Semi-Weekly Standard from Raleigh, North Carolina (2024)

Nortk Carolina Railroad. WILLIAM W. QIi DEN 77. 7r7r77f7777 I 1 I I. r- I 1- I -v -1- It i it 1 .3 i 'I if W' -a 1 I t.

J-J 1 If 1H 11 TmTTORTH-CAROLINA MUTU'lVINSURANCE i COMPANYitefcftlMhia; befk iin FRANK. I WILSON, AssociateEdltor. i TERMS OF THE WEEKLT-r nVJrw.ce, or within the first month; Two bolhirsant. fiftvleot7if payment bo delayed six ninths; and Three DK if paid with5? tU tixnB sabscribing. I I TERMS OF THE JM vr LJm in advance or within the first ntoulh; Four Mbn na niij mia.

i frrtm time of ub Dollar, no '7 7- 1 -c Tmw ira9 of AdTertlsI fa te 1 lra.rnt-nirmr KlkWS One square, 1 4 IiM ff hM) tirst macrtion, inwrikta. 1 00. S3 lancer dTcrt-uieuls in vr.r-)rivii. rrmlar ra'r. Tor six or iwnu the cntrac per -y A bune Card, not exceeding Bre liiw, ilix niontfcs.

or 1 twelre ninths; -or in botn p-wrs for I0 for ix month, or 15 tweWe i -V" The pal al be advertiser for wx month or'br the rear, free of cbrge. i Subscriber nd other, who mr to end mwej tie Ed.tor.can do so at all limes br Mid at hi ri.k- Recess Pr all uny will promptly transmitted, Letter to tbe Editor come free of poataf. ED. b.lCRAIIAai HAYWOOD, BseUor aad Attormey law, Comat Johnston. Cllm and New r- hWUL at ths oflice IbrweHr eccupied by the Ute Hon.

ill. a. iAMES J. IREDEIX, At tor iter aad Coaasellor at Law, Will attend to all busines entrusted to him, in th Court of this and fne adjtMninfc Counties. trJtehi one iecPd by the late Hon.

Jamea IwdeU. R-lcijrh. June 15th, 1858. 6a'- GEO. HOWARD Attorner at Eaw.

HAVISf. haed at Wiuwx C. wji the c7rt of Kit. Greene, Wajtje and Edgecombe Conn-ties. Oflice-next door to Gay a HoteL "VIEUAM II JONES, Attorner aad Coaasellor at Law Will Wttend tbe Conrt of Chatham, Jonnsion WINSTON CEARKE, CooBMllors nod Attorneys at Eaw, I.

WIXSTOX. WM. J. CLARKE. March 54 I Law Copartnership viitpb AND ROGERS.

ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, I I IVAUK1.1I, i il I nfni.lMI 1A them. II. iW. Mills a. UcibcrSo.

1 66 tf. iIni DR. PETER E. UINES, rBlENDERS hi eemcea to me JL KaJeilfU, and Ha Tictniiy- 3ce on Faretterille Street, abore the Drug Store )krt Haywotid a Scott. I of W.


xvKn.oKia Crocers. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I NoaroLK, Va. 'UFVEREXflES: i- VP 1 HO 31 AS I -V, Go. W. Moiecai, Prea't Bank of the State or NC.

CJ Dewet, Cashier Mill. Joses. Cashier Bank of Cape Fear LIo B. liuxra, President Raleigh and Gaston Road. 3Irsr.

Ke.a isoouer, 1 l.r. X. C. WhitehCTid, 1 Pres't Farmer' of Va. VXorfM.

Alex. Bell, Esq. Messrs. Spence Rcid, BaUimarf. B.

Blossom Son, lurk. September ,1 1 Sfi-t. 8 J. 2H. LOVEIOr ACADEMY.

THeVtII SESSION WILL COMMENCE OXjTIIE 7th Januarr, 1V. Tuition in adrancc. For partieabrs, aJdires the Principal, for 'Jf'YovEJOT. Jf.h. Dc.JI.

lf, 7 4wsaw. EEWLS KING, Commission Merchaati, ALABAMA. B. B. Lewi, former! of r'rauklin Co, N.

C. A. June A I KADER BIGGS GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, TmU't Wktrf, Totem Point, Norfolk, Va. K'f fwrMw Bloodz-wd A Co, E. P.

Tabb. A Co. i. Bll. Ew- Xoriolk: Hon.

Asa Bijrgs. illiam 1. It li Knnlhac- Raleiph. J. LcWl PIOII, V'-, w.

Thompson. Esq, Hotel, N. C. Texas Real Estate Brokerage, COLLECTING AND LAND AGENCY. RAYMOND, FREEMAN" A 1 ATTOR5EVS AT LAW, 1 Citf of Ati, TtJM.


XATXONIK C. B. FBBBMAX HOMES IN TEXAS, lAXD SAFE INVESTMENTS obtained through this" Agency. Fiobutt to the interest of RiccLHTUf Und for sale, in all parts of the State; full exh of title and accurate descriptions, also registers of town and citr kts. Lands located, bought and sold.

Claims against tbe State or individuals collected and adjusted, and remittances made by exchange on New Orleans, or nr of the northern cities, if desired. A thoboch and intimate knowledge of the country, and tbe laud system, insures superior location and the best I Stsaxgem fc king at Texas may always bare some lead-in itcn.s and useful bints at the office of this Agency. Tter.isTEBS open tr examination. Jf Office in Congress Arenue. Slay IS U.

It. I FALL TRADE, 1854. WE ARE NOW RECEIVING PER STEAMER BAL-tic aiid Alps, and the Packet Ship Caroline, our Fall Importation of Foreign Dry Goods, Purchased lor Cah by an agent of Mr.W.WeddeH at xery low rates. M'e are also in receipt of a large and com-nisnding Stock of I Domestic Fabrics. Purchased from first baud and at the recent i Large Aaetion Sales at great sacrifices.

I M'e respectfully solicit a call from the North Carolina and Virginia Merchants, feeling confident we can offer them Goods at as lu price as can be found in any market. STEVENSON WEDDELL. PrrsJttBrBQ. Va' I 2 HOW TO 8 AVE MONEY. Call at H.

L. EVANS' No. 29 Cheap Place, THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD RESPECTFULLY IX-form bis friends and customers that be has on band a large and well-assorted Stock of Fancy and Staple Dry roods, Hatst Caps, Kws, sboevAc (this fell's purchase.) which, be desires to close out by Spring, to make room for another stock, and to enable him to do tb entire stock will be sold at reduced prices, foe tu, or to punctual dealer on a short credit. Call and examine for yourselves. H.

EVANS. ISH AND SUBSCRIBERS baring rented tbe fnmt part of the store occupied by Mr. C. B. Moore, near the Post Office, intend keeping for sale tbe finest Norfolk Oysters and Fish.

Person waoting the abore article mar rest-assured of getting them Fresh. Spiced and-Pickled Oyster will alway be kept lor sale br the keg or by retail. Ay one wanting a quantity, will hare their order attended to by giving one or two days no. Orders from tbeeountry with reference will be promptly attended to. 1 JOHN O.

SIBLEY A CO. Raleigh. October 1 1854. 3m. 11.

iT.EIGII AND GASTON ROAD. ON AN1 L.ftor TA Julv the Passeneer Train will leave the Depot AND AFTER MONDAY, JANUARY Jst 1853, ths North Carolina Railroad will be onenet ior me portation of passengers snd freights irom uoiooro Durham's, 24 miles west of Raleigh. Passenger train leaves GdsborordAilirif 00 A. passes Rajeigb 00 Durham's o. RETURNING.

r-J Passenger (rain leaves Durham's dally 'i 00 P. pasBes Raleigh Cftf' H. MTires st Goldsboro- it rnn.rAStk TTnUnI RUIm mail fralO 00 tUS Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad at aldsbpro'; tire Ro 'I leigh aud Gaston Railroad at lUleigh, and ilcss. Bland A Dunn's mail line of four horse poL soacbss at Durham ruuning daily via. Hillsboro', Graliani, Greenshory s-nes- town, Salem Snd Lexington to Salisbury from which iomt to.Charlotto the North Carolina Railroad Company are -running a daily traiu.

A through freight train, leave. A Goldsboro' every Thursday for Dttrliaat'ai returning every Friday; A B-BV freight train will run erery Thursday from Goldsboro' to'StallingVand rctoru samedayand make extra trips when necessary-. WALTER 4 Chief EBziBeerM.CR. JanM, 1555. 'S, t.

Iten-ard. T. Bjf UU Thomab. Gfternoir th RtaU of North Carolina. .1 i murder one Fraucis M.

Stephens in the said County of Co4 tinnhit.4. and that thA said DoCTOB G. FlSLDS is fugitive, from justice and has escaped beyoud the ot7this( State. Now to: the eud that the said Doctor G. Fields may be' arrested and brought to trial for said offence, I do hereby) issue this ray Proclamation, offering a reward UThr Jf und red Dollar for his apprehension and deliver to tb( Sheriff of the said County of Columbus.

DKscstraox: 4 The said Doctor G. Fields is said fo be about 28 yesrif of age, about fire feet seven inches high, spsre madet darJtl hair, round face, large eyes, slwrt nose, with snd inclined. vp wards, with a deep scar across it, sallow skin, snd his man, ner generally bold and overbearing. Given nnder mr hand and the great seal of the L. S.j State of North Carolina at the City of Raleigh, this the 9th doy of January, A.

1865. i TU0S. BEAGGL Byorder of the Gorernor: Pclasei CowtEB, PrieaU Seerttary. Col. J.

H. Stephens, of Columbus County; offer sntd' ditional reward of $200 for the apprehension of said Fields Bud asKs that it may oe published wim ids aoore. Raleigh. Jan. 12.

1855. .16 dt. Look at the HaUl the Hats; BY EXPRESS THIS WEEK. ANOTHER LOT, OF those beautiful flat brim snolsskin if Shanghai Hat, of good itoek. W.

H. A TUCKER. Raleigh, Nor. 29, 18.54.1 3 A PERSON WHO WISHES TO ENGAGE IN EU- itinu-aml nuhlishinir can hear of a ffood OPIHrtunitr. open to preferjnent, by addressing the Editor of the Standard.

present editor and publisher having engagea in other butquest, woulJ dispose of their iulcrests farwra- blv. 1854. ,.4 tJl-ttf OCKBRIDGE ALUM WATER. HAVINO the Agency for (ho sale of this valuable Medicinal M'atcr, we are how prepared furnish it by U10 barrel, half barrel or gallon. Pamphlets conluiuing thi Analyai and certificates of cures, maybe hod on application to the subscribers.

WILLLVMS A HAYWOOD. June 21, 1854. ROWN WINDSOR SOAP. 12 JUST JLPreccived. Alsoi Urge variety of Lubin snd Laziu ir Store of V- Perfumery, at the drag Store WILLIAMS A HAYM'OOD October 11, 1S53.

9ft. 1 EXCELSIOR SOAP. 8'K LBS. OF! THIS SUl'-E-rior family Soup, in store and for sale cheap by the box or pound, at M'lLLlAMS A HAYM OOD'S SMOKING TOBACCO. 2000 PAPERS OF SL'PE nor Virginia Snioking Tobacco, recommended by tlie first families." Forsalcbr." iU 'r, VnLLIAMS A HAYWOOD.

irjAINT M.ILLS. A GREAT LABOR SAVING MA chine for grinding colors, and one which erery painter iould have; for sale at the tmig store 01 a 1 LAZIERS' DIAMONDS AND KNIVES. Iu Store aud for sale by A Tf YONS RAT PILLS, THE MOST Ef FiXTL A li JLi remedy ever used for'thc destntction of Rats, Mice, Ac. orby M'lLLlAMS A HAYWOOD. i 1 XTRACTS FOR FLAVORING-IU)e, VsnilU, A Orange, Lemon, Butter Cinnamon and PiM Apile in store and for sale by 11 WILLIAMS A HAYWD0D.

CHLORINE TOOTH WASH STANDS for cleansing the mouth aud preserving ths teeth and gums. For sale at MrILLlAMS A AY WOOD'S. lOD LIVER OIL. A FRESU SUPPLY tf RuHh-J ton. Clark A Co.

's just to bund, st the Drug Store of M'lLLlAMS A HAYWOOD. TBHlMn CHEWING TOBACCO. JONES' tt 1'romiiiVn. uridti of Viririuis. Rock Caixtr Extra Dan River, and other popular brands In store, snd for sale by 11 WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD.

ROCERIES. LOAF, CRUSHED, GROUND AND Jf CLARIFIED ri' Java, Laguira, and Rio Coffee, Adnniantiuo and Tallow Candles, Sugar House Svmp and MoIh ascs, Maderia, Cherry, Port and Champagne Wines, Cooking Wines, Cog. Brandy, warranted pure, 4 Old Mononguhcla M'hiskeT, -'r Jamaica Rum, Holland (Jin, V.v: London Brown and Scotch Ale, for sale by JAMES McKIMUO. LANKETS AND FLANNELS. 0-4, 10-4.

il-4, T'-t and 18-4 suo'r Bed Blanket. Crib and hito, Blue, Kcd and Green Mackinaw jiisuxeiv, Negro Blsukets-all kinds Saddle and Horse M'hite, Red, Yellow, Green snd Gray Flannels, all rides, Fancv French, FUnuels for Sacks, nil colors, In store aud for sale by JAMES McKIMM ON. EGRO GOODS. KERSEY'S OF. ALL GRADES, l'luid, Striped and Haiti Linsevs, i.

Marlboro' and Gala and Plaids, Cotttm Osnaburgs and Heavy Shirting; Russet A Black Brogans Heavy Boots, just reeeirrd snd or sale by-" JAJlEJj McKIMMON. ATS AND CAPS. FALL STYLE AND BEST nua'itv Moleskin Hats. Cloih Cspa'of everr variety and price, Sei raut's Wool Hots, Black, Brown aud Drab, just rrcalred. JAMES McKIMMON.

Raleigh. Oct. 7, 1853. n.s 1 ir.s 1000 GALlS. LINSEED.

COTTON Seed. Machine and Tanners' Oils for sale st the Drug eof WILLIA WOOD. Stori TABLE SALT VERY FINE AND M'UITE la small bags, in store and for sals by WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD. ORN STARCH. -A FRESH SUPPLY! JUST BE CEIVED at the Drug Store of 1 -A a uai vull.

DEPILATORY. FOR REMOVING SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, for sale br -v: WILLIAMS A HAYW00L. CIGARS I CIGARS A lot of the very best brands of imported Cigars, has just been receired st HAYWOOft SCOTT. -TJTOLFE'S SCHE1DAM SCHNAPPS-A fresh 1 supply of this popular just received and sale by HAYWOOD A WORTH. CAROLINA made Blacking, snperior 11 article for sale by HAYWOOD A SCOTT.

ACKERMON'S A PARMERST0N8 Yeast Pywders, a first rate aud cheap article for sale by HAYM'OOD A BC0TT. WOTICE A DIVIDEND OF PEK CENT. ON the Capital Stock of tbe Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Cipany has been declared payable 'fo tbe Stockholders, or their authorized agents, at the office of the Company, on the 12th day of December, tiroxlmo. t- i w. W.

VASS, Treaturtr. Office Ral. A Gaston R. R. Co, Raleigh, Nov.

1, 1854., 7INE TABLE CUTLERY, IVORY BALANCE u.JM k'niv. anil Vorka. LI hvi la sett T'i- Ivory Handled Game snd Beef Carver and Forks; i Butter Knive and Fw sale by S. BKOWN. BTBRASS ANDIRONS, WIRE FEN BASS Hm 0: lA MKn1.

and Tonirs. aw 1 .1 i.n J'ire Carrier aad Oml IId, d.T- A'1 T.ifBt nri Tm Kettle. For Bale Tr Vw 4 liata ana caps. -RBtrACGEE lEE'dc W1LLIA MSA RE NOW QfENINO lfXi Kr Vow Mira a larim and clenht SMOItment of gentlemen's latest style of Super Moleskin Hats, CassL mere, Fmr, and a great variety of soft finish Hats of all lbs 1uatinr KtrleJI. i.

ii i J. Also a Urge assortment of Caps for and chil- dren, consisUng of Fur. Cloth, Velvet, Plush, All of which they oftcr at very low price. 5 "KuUit. font "4 1 89 SUPERIOR FAMILY.

FLOUR, yF NEW Raleigh, Smbfr WU. i WHEREAS, IT HAS BEEN REPRESENTED' me that one Doctor G. Fiklps, late of Columbus rVtnnt nn4ha Or.tli ilnv of leeeniler. A. 1854.

did" IftREPAR ATION FOR THE FALLj Ali WIVTRIi A A IfiX.I; 1854 63 AT THE CL0-T THING BAZAAR. 1 Having completed the extensive additions to our wholesale daprirtment, which have beef nnder -contract the past season, hare ftowthe pleasure of aunoiu-cing that both tbe lwer aid upper rooms of this JUam moth CMhwj arc! well filled with thejlargest assortment of seasonable and tUshinnahU (Xothinff ever displayed at the same jtime i the Old Te fin-invite especial attention the quality, workninship, stylo and price of thir clothing, believing that jnlall re: spects it has unrivaled jclahns upon the attention! of th Wholesale purcbaer.L ESpecful attcnioa is giyn at all times to the selecting of sizes, po that the purchaser of a small stock will onU have thoSe sizes which fit the (majority of customers, aud leaving thjsm with a clean stock at the close of the season, '1 I Our stock comprises everr thing properly belonging the Rady made Cic.hingand Gentlemen's Furnishing bus-' iness, in part ss follows: 3 Ji French Black. Dress 'and Frock Coals, $1-8 to 35 English ll! 20 American and German 6 to 1 Fancy, dress and frock coats of every desirable colorj n.t roi.lm.n. TwbbA 'nnrf Tlonvpr Sacks, half Sacks, Frocks and Paletots, varying in prices from three to twelve 4., fusts of stffTj rnihVr sryla of goods in market, Wim lowMt in the finest rrade. Cloaks, Caledonians, Jullen and Talma.

Paxts in our large and choice assortment may be found atrles to suit all black Cassimere aud French Doe. Skin, also, French, English ud American fancy and solid colors. 'I VESTS-Rich Plush, Velret, Grenedine, Florentine and Baratha Silk, Cashmere, Imitation Cashmere, Blue and looey Cloth, Black and Fancy Satin, Farmer's Satin, with a Urge assortment of party and wedding rests, not surpassed by any establishments I Our FtcrnUhinp Ettdhttihment is well supplied with everything pertaining to that branch of the business, as Gloves, Shirts, Collars, black and fancy Cravats, Stocks, Scarfs, Drawers, Motey Belts, Dressing Gowns, Ac, Ac. Our prices will be uniform and as low as goods of the same quality can be purchased in the Northern cities. To the wA and prompt paying purchoser we solicit a call to examine our stock before making theirpurchases.

I A. S. SHAFER CO, Clothing Bazaar, cor. Syc. and Dack st.

Petersburg. Scp'tembeij 5. 13.4. a3 TTATHERF7)RiSPRING SALE, i WHOLE ii SALE AND RETAIL. M'e respectfully inform our friends and the public that we have in store a Urge and most excellent Stark of Zeaikrr and finding, for the Spring Trade, which we will sell as low as any other establishment South of New York, and for less price than they can be bad even there, expenses of travelling, freight, Ac, considered.

All of our purchases baring been made from the Importers and Manufacturers by the whole case or package, and the advantage of receiving Leather regiilarir from our own Tannerr, places it in our power to sell Good fc aboTe stated. Those who wish to buy cannot lose by giving our stock an examination, and we believe we shall be able to please, both as to price and quality. Below we enumerate some of ths leading articles nz: I 20 dozen of Crawfbrd'4 Calf Skins maker had the premium awarded to him at the World's Fair held in London in 101.) j. 4o dozen French Skins, best quality, 40 44 American Calf Skins, Lining snd Binding Skins, 10 Morocco Skins, SO) Sides Oak Tanned aad Hemlock Sole Leather, 50 Band Leather Lasts, Boot-Trees, Shoe and Boot Maker's Tools of every kind. Tanner's and Currier's Tools.

Also, Sewed Brogans of our own manufacture, warranted to give satisfaction, and niany other articles too numerous to mention, at No. 21, Old street, opposite B. P. Harrison's 8addlery. A.

A R. H. FORD. N. It.

We pay the highest price in cash for Green and Dried Rides delirered to us at our Store. Petersburg, May 1S5S. tf. IRST PREMIUM SMUT AND SCREEN ING MACHINE. YOUNG'S PATENT.

IMPORTANT TO MILLERS AND MUX OWNERS. This Machine re ceived the first premium at the North Carolina State Fair, sad wss recommended to tbepublic as the krfnowin use in tbe State. Seven hundred of them are now running in North Carolina, all of which are now in operation and have giren the most entire mtisfactiota, in regard both to performance well now as tliev did at first, and hare not been out of order one day. Mre have thrown out ten different Smut Machines to make room for this. They are warranted for five years, and delivered at the Mill any where in the State.

Manufactured and sold bv JN0. A.4lcMANNAN, South Lowell, Orange County, N. C. April 1, 1854. 44 tf.

Jj Cut this advertisem*nt out and keep it. VALUABLEPTWtlON SALE. Wishing to remove South, I will sell on favorable terms, the plantation on which I now reside, formerly owned by the late Henry J. G. Ruflin, containing about 1,500 acres on Content nea creek, where the Wayne andTGreene lines unite with that of Edgecombe.

A large portion of this plantation is rich bottom land; not subject to overflow, and is well adapted to the production of cotton and com. This plantation is favorably situated, being withm ieven miles of Black Creek Depot, on the W. R. R. and within five miles of the Greenville Plank "Road, and has been long known as one of the most valuable in this portion of the St ite.

November E. RUFFIN. 1 swtf. Blacksmithin; Horse-Shoeing, 17DWARD YARBROl'GH, HAVING M-J erected a new Blacksmith Shop at the corner of Har-gett aud Wilmington St'si, is prepared to have all work in the above line executed with care and dispatch. The well known Jim Atkin, with competent assistants, being permanently engaged, he is enabled to bare Ihe animals entrusted to his care shod in a workmanlike manner.

Raleigh, May ao, 1304. 54 tf. A DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale her place of residence iu M'ake Comity, N. situated fire miles West of Raleigh, immediately on the Central Rail Road.

TheDtVELLixo is-a very large and convenient one, handsomelysjjuated. The outhouses are god. cons-sting of the Printing Office Build-in c. Kitchen, Barn, Stables, Ac, Ac. There is a Well of excellent water, with a chain pump.

Also a great variety of Fruit Trees, Grape Vines, etc. The" Tract of I.and conta ns ISO acres CO acres of which is cleared and susceptible of a high state of improvement some 20 acres being good meadow land. Other lands, if wanted, may be purchased adjoining. In consideration of its healthful and convenient location, and many valuable improvements, it is in erery respect desirable as a place of residence. Any persons wishing to purchase are invited to call and examine the premises tor themselves at as early a day as practicable.

G. MEREDITH. Dec. 20 1854. lg Register and Recorder copy.

8 tf. P. F. PESCUD, WOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, Raleigh, N. IS NOW RECEIVING HIS extensive purchases for the SPRING TRADE, and the rapidly increasing demand having justified his purchasing many articles in original cases, which he has hitherto procured in small quantities, justifies him in offering unprecedented inducements to his friends and customers.

To the trade -he will sell the most popular Patent Medicines at the Proprietors prices, and respectfully requests dealers and the public generally to give his stock and prices an examination before sending their prders North or elsewhere. March 24, 1854. 87 Barters' Spanish mixture Afresh sup- Hyply just received, and those troubled witn uyspepsia or diseases arising from an impure state of the blood, are urged to sire it a trial. It has produced a wonderful cure in Raleigh, by the use of 2 Bottles. P.

F. PESCUD. YONS RAT PILLSNDSALVE. DON'T JLibe annoyed any longer with rats, When you can extir-minate them by giving Hat Pills, or greasing their food with Coster's Salve, which you will find at 7 PESCUD'S. ADDLER, FERTH ROSS MUSTARD.

J9 A Urge Case of this Mustard which is considered the best in the world by many persons is just received at PESCUD'S DRUG STORE. BED LARD OIL IS NOW USED BY MANY persons in preference to TRAIN OIL because it is just as good, and much cheaper. A supply for sale very low at i PESCUD'S DRUG STORE. IvYON'S KATHIRON-12 Dozen "Bottles just re I ceived and for sale wholesale and retail, by P. F.

PESCUD. ffoy.4th.; 101 TOERFUMERYf Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, and Fancy articles in great variety, for sale by P. F. PESCUD. Nov.

4th. 101 WWAIR BRUSHES. The most extensive variety of Jul Hair Brushes in this City, may DC seen ana Dougnt rery cheap at P. F. Pescun DRUG STORK TEAM REFINED CANDIES, OF.

VERY Su perior quality for exportation outu, Bt 1 wnotesaie prices. -y-jA as. Candies assorted per lb. v-i i .12 cents. Candies assorted per lb.

..15 Candies assorted per lb. ..,.20 to 25 do The above Candies warrant to be equal in every respect to any made in thhv countryj snd will keep in anjL climate. Orders enclosing cash or satisfactory reference promplly forwarded to any part of ths United States and the West Indies. SAML. MARKS SON.

Petersbur-v March 24,1854. 87 a Killed? by a mall petaehment OF TURKS! A ARISES IN TjLLE CITY OroiKS" now. Who sells the ehejrust hvnta u.4 can. be easilyecided lust by callingiat the beautiful Store uvnl rS building-occupied by JOS. SCHL0SS A BROTHER who hoast of theirlBrcll selected stock for the all trade.

They hare brought, On, in part pair of the best qhty of l-rench aud Gerhian Cassimere Pants; a uiuereut sines 01 cloth beaver, sattinat and cents. (The latest style of Talmas, short and longCJoaks, 1 ii T1 KVHta ai iurnismpg jstore. ill ar tteuti lof gentlemfrt to their -S't-te' Effl11' Opto I5vhich cannot be bought at such): prices Pelsewhere. fi All articles mode to order in their manufactory in Baltimore walrranted. i 1 siock.

01 ladies goods not excelled by any other house this City, embracing eyery articlefto meeV the faste of the fair sex, from fine ilk down to cvtion cloth iwuir, '1 'II I III 'k wT llr- Jol- has sojourned in the" 1r fW mhth in "ccession haTttvailed himself of all advantages the northern market as well as any wUilcsale house in the Tbef can and Trill and hare done it already, undersell any of their opponents Remember and call two doors abore E. L. Habdixo's. rt J. SCHLOSS A BR0.

Raleigh October 12. 1854. j. 95--'M Spt i PROPRIETOR, BUILDER OF STEAM ENGINES AND GENERAL MACHINIST. The above! establishment has been in successful operation ENGINES and SAW MILLS that have ever operated in this or any other State.

i ar solicited for Steam Engines and Saw Mills, Mill Gearing and Machinery of every discriptiofl to be completed uurmg me oummerandll. The improved condition of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road will enable mej to fiB with dispatch and punctuality all orders after the! 1st of The following certificate will show the character! of the work executed at the above M'orks "AcBRr, Cumberland, May 15, J852. Mr. Silas Bcbxs Sir: Our Engine and Mills, made at your shops, have been at work nearly two months, and Villy meet our. expectations.

The Engine, as to nxisnand STRp-GTH, perkormaxcis and ni rabilitt, is inferior to noue the Mate of the same class made here or elsewhere. The Mills nip with a smoothness and speed truly astonishing. In ordinary sawing we cut in a eoinmon sised" log, 1 jfoot, in seconds or lo teet per minute. M'e have rtm, however, through an 1 fret log 82 seconds or at the rate of 33 feet per minute, by running to the top speed we fallv beere wc can cut 4ft leet per minute. The only objection we have heard urged is, it takes too many hands to haul up Ips and cair unuy luuiuer; lours, 4c, If" I' i JONES A June 2, I.

5J 1500 Acres of Roanoke Lands aud a lively negroes jor sale. THE SUBSCRIBER WISHING TO DEV0TBilIS itiihe entirely to his ufFora farm; sij( miles above Gaston in the county Ndrthanip-ton, and State of North The farm Ss situated in a healthy and pleasant country, and in a wealthy atid intelligent neighborhood. Upon the. farm there is an excellent and well finished dwelling house; containing eight or ten rooms, and all necessary audi "convenient outj houses, the subscriber having gone to considerable expense in fitting up nd improving the place, expecting at the time to make it his home for life. The tract contains about 850 acres of low grounds, valuaW, because crops arc rcldom if ever injured by freshets a large portion of the remainder is in its original growth, hickory, dogwood Ac.

The soil is well adapted to the cultivation of corn, wheal, tobacco and cotton and is susceptable of the highest state of jimprovc-ment. jThe subscriber has taken some pains to improve h.s land, by ditching and the use of fertilizers. TJie owner of this larni has nit only the facilities aflbrdf by the waters of (he Roanoke; but tbe Railroads aro so convenient that hec4n with ease breakfast at home and dine in Raleigh, Petersburg, or Norfolk. In addition he has the convenience of a large manufacturing mill in half a mile of his residence. A portion has been highly manured and seeded wheat and winter oats, auot her portion has upon it a good stand oflorer.

The subscriber is very anxious to sell his will do so for the sum of 15,000 dollars, and alio- the purehaser years if he desires it An en ergetic and ludustpous man with" fifteen hands could pay for it in a shorter period rom the products of the farm alone. j. 'i The subscriber fojr a fair price would sell to the purchaser ten or; fifteen hands young men and women. During the session of the Legislature address me at C. JNO.

B. BYNUM. 1:854. I 5 tf. ENGINEERING I HjONDERSIGjJfED IS PREPARED! TO FURNISH plaiis, specifications, and estimates, and to contract for AlEWESnd SAW AND GRIST HOISTING, AND PUMPIN0 ENGfNKS, TOBACCO PRESSES AND i VSCREWS- AND I Machinery of Every Description.

practical having had seven years experience in North Carolina, Hum fullr aware of the wants if the people, and I can safely jay that my lacilitSes for furnishing jgood Machinery at fair prices are jnnearpasscd. 1 will pay particular ittentiim Jo putting up any imachinety in any itart of the States of North and South Carolina. Agent for Mt-CIinftK-k's pateiit Safety Valve, and Scoti's patent incK Ac. Ac i I 1 ah letters tii receive attention must be post-paid. HENRY, G.

BRUCE. Consulting Engineer, I. Raleigh, N. C. and TorvarJt on tXeet Tcrt) rj Goods, Fariukg Impipenisi MCS1CAL IXSTRlTMGXTsi I CARRIAGES, FRUIT fxfcTES, OB K1C THAT l'3l Kll HAf 111 CITY OF NEW lOUK, AT 2J PER CENT.

COMMISSION Refer to Hon. W. A. rrhani. O.

liauirrr. D. L. Swain, J. M.

Morehead. CP. Mendenball, J. W. Oalwrn, N.

W. Woodfln. liod otliers. 1S34 DENTISTRY. D1 ii tr.

nUJI JKW YUKK, would res pectfully announce to the citizens of Ralifieh and the surrounding country, that he bos decided to opeu an office in Raleigh, and to remain pcrmonetly here for the practice of his profession in all its branches. I 1 i Dr. B. has been in practice in New' York and Georgia for the past 11 years, and was formerly associated with Doct. Parmly of N.

who deseaycdly, stands at the head of bis profession. Dr. B. would be glad to exhibit letters in his possession from gentlemen of high standing, in New -York and Georgia. ii Office for the present at the Metropolis Bouse, kept by 0.

L. Bureli. sv. N. B.

Ladies attended at their residences, until better SUXB, UU1U Ot rooms; are procured. Raleigh, Nov. 4, 1854. AT COST, RICH PLAID AND BROCADE SILKS, French Cash mers and DeLaucs, M'hite Crape ShawU and Emb. Hdkfs.

w. II JL AT. j.J.,, a 4 H.L. L. EVANS.

Raleigh, Dec 8, 1854. A COST, RICH PLAID AND FIGURED BONNET Ribbons, Silk und Cloth Cloaks and Mantillas, Silk, Straw and Leghorn Bonnets. foJ 29, Cheap place. H. L.

EVANS. Dec. 1854. vAT COST, MENS AND BOYS CLOTH CAPS, REA-. j3L dy made clothing, a small lot of Carpeting, Ac.

and take a look. Next door to R. Smith's Dce. M854.rv;?y fgg Spirit the Age H.L.EVAXS.I HATS I HATS I -JUST TO HAND TW.Q CASES. Extra Moleskin Hats.

Boebe's Latest, y. -McGEK A SHAYlNGr tand Fancy.Soap Jtowlaads' genuine li xncopherus. ef Marrow for the hair, for sale' by' HAYWOOD A SCOTT. IERFUMEKY. WE ARE NOW.

RECEIVING A Ja7 supply. of select articles for Ihe toilet come snd ex-. amine them June 9i 54. 1 us PURE and No. I qualities of White Lead, in kegs of J00 lbs.

and 25 lb.yfor sale by 1 '5 'XIAYWOOII SCOTTr-. lr, eighMatch SOthj HITE LEAD. 4000 LBS. OF SUPERIOR White Lead in store and for sale by 5 'fVff yriLUAM HAYWOOD, it 5000 Russian VARIETIES OF TOILET, Lytij's Kathafron. Barry's iacassar Oil.

Bears Oil. Be A GRICULTURAL MACHINERY. The subscriber has on hand the largest stock of Fanning Implements to be found in the State, eknbracing horse powers which have lakeu (ho first cremiMDis at the late Fair, held in Balttiinore and Jthis city wheat Qhreshers. wheat Drills seed orn Planters. Com sUedlers of every kuid.

to shell from 15y0 bushels per dJt, which are sJd low, and warranted rnltt eaiial to anv tolbe found in the Union straw cutters (ur lisnd fcnd horse polcer hominy Mills, Grist raiils capable of griyidisg So bushels of good meal per hour; Corn Cob Crasher. Vegetable Culfcrs, Fan mills, some vt which har taken ill nreuiiuiDS wit! several medals and cer tificates of their prtMMiiinence over 4ll others Harrows of a i I ii i i. ererv swe ana vuiiivaiora. ior oiks uu es with wrooirht and cast iron and -rcverssble steel teeth, Cotton aud Toboci Cultirators, Vkfvi of all patterns for one. two.

three audi four hurses. as Uttrire and desirable an as sortment as can be'foutid in anr hotfse north or south, with 40 tons cr Plow Castings to suit ojp Yokes, ox Bows, Yoke irons. Bow pins, whifiVe Trees, Tnise Chains, Ox and Log Chsins, Axes, Grib hies, wedgc4 Drag and Teeih, spades, shotels, Forks, (somb worth 6 each.) Garden Tools, hoes, Garden Plows and Cultivators. Chain Pumps, Cast Iron Pumps, garden Engines, Tost-hole Angers, Bull Kings, Ox Balls. BhtterChnrns, with every other desirable Implement for tlw jFarm, be found in any Agricultural Uouse Bortu or sontn, witn many oiner aesraoievgoous.

vis liar itua aB -aiaw for th fkrpi lkuAU Ui.l camngc Buisen, ftc. sc, ucui uoo, "vwf stocks and dies, hatid and sledge hammers, blast pipes, cart boxes, carriage axles and spriugs, couldrons and other hoi-, low castings, grindstones framed and not framed, with friction rollers ibr same, Ac, with a Urge lot of superior green and black teas, cigars, white and colored carpet warp, hemp twine for sturgeon nets, wrought and cut nails, snip and boat spikes, with a great many other goods, which cannot be enumerated in an advertisem*nt. All in want, are invited to call and supply themselves on the best terms. S. MARCH.

Norfolk, Va, Dec. 15,1853. 10 PRING 1854. WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE ITUADK. Pttrrttmrti.

Va. M'e take pleasure in announe ing to tbe Merchants of Virginia and Ndrth Carolina, that one ffoiir house! has just returned from the North and where he has purchased an extensiveand commanding stock of Boots, Shoes, Brogaus, Trunks, Carpet Bags, V-ali-ces. Wrapping Lacings, Ac, and all other articles belonging to our branch of business. Our assortment this season will be much Inrgerand more varied than heretofore, in itrdcr to meet the demands of a rjpidlv increauliig trade. Our goods hare all been bought of First Hands, aud selected with great care by an old buyer, of thirty years experience, with rptcial refcicnce to the wants of ihe Virgin; and North Carolina Merchants.

M'e are now in receipt of a portion of our stock and are in daily expectation of large accessions thereto, which will render our assortment one of the most complete and attractive ever offered to the Southern Trade. In soliciting an examination we assure our friends and the public generally, that our pricfjshall be found as low and as reasonable as those of any eimilar establishment south of Massachusetts. Merchant afid others buying by the Package or Dozen wjll lind ii to their interest to examine our stock before purjhasiug elsewhere, as it is our determination to sell as cheap as aiir of our northern competitors. I MT. R.

JOHNSON A I Two dMrs below. Paul A Mcllwaine, East side Sycamore st, Petersburg, Va. Feb. 23, 18-4. Si It." TO THElPUBLI SUBSCRIBER IS ples-d to inform the puLlie that bis CHOLERA AND DIAliRIKE.V MEDICINE affords more prompt re-1'ef in the various affect ious of tbe Bowehs consequently more satisfaction to all who hare used it, than anr other Med eine crer offered to ihe public.

The following are aiong man testimonials of its eflicacr: Dr. R. Dear Sir: I take much pleasure in adding bit teslimonr to others in fkror of your remedy for Bowel A'fTevUoMS, ic, having so frequently experienced its beneficial "results in my own case, as well as in many others to whom 1 hare gireu 1 carried a bottle of it with me to Baltimore, (and Itere permit mo to say, I would a soon think of traveling without money as without this reiuedr,) and finding many among my acquaintances there who Were suffering with various forms of Bowel Affections, I gare it freely, and in xo ixstaxcb did it fail to afford tbe host pbobtt-axd PECWED BELIEF, as it has done here. I congratulate too, and especialsy Ihe public, on the discovery of a medicine which is better calculated to protect mankind and alienate suffering, than air other ever brought before Ibe people. lfcTtKfct This is to certify that, some weeks back, I was taken with a violent Dittrrhaea, which persisted for eight days.

Being some sixty miles from home, I made Use of all tbe remedies I could think of, but without affording any relief. On arriving at home, 1 was informed that Dr. R. H. M'or-thington had prepared a reiuedr for Cholera, Ac, and was adnsed to use it, I did so, and to my astonishment, one single dose gare speedy and permanent relief, since which aime 1 hare used it frequently in my family and in justice to the Doctor say, I cousider it tnwrh tht taont raluahh Med-icim I bare used in an experience of twenty years.

F. M. CAPEHART. Murfreesboro', N. Oct.

2, '54. Dr. Woethixctox Dear Sir: I take greet pleasure in recommending your Cholera Med.rcine to the public, and more especially since I hare had personal experience and observation of its beneficial effects. 1 hare tried serersl remedies put up for Cholera, Ac, but hare ncrer found such happy results from anr as from rour invaluable remedy. 1 have such unbounded confidence in its efficacy, that I am unwilling and will not leave home without a supply with me and regard it as one of the most valuable discoveries of the age.

Yours, truly, W. P. BE A MAN. WixnsoB, N. Sept.

19, 54. Dr. R. n. M'outkixgtox Dear Sir I have made some effort, Snd have succeeded in introducing your Medicine to the public, and I find it is taking very well indeed and tbe result is, that I hare nearly sold what you sent me.

I therefore wish you would send me some more as soon as rou can. I hare not the slightest doubt but that this Medicine is the rery best remedy out for the disease for which it is recommended. I hope ym will soon send me a supply, as I would not like to get entirely out of it. Yours, triilr, GEUKGE W. McGLAUGIION.

From the Mnrfreesboni' Gazette. Mssrs. Editors: In looking orer the last number of the Gazette, 1 louud a communication from our friend, Mr. 1 T. Spiers, recommending Dr.

R. H. Worthington's Cholera Mixture to the public, for the cure of Diarrhoea, Dysentery, and other kindred diseases, llaring experienced ininyowu case, the bappv effects of its nse, as well as other members of mr family, 1 catf safely say that I regard it as superior to any remedy we hare ever used, in an experience of twenty years. I would, therefore, recommend it to erery family, as an inrnlnable remedy, and every individual to procure a bottle and keep it by theui in these times of cholera. R.

U. PARKER. Murfrcesboro, Aug- 30, '54. This is to certify that I bat-e used Dr. R.

H. Worthington's Cholera Medicine in mr family for the last four or five weeks, in sereral cases of Bowel Complaint, so common in our.ricinity, with invariable success. One of the cases was that of a negro child, some four or fire' months old, who was so emaciated by the effects of the disease, that its life was nearly despaired of, when my wife happened to think that she would try the Cholera Medicine, and did so with complete success, in less than forty-eight hours. I am thoroughly of opinion that no family should be with-oat so fine a medicine. Given under my hand, this 3d day of October, 54.


Dr. R. H. Wobthixgtox: It sffords us pleasure to say, that we bave used your Cholera Diarrhea Medicine for the hist twelve months, and bave found it invariably successful, in relieving speedily Uie cases in which we bave bad occasion to nse it. We entertain a high appreciation of its value, and bave no hesitation in expressing the opinion, that it will firore to be a valuable family med ciue.


Oct. 17, 1854. 9 tf. For sale br Mrifiiam Hay wood. Raleigh, W.

C. RESH DRUGS, MEDICINES, WIL L1AMS HAYWOOD, are now receiving large addi turns to tbe'r stock of DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, YESTUFFS, WINDOW GLASS, PERFUMERY, Ac, Ac, from the most reliable Houses in the Northers Cities, which bave been purchased with an eye Single to their puritr, and are offered for sale at such prices and on such terms as shall compare favorably with any house ia the Stale. Physicians, Country Merchants, and Dealers generally, will do well to give us a call before purchasing, feeling assured we shall not fail to please both in point of price and 'orders promptlT attended to, and particular attention giT-en to packing and" forwarding. 1 Family Medicines nd Prescriptions compounded at all hours of the day and night, by a competent person with neatness and despatch.

We tender our most sincere thanks to tbe citizens of Raleigh and the surrounding country for the long and liberal patronage we bare received, and trust by uutiring zeal and energy to please in the prosecution of our business, to merit, its continuance. 1 Raleigh, April 23. 1831. J. CHL0SS BE0.

i bbalbbs nr Staple, aad Faacy Dry Goods, Clothing, Ac, j.j -r- jiLElOB j' ji UtVc vg Call at Locobb's New Brick Building, next door to Col. Hatchings' SadlerT -TcrmCuh, or credit, if rggffSlm' i -t. bUCcesEiui operauon lur 'mure iuw ci eu jtntis, bui cuu-tiunes to take risks upon all classes of property iu the State Steam Mills and Turpentine Distilleries,) upon fa-: -Torajbleiterms. -ij 4' it? 4 Its Policies now ooreB property amounting to $4,500,000, a large portion of which in country risks; and its present Capital is over Six Hundred Thousand Dollars, in bonds properly secured. d'Jif J4 i The average'oost of Insurance upon the plan of this Company, has been, less than one-third of one per cent per an-7 nuns, on all grades of property embraced in its operations.

i The folio win a net-sous have beebKclected Directors and Umcers or this companrtor tne present year: Josi G. B. Rodlhac, C. W. D.

licTcmsas, JXO. R. WlLllAltS, John Pribbose, H. D. TtJBXBB, S.

W.M'nrrixG, T. U. Sblbt. A John Cox. Jidenton, I Joshua baleufl.

J. H. Poo Elizabeth City, t. f. aoax, X'lvmontn, W.

NJ H. Smith, Murfrees- borough, ji H. B. Williams, Charlotte, Johs B. Barrett, Milton, A.

TL Scmmt, Asheville. it GeO. McNeil Fnvetteville. J. (jj-.

Wright, WUmiu'gton, Jas! E. Hott, Washington, amssloax. Greensboro AU Dirotaau iwcefv sppUcatio! I J. 6. Hexbt D.

TuBXER.i VlcerPreaultnt, W. WaarnoV fl i Joaw C. PABTBrooR, Seopdaryy Johx Bbtax, Attomiy, J. Hebaxax, 8. W.

WBimdi I Jxo. R. Wiu.tAMS,vs Committee. -I Joint 3 i All communications in reference to Insurance should be addressed the Secretary, poet paid. i 'i JOHNC.

PARTRIDGE, Seorttary. Raleigh, Jan. 11; 185. TUORTII CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE IN- lll SURANCE COMPANY, Raleigh, N.C. This Company insures the lives of individuals for one year, a term of years, or for life, on the Mutual principle, tbe assured for life participating in all the' profits of tbe Company.

I For policies granted for the whole term of life, when the premium therefor amounts to 3i a note may be given for one half the amount of the proniiuiu bearing interest at 6 per cent without guaranty. The prompt manocr iu'which all losses have been paid by this Company, together with the low rates of premium, present great inducctuehts to such as are disposed to insure. 1 Slaves are insiired for a term of from one to five years, for two-thirds their All losses are paid vrtthm 90 days after satisfactory proof is nreseuteo. UtRECTORS. af a ttvcw 4 Wm.

W. HoLPEX, D. Cooke, It. H. Battle, Jones, F.

Hill, SeAtox Gales. VOAB-La MX VUniVIVA) Wm. D. Hatwood, James F. Jordax, QtnXTOX BlSiBEK, W.

Hcsted, Wm. H.McKkk, Charles B. Root. 0FFCER.S. Db.

Charles M'illiamD. IJce JamesF. Johoax, Stfretyry, Wit tam H. fll. Mr.

HrsTEii, Charles E. JonxTQXM. William If. McKee, M. Hoard of Richd.

B. Hatwooi), M. D.JJ (JoMultatiori. Wiluam D. Cooke, j' W.

W. IIolpex, kKttcutiv Com-Charles B. RooTt 3 inUt'te. tJ? HERSMAN, General Agtnt. I For further inforroatittn; thd public are referred to the pamphlets, and forms of proposal, which mar be obtained at the Oflice cf the Coinpittiy, or any of its Agencies.

Communications should be addressed, (post paid,) to JAMES F. JORDAN Secretary. REENSBOROUGH MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. Jf At the end of Three. Years, such has been the care and economy of the officers of this Company, that we are still free from debt have made no assessments and have now such a large Capital in cash and notes, that we have no hesitation in saying to the uublic, that there is no safer Company in the Southern Country.

The most of the Risks in this Company being in the'Western part of the State, where the danger from tire fes rouch less. i At the last annual Jjeefiiig the following officers were re elected. JAMES SLOiN. President S. COFFIN, Vice President.

P. MEXDENIIALL, Attorney. "PETER ADAMS, Sec'y A Treasurer. MVU.iCUMMING, Gen. Agent.

DIRECTORS; Jitmefc-Sloan, Dr. J. A. Mebane, C. P.

Mendeuhatl, Win. SHRatilciii, Rev.TJ. F. Deems, James M. Garret, Jed H.

Lindsay, W. J. McConnel, E. W. Ogburn, J.

L. Cole, IX M'eir E. F. Lilly, Wades-borough, Dr. S.

Colfin, Jamestown; Joshua Tarloe, Washington M'ni. A. Wright, M'ilmington John I. Sharer, Salisbury John 111 Uooke, Fayetterille IT. G.

Spruill, Plymouth Robert K. Trov, Lumberton Dr. R. H. Scales, Lenox Castle.

4f; All comniunicatioi slibuld be directed to the Secretary free of Postage, (fin tf PETER ADAMS Sec' v. August G. KS541. I', I. 75 tf REENSBOROUGH MUTUAL LIFE IN-TSUUANCE AND TRUST This Company offers induceniotit* to those wishing to effect Insurances for life, rarelv presented by similar institutions.

Those who take SWicleS of Insurance for Life, and those only, are of the entitled to such profits as may be realized from, 'an. accumulated Premium Fund, and from the Urge lamounf of Deposits iu the Trust Departments of the Coinpaiiy, which are kept a3tirely employed. if I '4 A' Policies of Insuntoce issued, on the applicants own life, or on the lires of for a year, or term of years, at a moderate rate of preiuwihi. i Deposits of -tnoiibr. -received in the Trust Department -the operation of whfeh is that of a Saeinfs Bank' and (he depositees allowedj interest at the rate of 3 per cent, per auuum for any time hot exceeding four months 4 per cent, over four and not exceeding six months; aijd 3 percent, for any time orer sijji month's.

Pamphlets Containing full and particular information forwarded to any required address. il vD. P. WEIR, Sje, Treat. C2 September 1,1854.

87 ly. -Ydbdb ACRES of TURPENTINE Land oS FOR SALE. M'e offer for lale a tract ot Pine Land containing about seres, situated in Onslow county, adjoining the New Hanover comity line. The Holly Shelter hiad fiom Wilmington to Jacksonville and Rich-lands, runs through it. 5 Tnere are'll crops of Boxes on the Und now in successful i working a Tuipentine Still, capable of running 30 barrels, a Dwelling House, Store and Cooper's and Blacksmiths shops, Barns, Stables, Negro Houses, and in fact every thing necessary for the prosecution tne business; 16 mules, 6 waggons, timber Ac, stock of cattle and hogs.

The produce of. th land. is hauled 9 miles to navigable water for flat boats at all seasdns of the year. The timber is hauled 5 miles tev a Creek. There is a considerable quantity of good tiinbeon the Und, and lightwood for making tar in absndancell -1 The above presents i favorable opportunity for Turpentine and Timber dealers to make an investment Which cannot fail to be higyvi remunerative.

There are no Stills within la miles of Jh'otiUce, and consequently no competition in the pttrchaw? ot the raw material. subscribers having other business to attend to cannot give the place proper attention, and will sell the whole, or an Interest of one-half to a competent person who will take i eharge the premises and conduct the business. Apply to iisi WM. A. GUYER, or y-'m iu j.

r. blossom, -i Wilmington, N. C. September lfl, lfl 8C tf. MAIL ARRANGEMENTS AT RALEIGH.

'Arrival end Depaifuref BaUroad and Stage tone at and NORTHERN iIiAUvBt i eavcsdaily i r'-r'K-af S'ZH irnves dailv at p. m. T.iil at fi a. 1 -a r. TTrTMTT.

TxY VF iff wr A.unDf: IT i eaves daily JK a. m. Arrives daily i 3 p. m. i at sv.

WESTEBN MaIBtFpob-hohsb Coache Leaves daily $gi, Arrives daily, y. 9 P-m- 1 ''yv JPITTSBOROUGH Two-hoese Hacb,) Wndnesdsv a. m. Arrives Monday arid Thursday i J. at 7 5 p.

in. (Mail closes Tuesdays and Saturdays at 9 p. O0LDSB0R0UGH Foch-hobsb Ijeaves daily, (except Arrlvss v. except Monday.) o-i(v if at 7 a. m.

at 11- (Slait closes at 7 pm.) TARBOROUGtf Two-hobsb Hack,) Leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday, .1. at 5 s- nt. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 7 i p. m. 7- (Mail closes Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 9 p.

R0XB0R0UCH MAIIvAbt Hobsb, 3 Leaves Friday, 4 st 13 Arrives Friday at 9 i closes Friday at 12 a.jn. at Raleigh at baff past 6 A. M. stop's i miuutes at Frank linton, and reach Weldon at half past II, in time for pas sengera to take tbe Wilmington train going South, and the Petersburg and Portsmouth trains gojng North. Returning, it will leave Weldon at 8 P.

after the arrival of tbe train from Wilmington, and reach Raleigh at halfpastP. M. Office Raleigh snd Gssl6n R. R. Co, 1 Jbwe Wth, 184.

tf. ILL8BOROUH NEXT ession of this School will begin on Tuesday Ibelsth day of Jsnuary, iloya will be prepared for admission nto the Freshman class in College, .4 -Tuition as heretofore: English Department, $1 00 Classical -r flOOi H. S0RW00D, FrioeipBL Dtccmber 18th, 1834. 10M 3w. n..

Semi-Weekly Standard from Raleigh, North Carolina (2024)


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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.