VIU tul Mia. 1 1 iiHiin was he). I to appear in I.

I ol f-' I. A III 1 umvors The iiorijo ol sleal-lir; a iiatili, I'n i.iiht nihilist Jifpl. a ,1 ty or two i-iai'e by '-t iy iIIsuiImi .1, oil the 101 uta'i it II. i' tl.e ul been uia.le 'liroiiirl. fu that ISai-taniiiie lui.l pur haeil the warh in irm-il lie -hiiulil 'isi-oveiiil the er 1." he 11 e.

l'u ,10, 1- oi I ii-i'iM' Si' i-i 1 in was li.l iv in-i is ieil f-i auswei 4 1, ii Ti 1 U'- ii 1 1.1 ,1 I li. l. hiiuiuier inoie llius l.u-, iiu w- ili-life'lil the i-ity." M'llUKN II Ih lllMI. I' ll. I).

K. Mill's, r. s. iiuw on his lo New will. t.i.-l.iiii ut io irouw, Willis Inuu Aikiu.nn, i he lH-eu lour ayi ttl, i'.

l.i aiiJ Kio-iviiys. noil "Siinie ol the l.ii. Us olleiril me us hlh aH horn ii Inr my ilnuirhti'i'. an, I I ol an oih ot a mvai ol sijuaw tor Mrs. M.

1 Inn il hotli V. ui ihtloi i i1. Iliiini k-iis Tiuvi.aii:i. it fiat the Irish ri.ieiiiy at Riiillii to tils, lh v. Iliowimoli a iiolt'sor-hii in tint Imtiiuiion, un.l tint lu in ei'l'li il the nili is now iirt-niti lih- llrst riaraiadrintirtiy i.

WKI.l.lhUTOS, Afmt, i i i 'i unit the U'! lh ll'l" i.n,r:.,ii. lotheiH iniru- ol I ,,,,,,,1, Ulii.nin I i llloll ,11 a Ii.ii-!,,., lu, i'i ui Mum ion i I I' veiling lust, when we wereli'i-st ii'h ooii.oiilu i run, wliii'h I'li'it'iriul lor utioiit livo urs Aloi v. itli the ol il. nil we hut llnvr ivi'in- Imii hto.ies were us f. ui it iii'ii, Ii-lh iis irt-.

i'. W'v t'n-'lt Ih.u I'll, i Inn ol i 'II. i'oli ni in uli.l in lo lh ,,.111 t(1 ftftll Ua Povdraa,, WtMJU! W(H)l)! r- J'livuto iiui nil nllitT MUl'In-l Mi-nla lH'iiiitf (h uv IMP.dM,t I on.r.oiH, I.e.,. i ji a- u-nal, OD 1 I I-i 'llVlAV, lTLu, "lr" ulli-r Ml4Ml 1 flu I-.

I u- 'S (1 o'-' i 1 uV ti. I't'l I'Hi. Ity. iiiniT IlioN' 1 .1 1 I'- i.i-r a. Nr .4.1,.

Vni i h. Kr-APf a v. h. a m.w,h, 1 -1 I ii IN. ii.o.i.

Af'j. 1, 1 k.iiix,,. K. Jm- ZvVZZX) rtl su-l (i.i o.i. I.

iiHii i I a. I b-l-l I l.ii.l'-..iiirSli -Any mull mil 'fSX? I Altll. i iu ooimoii, tiowe.ei, iii r.n ii ilver is mil low lor el.ih. lu us up we lu.v loi is ilesl ni 'I ii.ili. till' 11.

il Moo of I- I We 111 Hill lis t- I uy will bo iboiit I. i I.t 1 i.t tl toil' I lis ill. I toil I. ITTIJ, 'I' I)., Am'Kt loi the i.rimicti-X jm, Ho I', lh 1 ul, it, it-l in e.

I io i 1 1 i ith tl a "i 4t I 11' .1 1-1 1 li, 1'. 1'. 'p. Ill I I 'Oi It ei li." li.i is-rii 'b' in el (it I.l, HAVINQ .....1 bUm'ilHt ii i i "in. "look iiiiii.

lliij I- 1 s- 1'- j. I 1 1. I 1. i tit slil, I,:. ,1, ,1 I iy pio 0, .1 is s- ir.

i.iii II 1 1. mi urJ..

The Daily Delta from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.