Friday Facts #309 - Controversial opinions - Page 2 (2024)

My 2¢
- Inserters should not chase items
Would be ideal, so long as they only pickup the item needed, sushi belts should still be viable, if this is not the case, then it will make belts alot more complex, we will need extra long inserters (3 wide), or adjustable ones.

- Blueprint import/export should be a modded feature
when the mod for this feature became available it was soft modded into the servers i joined, and definitely should not be removed, it is up to the player to decide if they want to share something with the community or friends, and using a string is the best way to do so, even if we had some players crash the server by inputting a bad string, most of those poor soles were banned as a result.

- Weapons shouldn't lock on
even though the idea is interesting, when you have a hoard of biters nibbling at your feet, having the ability to choose to fire on the nearest ones or the hive you really want gone is great, but if you change the mechanic of the smg to this format, they need to be piercing tracer, punching through biters and you know exactly where they are heading, if you want big and behemoth biters to stop the rounds the tracer should stop indicating that they aren't punching through. not opposed to this, but it's a bit far into development to implement.

- Biters should be more aggressive, and probe your defenses
there are mods that do just this, for those that really want a challenge, for those of us that want them to be of no annoyance at all, they can completely disable them, or you can adjust them to the level of frequency by changing the adjustments in the map generator. for me i prefer to play with few and small with at least 40 mins between expansions. they keep me on my toes for a change in scenery to go clean them out of my pollution zone, but other wise i would play with out them. having the biters destroy my rails, signals and power poles is like having a player that comes into your game and dig them all up, and we ban those people.

- Clearing bases should not leave you safe
if this was the case then what is the point, global pollution you say? might as well play wave defense. which is totally something in the game! if you play with out biters might as well disable pollution as well as at that point pollution only serves to eat ups.

- Miners shouldn't output directly to belts
yeah this is controversial, but if they didn't they would need to mine a larger area, because not having to take it out and put it on the belt, means that the space an inserter needs along with the space the belt uses would mean extremely creative belt weaving or a larger mining area (by one block). but i totally understand this, i have watched several friends take the coal out of the drill miner with an inserter, thinking they are taking the ore out. now i watched a friend play for several hours and played through the tutorial in v12 (demo) before i bought the game, and got a good amount of incite on how to play long before i started playing, so i didn't experience this.

- Boilers shouldn't have a water output
this is something left over from older versions of the game, where we stringed along a number of boilers to get the desired temperature to use in the engines, this was something that was more complex, but the new method is only used for simplicity and space saving. pipes no longer cause the temperature of the fluid to be lost and we can store the "hot" fluid in a storage tank like an accumulator, less realistic, but a simpler mechanic and less ups intensive. if the boiler input from the bottom and output steam from the top this would be perfectly fine, it would necessitate additional pipes, but i don't see why it cant be. oh and yes i have seen my friends do exactly that, put the engine on the water side instead of the steam side, it helps if they turn on alt mode, but most don't know about it well enough yet and it isn't on by default.

- Pipes should work like electricity
ideally that would be great, but then at that point pipes are less immersive, you can teleport whatever from one end of the map to the other with out worrying about pressure and also through put would be unlimited and make the game perhaps much more ups friendly, but so literally unrealistic that you might as well make all fluids run on a wire.... pros and cons both ways, if it was mod-able then maybe we would see how many people like the idea, but i have seen more mods that make more use out of pipes than i have seen the opposite. besides if you want your fluids on a belt or flown, just barrel them and all is good.

- Adventure mode
there is a few mods out there that scatter loot boxes, meteors, through out the world randomly that can get your significant other to come to the game and play with you, but i recon it's the glorious graphics that satisfactory has that brings them to the table first and foremost. not everyone is good with top down games. some mods have made changes in the game like redmew group that gave us diggy but another mod would be factorisimo to give you that change of surface feeling. imo anyone that wants a more adventurous mode, there are mods that can accommodate you. for that matter there are mods for factorio that can serve up just about any experience, just check the mods page.

- Robots should take up space and time
haha i remember a version of the game that nerfed the bots to that point, but really now does it really matter that robots become the next best thing to teleportation, you have to do alot of research to get them that fast, and in the beginning you need large buffers to accommodate the slow robots if they are moving the items a long distance. for me robots are a convenience until i have space science going and can buff them for the megabase stage. at which point thousands to hundreds of thousands of robots fly around, not only are they more ups friendly than belts at this level but for those that want to reach more than 1rpm it's the better way to do it imo.

- Items should have volume and mass
the Rocket Silo Construction mod is exactly what i was thinking when i first started to read this, perhaps more mods can introduce stages like this like you have done in the v17 introduction where you need to repaid damaged buildings. this would certainly change the pace of the game, but i feel things like this should be left to the mod space. perhaps someone is interested in creating a mod to do just this? also i read the next one wrong with Mining furnaces and assembling machines should return the ingredients, to which i thought: if you build the structure on site (assembly machine and larger structures), you wouldn't need to have any of them prebuilt, and returning the items used to make the building then seems reasonable. if you use the rule above in conjunction with this one it would definitely make for a different game.

- Mining furnaces and assembling machines should return the ingredients for the in-progress recipe
well this would be nice, but it is already working on it, what you started working on isn't finished yet, so let it finish if you value the single item it is working on, the really high tech stuff you probably want to wait on, like mk3 modules, or the u235 you mentioned, and heaven forbid you need need to move the silo while it's working on a rocket. but for the most part all other items if they go poof, it's not really a big deal. *BUT* if you cant use productivity modules on the specific item, might i recommend that the items be returned... canceling that kavorex process when it can't even use productivity modules seems a little harsh. a simple check could be performed, is there productivity module in the machine, or is this recipe capable of being used with productivity modules, if the answer is yes, the items are deleted, if the answer is no the the items are refunded.

- Power-user hotkeys
i change alot of my key binds and i don't use some of them and unbind the ones i don't, but for players that leave all theirs at the defaults and for new players that ask "what key is that" it certainly comes in handy to have a preassigned keybinding that can be shared. just dont ask me what key it is for me, because my key is probably going to be different than yours.

alrighty hope that you enjoyed my 2 cents and have fun in the game!

Friday Facts #309 - Controversial opinions - Page 2 (2024)


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Name: Greg O'Connell

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