Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Expressi

Washington, District of Columbia

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that the soheerihef AmC pa gNSURES L1V ES for uito or more yearn or for life IHONOfOLY' ARE ahi fl Virginia including 2 vols 1 vof decided in the Su il Henry Blunt A Rector of Streatham Surry lalje ellow of binding with portrait price price 75 cents pK A jih a rds oil TAYLOR udi cents i july 26 ARNHAM Lectures to Children 1 su wsvvu MUUlllVUUl Travelling eases a vTsry neat and convenient article aug 8 4 work may ptfamined 7 whirl 101 me for True' copy Test aug w3t 1 Jut received and far ade by jury 2 i if BTTGRS ELIZA WILKINSON during i 356 ccms? the invasion and possession of Charleston the few of received by British ip the Revolutionary war'k arranged from the original manuscripts by Caroline Gilman' 7 I A in tl free eon jni rec 37 do do do The irst Translation of the Bible by Miles Coverdale Bi shop of Exeter ii I Encyclopedia ann and Villa Arcbipec iswnanaaiDSt the deceased are fe with the vouchers thereof 20th day of August 1840 IPtlided from all benefit of said ILiia leltersof administration late of Washington Coun llanns against the Baid de the same with tne vouch or before the 20ih day of law be excluded from alt PASSAGE TO NOROLK' PORTSMOUTH PETERSBURG AND RICHMOND AIRPLAY no SHEPPARD Agent i II' Baltimore is veil day I die ins! I inc loo! hascloi cloi sey aba the loo! the ofc has A yel not taut and and safe Pen Pen and prop MACAULAY Esq President' Baltimore or MORRIS kOU IN SON Esq Vice President New York to which imUoK ate attention will be paid Application may also be made personally or by letter posa paid to RANCIS A DICKIN'S Esq Agent for the Ccinpanyr in the City of Washington His office is on Pennsylvania: Avenue between Hole and 15th street ap ty Dictionary of quotations for the pocket price 12 cents Being an explanation' nnd translation (giving also the pronunciation) of the words phrases mottoes and sentences from the rench and" Lbtin which are in frequent use by authors and editors and in polite conversation june 17 TA YLOR ins put wit or ash istri IS do do ICE that the subscriber Court of letteis testamentary 'Jl arjfCox late of Washington i scffing claims against the de the same with the on or before the 20th 3rwise by law be excluded 'I of Aifgust 1839 MAR VANN COX ft tj Executrix iaW lad I 1 18 tr0 femdop c9hii Capiolui Al Ju cei tint GRANTS ANNUITIES Rate for One Hundred Dollar 60 years ol age ea 70 rpilAVELLING BASKETS AND STRAW JL SATCHELS A large supply on baud consisting of all sizes and qualities at low pi ices or1 sale at the Old Snuff Tobacco and ancy Store between 1 1th and 12ihtfitreei Pennsylvania avenue june 21 LEWIS JOHNSON A new supply of faahioouble India Rubber Guards al 25 rents each Also fine Jet Bead Bags i Corset and Bonnet Whalebone PER ORATED TISSUE PAPER AND BRIS TOL BOARDS ISCHER has received with Ins new goods from Ixindon a quantity of Perforated 'Tissue Pa per and Bristol Boards of various colors an entirely new and moat beautiful article far fancy work and to protect plate and glars from infury at this season or sale only al Stationed constantly kept for sale at reasonable and uniform prices June 17 Advocate BALTIMORE LIE INSURANCE COMPANY JOHN PONALVSON PweeinrNr 5 JIX WEEKS1N Being the Bifa stance of a series of familiar letters illuatiating the scene ryylocaliries medical virtues and general characteristics of the White Sulphur Springs at Warrenton auquier county Vii ginia written in 1838 to a gentleman in New England by a visiter i W)k and Stnlibnery store four doors west of Hotel EW Discourse on some of the Doctrinal Xw Atticlcs of the Church of England Also Lectures on the History of Saint Peter by the Rev Pembroke College Cambridge and Chaplain to his Grac the Duke of Richmond first American from the late Londcu edition Also a fresh supply of the Metropolitan Pulpit or Sketches of the Most Popular Preacher in Loudon by the author of Ran dom Recollections The Great Metropolis Travels in Town Ac This day received and for sale by MORRISON July 15 Gio our doors west of Hotel CHI JUSTICE MARSHALL on the ederal Constitution 1 vol 8vo just published and this dy received for sale by I ag 8 I TAYLOR Rate for One Hundred Dollar icn TJfe Insurance and Trust Comnanv No 13b Baltimore street Bslumore and 'l street New York I i i Pennsylvania Avenue between Hotel and the Treasury Department Washington city i CAPITAL PAID IN 2000 000 I PATRICK MACAULAY President Baltimore JOHN DUER Vice President New York ONEY received daily on deposite on which interest will to be allowed payable saini annually The Company al insures lives grants annuities sells endowments and eiccuuv trusts i Of the rate of insurance of tlOO on a tingle lif jkNGIISH BOOKS The Works of Lord Bacon with an Introductory Ejsssy and Portrait' in twovols I I Works complete in one vol ft I NEW BOOKS Lady Cbeveley or the Woman of Honor a new version of Cheveley the Man of Hotter The American Lounger by the author of Lafitte Captain Kyd Ac The Barber of Paris? or Moral Retribution by Paul de Kock author of Andrew the Savoyard Good ellow Ac Precaution a novel by the author of the Spy Pioneer Aei a new edition revised by the author I The Gentleman of the Old School a tale by James in 2 volumes i or site or circulation at Book arid Stationery store 4 doors west of Hotel july 4 BOOKS Charles Vincent or The Two Clerks a Tale of Commercial Life in 2 vols Also A Cure for Scandal or Detraction Displayed as exhibit ed by Gossips Talkers over Laughers at Binterers Nicknam erSjStingers Scorntrrs Sneerers Eye Infiicters Mimics Cari calurists and Epigrammatists by Amelia Opie author of Illus trations of Lying Also a fresh supply of the School Boy or a Guide for Youth to Truth and Duly by John Abbott author of Mother at Home Child at Home Ac Also Caleb in the Country A Story for Youth by the authw ofthe Rollo Books The above new books are just published and for sale by MORRISON jly 12 I our doors west of Hotel riNHESE popular and well known Sea Steain packeta having 'JBL been newly coppered and pul in the best possible! order will commence their regular trips in September next Leaving Norfolk Georgia CapL Rollins on Saturday 14ih September South Carolina Capt Coffee Saturday 2 tst do I Leaving Georgia Cape Rollins on Saturday 21st September South Caroline Capt Coffee Saturday 28th do And so on leaving Norfolk and Charleston alternately erfry Saturday Passengers by these Steam packets for Charleston leaving New Ysrk on Thursdays and Philadelphia ou Thursday even ings or riday mornings will be in time for the Norfolk boat on riday evening at 3 from Baltimore to join tho Charles ton Steam packet waiting at Not folk ou Saturday i Tickets to bo bad at the office wharf Baltimore or from Peik Agent Union Line Dock fstreet wharf Philadelphia or on board the Norfolk boats Passage and fare on board the boats between Baltimore and Charleston S30 ft ft iJr Carriages and can be taken in the Georgia and reight in both boats or further particulars inquire oL i SHEPPARD Treasure aug 19 3m Wharf Baltimore TKAVEES Travels in Southeastern XvJL Asia embracihgHindoetan Malaya Siam and China with notices of numerous missionary stations and a full account of the Burman Empire with dissertationstables Ac By Howard Malcom In 2 vols Third edition Price 82 50 Sand wich A residence In the Sandwich Islands By Stewaet US late missionary at the Sandwich Islands' ifth edition enlarged an in troduction and notes by Rev William Ellis rom the last Ijondou edition Ju received and for sale between 9th apd10th streets Pennsylvania averttfe may I ARNHAM SCHOOL PREMIUMST TAYLOR has for strle at unusually low prices a very extensive! colLction of jibe' best works for juvenile minds Mrs Miss Edge Mrs Peter Aci Also Drawing Books in gr eat variety Juvenile Souvenirs Handsome editions of the most erteejnqd and standard hu hors in Poetry and Prose some with illustrations others rich ly bound i The Lest works on History Voyages and Travelsrpopttlaf Science Ao adapted to youth of different ages ft Handsome editions of the Classics aa well fta translation of lUC MHiiCs ij Pocket books Portfolios Pencil! Cases Penknives At the lowest Northern prices in every case from EW MOTTO SEALSI A great variety ofnew 5 diamond shape lasa black motto seals with best ii' pressidns some containing female names neatly encircled in 'a hgndsome wreath is this day opened (brsale at Stationers Wall i ISCHER H1STGKY of MICHIGAN Civil and Topo graphlcal'in a compena'ous form with1 a vicwoflthe sutroqndirig Lakes by James HJ Lanman with a map Just published and for sale between 9th and 10th streets avenue July 4 MONTHLY MISCELLANY by Grenville Mellen and Wn Cutler publishedJn thick monthly numbers for $5 per annum or 50 cents a number The first number of the above is just received by July 8 TAYLOR 1 i or 5 I it lJEW BOOKS The Military Profession in ilie United La States snd the Means of promoting its Usefulness and Honor an Address delivered before thc Dialectic Society of the Corps of Cadets of the Militsry Academy AV est Point at the close nf the Annual Examination June 19 1839 Ben jamin Butler II Also Undine a Miniature Romance from the German of Ba ron de la MottePouque i ft' ft 'Also Letters of Eliza Wilkinson during the invasion and possession of Charleston South Carolina by thp British! in the Revolutionary War arranged' from the original majm script by Caroline Gilman This day received and for sialo by MQRRISON 4 doors west of Hotel GENCY'at JAMES HC A US Am TEN (late of Baltimore) having made this city bis perma nent residence will undertake with his accustomed seal and diligence the settlement of claims generally and more parti cularly claims before Congress against the United States orUts several Departments thereof and before any Board oi Com missioners that may be raised for the adjustment of spoliation or other claims He has now in charge the entire class srising out of rench spoliations prior to the year 1800 with reference to which in addition to a mass of documents and proofs in his possession be has access to those in the archives of the Govern ment Claimants and pensioners on the Navy fund Ac bounty lands return duties Ac Ac and those requiring life insurance can have their business promptly attended toby letter (poet paid) and thus relieve themselves from an expensive and inconve nient personal attendance Having obtained a commission of Notary Public he is prepar ed to furnish legalized copies of any required public documents or other papers He has be so leng engaged in the duties of sn agent that it can only be necessary now to say that economy and prompt attention shall be extended to all business confided to his care and that to enable him to render his services and facilities more efficacious ho has become familiar with all the forms of office 1 Office on ttreet near the new Treatury Building feb 26 XKEIIUR EA ND PLAYING CARDS 30 gross best hot pressed eagles rcd and blue stars wave marble white back Ac for sale at factory prices at the old Snuff Tobacco and ancy Store 4 doors east of llie new City Post Office July 30 LEWIS JOHNSON Visiting cards card cases of various kinds pocket books bank books wsllets purses fine cutlery chessmen chessboaids backgammon boards Solitaire Ac Ac for sale at the lowest prices as above i Albums manuscript a scrap books ISCHER has received with his English goods the beet assortment of tlte above articles and of a superior quality to any berevore offered for sale in this market july 30 'ft 'I" OBSERVATIONS ON JEERSON! with particular reference to ibe attack his wriltin gs con tain on the memory of General Henry Lee by Lee new I edition just published with notci and additions by Charles vvarier aee in one volume is received and lor sale by nil i ft 1 A 1 LUK rgAHE VIRGINIA Weeks inA illustrating the scenery localities medicinal virtues Ac of the Warrenton Springs I small volume By a Visiter price 50 cents Tho Wbite Sulphur Papers or Life at lire Springsof West ern Virginia 1 volume or sale by July Ji' TAYLOR History of the ar of the Independence of United States of America by Charlea Botta translated from the Italian by George Alexander Olis evemh edi tion in 2 vole revised and corrected Also Biography of Revolutionary Heroes containing the: Life of Brigadier Gen William Barton and also oC Capt Ste phen Olney by Mrs Williams author of Religion al Home Aristocracy Tales National and Revolutionary are for jale by MORRISON our doors wett of Hotel aug 26 Globe THREE TIMES A WEEK 1 RM! steamboats ALABAMA Captain Button and KEN: JL TUCK Captain Holme? will commence to run three times a wdek (altermitely) on Monday the 4th of March next leaving the lower end of wharf evexy Monday Wed neaday and riday levenings vt half past 3 and arrive at Portsmouth next morningin time forthe can for Wilmington and thence in steamboats to Charleston which is the quickest cheapest and most comfortable route 1 I These boats also run in connexion with the'James riverboats for Petersburg and Richmond where they arrive next after noon from Baltimore This is lilLewiseyjauftllie most plcas ent route having' a comfortable rest and no changes from steamboat stages and railroads in theffead of night as i on the Washington nbute 5 I The company havifa*g bought the new and beautifufsteamboai JEWESS ferthe purpose 6f rnuning a daily line due noticei will be given thereof and the company hope that 'travellers will patronize this like assuring them that nothing shall be wanting on their pari to givecomfort and despatch i mar 4 ft! fef JAMES ERGUSSON va tnwj 'AOiUlUGU dl IIIS DUUMWIlj WU81U Subscriptions (five dollara per annum) will be receivedjand single copies sold kiicBccuuu uuuiuur win appear in vreiooer EW BOOKS History of Michigan Civil and Topo XT graphical in a compendious foimwiih a view of the sur rounding Lakes with a Map By James Lanman Sermons preached in the Church of the Epiphany hilL By TyngD Pastor i rum made bimple being Theology for children Character of God by the ISCHER extensive assortineRt of miDiHtrict embracing every Kginay be had on the best I 1 july 23 Hall where every article of stationery of superior quality ip 71? W'H aud inc kaiv 11 Ji If highest market price far It ftmher of likely negroes I of both sexes fainiliesMnqlud Upu stall times be found at I 11 r) a a 1 1 vr 7tli ctvnal IIAVJ IaIaiu tow AS 'VS I IV MlU XX JAMES II BIRCH Cutter editors irst ai ric iwwcak nuiiutiii puvea 111 crtijr vaae iroill wnicn a liberal discbunt win br made to teachers or io those purchasing largely I aug 1 SIX WEEKS IN AUUU1ER being the nuhsiaiice of familiar letters illustrating the scenery localities me dicinal virtues and general characteristics of the White Sul phur Springs at XVarrenton auquier county Virginia bjr a visiter Just received and for sale between 9th and 110th ats Pennsylvania avenue 1 jtily 8 ft ARNHAM twuxa ta vSrirtia JL has obtained foni Court of Washington I County in the District of 010 Tibia loiters testamentary on the personal estate of Willidtfr itt late of Washington coun ty deceased AU persons pauns against the deceased are nereoy warned to exnroit to the subscriber on or beji they may otherwise bylaw estate rf h' Given under lay hand lb Knlay of August 1839 5 ii'i: Ami i si nnniTT in 2 uuttavut i The Sources of Health and Disease in Communities or foentarv Views of 1 ruL Price 37 eenu Practical Guide to the Management of iho Teeth in healthnd decay I volume by Parmley Surgeon Dentist Price 62 I iniuvn) Bookseller' 4 MON1J Grenville Mellen and number just received 'i7 r2 Cox" tZf A Procentium I''? 5 Our Country and Our DuM? Strolls in the Old UouutrjMJrt ragments of a Modern 7 AtiiknMl Pauhiimu i Christopher Crolchel th Singing Master Ringwood the Rover fcl Niagara and Ontario Sensible Remarks on Music The Hermit of Citare John Bull and Son International Picture or sale at 9ih and 10th streets Penn avenue Price 60 centfc or Sfi a year if paid In advance july 8 WIIEATLY ON PRAY Illus traiion of the Bunk of imjn Prayer by Charles Wheatly Vicar of Brent and ft'? sjinEngland 1 vol Ameri can' edition improved by addit knMnotes adapting theibook to the Protestant Episcopal CJlrtfciA Sa America just received for sale by july 8 TAYLOR HUMAN PHYMOLO Yrtlie'use of Elementa ry Schools by CharieAl late Professor of Materia Medina and Medical jurl prudence in the University of the city of New York second ftlflkn with plates Just rev ceived and for sale al the Bw Istft'e of arnham July 12 Pennsylvania avenue XtArfb Scaling XwPvr VJ ISCHER h' received fiom England the above quantity of bet extr 4etjsne Sealing Wax NEW NOVEL Gentleman of the Old in 2 volumes by the author of Charles Darnley" Richelieu Philip Ac is this day received fur sale by TAYLOR or for circulation among the subscribers to the Waverley Circulating Library IBVRS Beauties of the Court of JL Glia les the Secund a series of Memoirs biographi cal and critical illustiating the Diaries of Pcpys Evelyn Cla rendon and other coincmpora writers A few copies for sale at Book and Stationery Store 4 doors west of Hotel rpwh HUNDRED REAMS SUPERIOR LET JL TER PAPER ISCHER has jusl received by lhe schooners Alexandria nnd Edward Vincent 200 reams of Buller's extra uperfino satin finished linen Papcr tnade ex pressly to order which is fur sale only al Hall June 25 Adv ft ft REDUCED TO THREE DOLLARS AND A HAL Pilot line from llaahinotnn to iW'inchrjtter DHE PILOT LINE STAGE) will leave Hotel ft' Washington every Tuesday Thursday add Saturday at 3 A via the Marshall House Alexandria at 4 A airfax Middleburg Aldia Upperville Paris and Millwood arriving at VViocheslei in thirteen hours Leave Hotel Winchester every Sunday Wednes day and riday at 4 A arriving in Washington in thirteen hours in time for the boat for i edericksburg I Pilot Line connects with Wheeling Parkersburg and Martinsburg to Hagerstown and Staunton and White Sulphur to Guyandotte i The Pilot Line from Washington to Winchester by Hatchi and to Wheeling through in fiftythn hours To Parkersburg four days no night travelling Gorman Washington Marshall House Alexandria Middleburg Hotel Winchester 4 I I Troy coaches good and safe teams and skilful drivers i SMITH STONE CO aug eo6m HARDON Agent CHEAP HOOKS list continued Mrs ebmplele Works in 6 octavo volumes hand somely bound in full cloth Price for the set 84 50 i Wfll! 1 I mis inKnns ot Adventure volumes (nubliahed at 11 75 Conquest of lorida by Hepnando de Soto 2 vols price 31 (published at $2) Walter Scott's Novels handsom edition neatly bound'with portrait) Price for the complete set $10 Judge Hall'sSketches of the 2 vcls handsomely bound Price 1 (published at $2) i I i ISCHER RAVITIES ANli GAI ETIES Just published Gravities and Gaitics by Glenn in onevolumej 12mo far sale at GARRET june 21 3t Penn! av between 11th and 12th streets HARRY RANCO of the Great Panic" is this day received for safe by TAYLOR or for circu lation among the subscribers to the Wavepley Circulating Li brary ft '4 'K Also The Dwarf a dramatic poem by James Rcrs jiino 24 I rNWEEZERS HAIR PINS Ar fcc WlS CHER has in store and constantly keeps the best assort ment of silver and highly polished Tweezers Hair' Pins Eme ry Bags Puree end Key Rings Pin Cushions Jvur( Plaster Teeth Picks Mourning ins ancy Smelling Boules Teeth ing Rings 'with many other miscellaneous articles too rutnet ous to particularize which may be had at Hall j'ly AV Book and Stationery store four doors west of june 20 Globe Brown's Hotel 1055 per cent i 1227 do per annum 1419 do 5 SELLS ENDOWMENTS or Ono Hundred Dollaradeositcd at birth of child the Coni pany will pay if he attain 21 years of age 3469 At six months 403 One year 375 The Company also executes trusts receives money ou dopo site paying interest semi annually or compounding it and makes all kinds of contracts in which life or the interest of luo aey is involved ILLIAM MURDOCK Secretary 'i AGENTS James'H Causten City of Washington Dr Wellford redericksburg Virginia! John Lay Richmond Va Robertson Norfolk Va i AS fidball Winchester Ya George Richards Leesburg Va Neilson Poe rederick Md mar 1 ly SONS Book and Stationery Store 4 doors west of Hotel I niay24 rgNHE IV ATER UNDINE A Miniature JL Romance rom the German of Baron de la Motle re 1 ra 1 1 A as I 1 ak reawU "VtUUJWI VUllUiMI Ajiurorj VI ckviiiance IT JilRt nnliliah Ari n( fnr Oslo kafti aon Oik Iftik Uau ft uuenvvtl svut eucct of Pennsylvania avenue ARNHAM ff IKE AT THE SPRINGS WESTERN JLJ VIRGINIA by Mark Pencil Eeq in 1 volume ie jutl published and this dsyreceived for sale by TAYLOR I COirraSTS ft Warm Spring Warm Springs HotSprings White Sulphur Springs Discovery Amusem*nts Society Pic Nies Deer Hunt Salt Sulphur Red Sulphur Gray Sulphur Blue Sulphur Sweet Springe Bridge of Sighs Lewisburg Autumn in the Journal of a Lady during a aea son at the White Sketches of Character A gYHE JUBILEE TH CONSTITU'l ION A Discourse delivered at the request of the New York Historical Society in die city of New York on Tuesday tho 30th of April 1839 bping die iftieth Anniversary of the In auguration of George Washington as President of the United States on Thursday the 30lh of April 1789 By John Quincy Adams Just received and for sale at the bookstore of i ARNHAM jnne 13 Between Sth and 10th Sts Penn avenue ARE REDUCED AND NO RACING The safe steady and comfortable ('steamboat JOSEPH JOHNSON the first established and only eve rv daviboat between Washington and Alexandria and the only one which haa her houre of de parture published for the information of the Public will con tinue to run an follows viz Leave Alexandria at 8 and 16 A and at 1 3 and 5PM Leave Washington at 9 and 11 A tjv and M2 4 and 6 i ARE fM'EW MONTHLY MAGAZINE and Spirit of Lm the European Magazines and Annuals publish ed at New York npn the plan of Te giving a large closely printed number every month containing the best matter of the latest English Magazines with many'engravings for SXper annum Subscriptions received by TAYLOR at jvl)oo tooln fore the work may bq examined j'uly 4 do do i do do do This Earth is a Planet for Jou love and inc do do do pkf EW BOOK Gravities and Gaieties by Samuel XN Glenn z' Just received and for sale by june zu fl'HE WHITE SULPHUR PAPERS or Life at the Springs of Western Virginia By Mark Penul Esq PhantasmiotT Prince of Paluiland Edited by Grenville Mellen iu 2 vols ft ft' Also ourth Part Jack Downing Papers Received and for sale at ft MORRISON'S Boek and Stationery store four doors west of june 24 Brown's Betel the first volume of a system of Character of God by the Rev John Todd Pastor of the irst Congregational Church of Philadelphia and author of aug w3t 1 Jj riNHlS IS TO JL' has obtained from tin county in the District cj on the personal estate of county deceased All pe(L ceased are hereby warned vouchers thereof to the su day of AugusUpext: they i from all benefit of the said Given under my hand this aug 21 w3t CHEAP BOOKS list continued Elements of Mechanics 1 octavo vol with many engravinga 508 pages price 8l 25 'Kieth on the Globes I vol oct full bound 334 pages many engravings 31 1 "ftftft Civil Engineering 1 oct vol Si 25 Navigation 82 25 Compendium of Natural Philosoihv 1 nrt I tun Bound st ft: I AKtrnnomv I net vnl nf a On 1 nnA ItslA fit Hnrvartl enntaininrr varu nummimaiaa nTvavin rM ftl fpHE IRST UMB KR THE EW YORK Astronomy 1 oct volume with a quarto atlas JOURNAL MEDICINE AND SURC)E plates 81 I JJtobe dootinued every three) months is just receive by I Analytic Trigonometry plaria and spherical 1 oet TAI LOR and may be examined at liis Bookstore where tol75cente 0i Kara vi rflzina It s' IV ltrw nassier rjicmcnw oi lue oeomeirv ol a lanes and rioiitis I VX I tn IL a tut ujaujf pistes) ivutiuu july23 Mre Connexion of the Physical Sciences 1 weal fl arevA gtn Amvatvs vvi vi uvv I vcwio the invasion and possession of Charleston byi the I A TT a 7 I in tho Rnbintinnruuto a i fl On ba nd a large and rateable collect! Jn of the beU works in everv lftnArtnint nf art fnr mmlm at xnvras IPARNHAM' in most cases with the aiMve mly 161 Between 9tb and 10th streets Penn Av RICTION ISCHER has just 1 I rnrnivrtl lv ihn tirwnaaw Imv vuz IUI If Via Ul uneauaHed riction Not one in a ihmiuntl i wi'l fail to ignite I july 25 MIDDLE AGES from the sixth Lon don edition complete in 1 vol I A uenerat nistorvot viviuzation in isurone irom tun la I the Roman Empire to the rench Revolution translated from the rench of Guizot A further supply is this day received and for sale at Book and Stationery Store 4doore west of Hotel july 26 (Globe) j' illy 4 ELpNGLlSH STATIONERY PERUMERY and ancy ISCHER importer and dealer in Stationery Perfumery and ancy Articles has just received by the ships Mediator and Wellington very large and extensive supply of the above articles direct from the bett manufacturers in England therefore he would call the atten tion of the Public jo the new and various articles in his line and say to tlie Trade that! they can be supplied at Hall on as reasonable Ibrma as they can be in New York and thereby save (he expenses attendant upon purchases made there Adv june 13 COMPLIMENT Just received al Station Hall a few dozen packs of English Compliment Carls neatly engraved arid the first of the kind that has ever been ottered tor sale in Uns city jury anthems with an accompaniment for Piano orte or Organ by Oliver Shaw A aelection of Charts and Doxologies for the use Of the Pro testant EpiscopalChurchselin feur vocal parts! with an accom paniment for the Organ jnne 25 fHHIE WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS or Life at the Springs of Western Virginia by Mark Pencil Esq just published and for sale at tho bookstore of ft ARNHAM june 24 Between 9th and 10th atieels PemvAv EW BOOKS Sidney Clifton or Vicissitudes in Both Hemispheres a'tale of the nineteenth century in 2 yols This day received and for sale or circulation at book and stationery store 4 doors west of Hotel Globe sug 5 X2JIG AND CARRIAGE The Subscriber LA has just received a small lk of Whip which he will sell low Also superior Riding Whips At the old snuff tobacco and fancy store four doors east of the new City Poet Office Pennsylvania avenue july 8 LEWIS JOHNSON 'STEAMBOAT PH EN This Boat continues to make her regular trips dqwu the river as lar as Kinsale always touching at Piney Point She leaves Washington on Tuesdays and ridays at 6 A and Alexandria at 7 Returning rhe leaves Kinsale on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 5 o'clock Persons taking passage by thia boat may rely on being landed kt thoir regular landing places aug eolm STEPHEN SHINN Agent PASSAGE for CHARLESTON South Carolina KV1DA A 1 tniitlA WtOhffl MnMTftt a Ovth Cabouna Capt Coffee GbobgiA Capt Ro Ilins TRAVELLLING ISCHER has just received ati additional supply of English ne plus ultra PHANTASMION prince of palmland from the London edition making vols 1 and 2 of Col man'a Library of Romance Edited by Grenville Mellen work is one of the most delightful and captivating in the English language nnd is said to have been written by Mrs Coleridge daughter of the late Coleridge" Just published and for sale between 9th and 10th streets Pennsylvania Avenue ft I iu" I ARNHAM rHIE WHITE SULPHUR or Life at the Springs ol Western Virginia by Mark Pencil I' CONTENTS Chap 1 Warm! Spring Warm Hot Springs Ae Chap 2 Chap 3 White Amusem*nts? 'ft Chap 4 White Sulphury Society Ac Chap 5 Ride to the Sweet Sweat Springs Chsp 6 Deer Hunt at the White Sulphur LeiVisburg Ac 'Chap 7 alt Red Sulphur Gray Sulphur Blue ft Sulphur ft LUhap 8 Autiftnn in the Mountains Chap 9 Journal of a Lady during the Seasonal the While Sulphur Chap 10 uf a Crutch Chap 11 Beaver Dam alls Maid ofthe Cascade Chap 12 Sketches of Character at the Springs Appendix containing routes and distances and valuable ex tracts Just deceived and for sale by ft ARNHAM june 26ft Between 9lh and 10th sts Penn avenue PORTOLIOS Just pe? at Hall 'great variety of EnglisLq Inland eiolxieed Portfolios' of various sizes with and withQKckij some of which roll up july 11 ft ISCHER MAGAZl' VX ADR JUNE ft Also the quarter No aaft: Id ft) I the back numbers for sale between 9th and 10th slret ft Pennsylvania avenue' June 27 jC ARNHAM? Pfrj EH I I ejTPublic Characters 1 tis LN courses and Essays i to tftadded a Dfosertstjon on the Eloquence of the Ancients jHjiry Lord Brougham in 2 vols Si s' 4 ft Also rancia Reign( of Te ft UJng a Sequel to Letters on Pa sguay by and Vift togrtson in 2 vols Also Adam Buff and other rX Al Character' by Douglas Jerrold in 2 vols 'k Also Isabel or Sicily a Tilfft liai by Henry Tucker man author of the Italian SkcU loos are this day received and for sale by ift V'kf MORRISON jnne 7 Globe otrfK oLBro Hotel l( ft PROUT aug d6tAc6t Executor VM1IS IS TO GIVifc ICE that the subscrl JL bcr haxxjbtained rroi(J13tyhaiis' Court of Washington vuuniy in me ajiruici oi on the persona! estate of or ty deceased AU nerxonx ceased are hereby warncd ere thereof to the subscrwiSf August next they may othirWlsi 5y benefit of said estate ftft A Given under my hand th ikSOtl jy of August 1839 Ds kljAlklvf Administrator HYIh ACKERLY ontlie Management of Children HJT in Sl kuesaand in Second edition 11vol I2mo Price 37 cents I pAULDIN II ORKSthe uniform' editinn complete! in 15 vols Just received and for sale at MORRI fISHI TACKLE The subscriber has on hand an assortmentof fine Wishing Tackle which he will sell low for cash at the old Snuff Tobacco and ancy store four doors east of the new City Post Office Penn avenue july I i LEWIS JOHNSON I II ISCHER has received a good assortment of the beat Pas sage and Parlor Thernjrimctcrs of 6 7 8 9 Ip and 12 inches in length varying in price front one to seven dollars each rKIWO THOUSAND I VEHUNDRED CAKES PATENT INDIA Just received at Hall he above quantity of tho best prepared India Rubber for office use which will le sold by the pound or dozen J'iy 4 I I ISCHER fUEW STEEL ISCHER has just re ceived several kinda of new steel pens called the Sham rock lecidensdled the Great Western Council Macroxtyle Compensating and double refined Perfection Also on hand 60 varieties of other Metallic pens from the celebrated nianufactmere Perry Glllott Windle Warner Heelcy Sons comprising every degree of elasticity and finest of points suitable for the heavy harid of a school boy to the de licate touch of a hand so that all persons who use steel pens may rely1 on being suited at Stationers HaU on the most reasonable terms where far i Things of usb and things of Sport The curious there resort POPULAR LECTUKES ON GEOIAGY by EL Professor Von This work (men tioned at length in the National Intelligencer ofTuesdsy) is for sale by TAYLOR who will receive subset ipliuns forthe se ries or sell single numbers The work can be sent through the mail at a liiflih periodi cal postage to any part of' the United States July 18 ASII OR EGRO KS ubscriber wishes to purchase a number of Negroes of both sexes forthoLou isiana and Mississippi markets He will ay the highest prices the Southern markets will justify Those wishing to get the highest market price will do well to give him a call at his jail on 7th street between the Centre Market and Long Bridge at the rough cast house that stands in die large garden sur rounded by trees on the west side of 7ih street Negroes arc taken on board at the Jew price of 25 cents per day from the country or town Letters addressed to the subscriber will be attended to promptly july du WM WILLIAMS CAIIURGII MUblC ISCHER has just received frutr Boston by the brig Wankinco tbe following popu lar Church Music arranged by the most eminent professors viz The Boston Collection last edition do Glae Book Social Choir Odeon Music of Nature Lives of Haydn and Mozart Anthem Book Social Sacred Melodist consisting of songs duets TTkEMOCRATlC KEVIGW OR JUN 1839 JL this day received price 95 per annum single number 50 cents mailed to all parts of the United States by June 10 ft TAYLOR cDONNER or Truth through iction ByJa XV JL cob Abbott author of the Young Clxristian is therefore no condemnation to them that arc in Christ' AUoi Caleb ini Town a Story far Children Caleb inr the Country a Story far Children And The School Boy or a Guide for Youth to Trulli and Duty By the author of the Rollo Books Just received and for sale between 9th and XOlb sts Pennsylvania Arenuc july 8 ARNHAM WAL MORRISON bas on hand a large collection Of School Books' which he will sell as low as they can be bought iu the Northern cilies june 24 EW MUSIC With this commences our first publi XW cation of New Music which has just been received at the old established Music Store second door cast of the Post Office The list will be continued ISCHER Hope is still an Evergreen (a Song) When the dew is on the Grass do 1 tn oods away i We can love no more! come tn the 'West4 1 Merrily the Waves I gop do ijove honor anu obey aithful Ellen 1 Grace Darling National Melodies 6 What camit mean1? Spread thy light Wings This Eiarth is a Planet for Jesse Mcarland Patrick Cosev (Comic) our Grand Waltzes from Amilic Two Waltzes Hungarian Waltz with Variations Philadelphia Quadiilles The Huguenots (two Rondos) Charns of Maidens Grand March On days the Phcenix runs viz Sundays Mondays and Thursdays provided she runs in opposition to and takes the timeof the Johnson 6f On other days of tho week as heretofore 12 cents IGNATIUS ALLEN july 26 dtf i Captain VIRGINIA MAIL COACH LINES I tore and urniture Also Encyclopedia of Agriculture i Also Suburban Gardener i Are just received and for sale at 5 Book and Stationery Store 4 dpore west ot Hotel aug 8 Globe1 EW WOKKSr Sejaflt'a I otbe Roman Tale I volume 'J i The Printing and billing Assistant 1 small volume Kjr' i A Treatise on the Eye with on the use ol medicines as substitutes far spectacles byA 'h Vlay Wallace Oculist 1 volume Also firstnumbcr of Chronicle of Origi nal Literature 33 per annum And the second number of 11 Cktnafs Monthly Miscellany Are just received by i TAYLOR aug 26 Indifiely east of BLUE A large assortment ofthe above article gcnniK QinHarious size bottles to bo had at the lowest prices betweif Ithfand JOth streets Penn sylvania avenue I5 1 June 27 ARNHAM I'M IE ARTISTS AND REPOS A ITORY and IVurtf Informant em bracing Chemistry abstracts oSt'ccracity Galvanism Mag netism Mechanics Pneumatics and Astronomy Also Mechanical Exercises tn iron I zinc copper and tin soldering with a description of iR rkliLr ul its definitionsand examples illustrating every mat Vr oQs use which is applica ble to every mode of ineasurcuN to all the mechanical powers Also a great variety hsiSjl receipts By James Pilkington I i Just published and for sale bjj 1 ARNHAjd July 12 Between 9th 3d Uxh streets 'Penn Av 1 1 1111 1 I 1 1 District of Colombia Waif IngAnti County to wits CoU'H August 20 1839 ON APPLICATION if) Korfred that the adminis trator of Eaglebard SeevL "giv notice once a week for three successive weeks in tb InttSjigencer and Globe to creditors and representative's tltaon mIic second Tuesday in September next he will at the lyqrC12 in the Or Court room proceed to tinaLaettlement iof said estate' ftft I ZN CAUSIN foDWARD ROACH 4 Register qf Wills 1 4'1 I 1 VIRGINIA SPRINGS ft I Passengers from the North leave Washington city every" eve ning at half ast 6 in the steamboat AOgutta Captain Black for redericksburg arrive at redericksburg in six hour thence by the railroad cars via Junction to Louisa II aud by coach to Charlottesville Arrive at the Junction by 4 o'clock A rest four hours till 8 A and arrive at Cbarlottesrile by 7 whor* they rest 8 houre Ieave Charlottesville next i morning at 3 arrive: at Staunton by 11 the same morning arid proceed in die line of Meaerb Porter A Boyd to Cloverdale tbe same day breakfast morning at the Warm Springs arrive at tlie Hot Springs the same' morning about II and at the White Sulphur Spring early io the afternoon ofshet same day Passages may be taken to Charlottesville on board boat Captain Black or at the Railroad Dipot redericks burg (ft I Passengers from the South leave Richmoqd in the Louisa Railroad cars I' at 6 A connect with the line from Washington ai the Junction by 8 A and arriveat Charlottesville same day by 7P i rom the end of the Railroad to Charlottesville the distance is but 28 miles Two daily lines and a tri weekly line of ele gant Albany! and Troy built with excellent horses and experienced drivers run the whole distance from the Raiil road to the Springs and certain arrangements are made tbatpo passenger shat ever be left on the road i jft II TENNESSEE LINEj i rom Washington or from Richmond Va by Charlottesville Staunton Lexington Natural Bridge incastlb Ac to Blounts villd aod Knoxirille Tann whftrA it nnnirt with rrvirh linta by Nashville ti Memphis on thje Mississippi tq Hpntsyille a i all parts of Alabama 'Mississippi and Arkansas Leave Washington or Richmond and arrive at Staunton At above Leave Staunton Tuesdays Thursdays and o'clock A after tiie arrival of the coach from Charlotte vide and proceed iri comfortable coaches with good horses careful driveraand increased celerity i 1 OLD PIEDMONT LINE rom Waihjagtoti city to New Orleans i by redericksburg Cartersville armville Prince Edward ChariottC Halifax JH Milton Salisbury Con cord Yorkville Ci Pinckneyville Laurens IL and Ab byrille to Ga where it connects stilts the Alliga tor Line via Maeon and Pensacola lo to Mobile also with! the New Mail Line from Ga by Thomas ton Columbus end Montgomery Ala to Mobile and with I the line from by Milledgeville to Columbus and Mobile giving passengers their election of ihesc several lines I Leave Washington in the eveningsof Mondays Wednesdays and ridays by the steamboat Augusta Captain Black far redericksburg thence by railroad to Hall and by coaches through the route ft Passages may be taken to Milton CJon board the steamboat Captain Black aud through the whiie line they will have a preference over all way passengers as to insure them against detention This route is the moaf interesting and pleasant of anyt line running to the Southwest The Coaches horses and drivers uro all df the first order he roads neither mountainous Aior sandy run through a country pt all seasons of the year rnarkahly healthy having be beautiful mountain sceneryicontinually in view leading thorough the gold region of North Carolina anil by the Branch Mint at Charlotte in thatState and withal but little more than half the distance ofthe Charleston and Angus ta line Jo Ga Passage from Hall to Millon 1 70 miles only i ten dollars I ft I' IV RICHMOND AND LYNCHBURG LINE 1 Tbe line from Richmond by Columbia Scottsville Wartnin ster New Glasgow and Amherst to Lynchburg tuus ori i the north able of James river through a delightfully pleasant part ofthe State having in view almost tbe whole way that Imautiful stream and tbe James River and Kanawhq Ca ral Pine coaches good horses careful drivers 'and every 1 thing calculated to reoderil the most eligible route between these places ft i I Distance 130 mjlas are but eight dollars jf I i Leave Richmond at 6 in the mornings of Mondays Wednesdays and ridays arrive at Lynchburg tbe next eve nings at 7 o'clocL allowing ample time for sleep on the Way ft WASHINGTON REDERICKSBURG OR RICH MOND TO LYNCHBURG byway of Leouta Railroadi Leave Washington city Sunday Tuesday and Thursday ever nings at half past 6 by the steamboat Augusta Captain Black leave reUericksburg or Richmond next morning by I Ixiuisia Railroad cAr proceed to Charlottesville as in the linej for Virginia Springs and arrive at 7 o'clock Leav Charlottesville next mooting and arrive at Lynchburg sauiA day by 7 1 are if taken thtpugh from redericksburg twel ve from Richmond nine dollars and a half 1 WfLLIAM PARISH Jone 29 eotf (Globe) Charlottaville i STEAMBOAT LINE OR PHILADELPHIA (' Via New Colette and renchtown Turnpike and jsjeauroaa war A In the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia Washington County i ft 'wl1 fi' "SGuntoo and Bradley rlM I ft xr ft 'f 0 Peters Seaton and Weightman ST is this Sth dayf August tn tbe year 1839 ordered by the Court that this pause be referred to the Auditor with in i struetions to state the account ofthe Trustee Tbe Auditor is also required by advertisem*nt in the National Intelligencer to notify the shareholders in the Theatre oh (Louisiana Avenue i to present their claims oh the fund in the hands of the Trustee to him on or before! tbe fourth day of Deccmberftnext after which day the Auditor is further directed to apportion the balance of the money proceeding from tbe sale of said Theatre and re maining? iq the hands of tho Trustee among the said sltare 1 holders according to their respective interests therein and re port to this Court for their further lactioh at the next term 1 By order ofthe Caurt i i 'Test: 1 BRENT Clerk The undersigned hereby gives notice that in accordance witV the above order he will attend at hts office ini the City! Hall oh a the 1st day of December next at 10 AL JOSEPH ORREST aug w3t ft Auditor CBS ENGLISH WAERS Jutreico tJr Vr Jed al Hall direct from London 250 lbs of superior Wafets comprising 3 very size and color! i July 2 ft 1 ISCHER NKlEW LA BOOKS Just received aud for sale at the lowest Northern prices by TAYLOR English Crown Cases reserved for consideration and decided by the twelve judges of England from 1799 to 1837 by Bus sell Ryan and Moody 2 vola Theadih volume of General Practice 1839 Long on the Law of Sales of Personal Property 1 vol Pothieron the Law of Contracts i vol ft Blackstone arranged in questions and answers I volume ft ft' ftftft ft' '1 ft 7 Chancery Reports frVm 1757 to 1766 1 vqI Ball and Beatty's Chancery 'Reports from 1807 to 1811 1 Volume 'ft" ft ft ft' Criminal Iaw with an exposition ot the office and authority or tne Justices ot tne 1'eace lortns ot practice 1 vol Chancerv Practice ft new Digest of the Laws Nisi Prius 2 vols Bayley on Bills I ft irst volume of Digest of cases preinc Circuit and District Com ts of the irst number of Term Reports tn Bench Bail and commencing with the reign of Victoria' To be continued The last published numbers df Tbe the Itw Li brary" and (the for each Of which subscrip tions are received by All new Lew Books received immediately upon publica tion for sale at the lowest Philadelphia prices july 12 Steamboats efthis line being now in complete order will enmmenep their regular route oniMonday the 18th March jnstant leaving wharf Baltimore at 6 and Dock street wharl Philadelphia at 1 daily (except Sunday) The Public rs respectfully informed that tthe care attention and comfort so admired heretofore by pasaengers on this line will be strictly adhered to i All baggage at its risk Passage through 34 Meals as usual I reight despr tched by this line with bate and attention tuuucjaic pi i mar 18 New law a treatire on the law relative to sales of personal properyt by George Long Eeq A Digcat of Cases adjudicated in the Cmjrta nf Admiralty of the United States and the High Court of Admiralty in Eng land together with same topics from the works of Sir Leo line Jenkin Knight Jude of tho Admiralty in the reign uf Charlea II by George Ticknor Curtis Treatise on tho Contract of Sale ty Potheir irantlat td from the rench by Cushing A few copies are thia day received and for sale at Boton prices by MORRISON at his Book and Stationery Storey 4 doors west of HoteL i Gto June 3 TTJOTOMAC AQUEDUCT exhibited practically and A scientifically id a volume containing twenty eight sheets of drawings plans Size 2 feet by 18 inchcp with an ac companying volume of letterpress Two copies far sale by july 3 i TAYLOR REAMS WRAPPING PAPEfi Receiv ed by the schooner Alexandria 100 reams ef wrapping papier suitable for grocers or shoe store use which will be sold low at HalL fBMIIS IS TO GIVE $5ICE That the subscriber I has obtained from the tJjagfens Court of Washington county District of Columbia oi administration on i the personal estate of John LaukTde of Washington county deceased: all persona bavinJrllr against the aid deceased arc hereby warned to exhi? Vhjsame with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber oi lejbre the 9th day of August next they may otherwise Av5be excluded from all be nefit of the said estate i Given under my hand this of August eighteen hun dred and thirty nine i ii lOTAKD HARBAUGH A aug w3t Administrator riMIIS IS TOGIVEJJMCE that the subscriber 1 has obtained from nSi3 Court of Washington county in the District of letters testamentary on the personabestatenf John lf' of Washington county deceased All persons having cj against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit thiafiveyiih the vouchers thereof to the subscriber orror belor4io 5(Wday of August next they may otherwise by law be extUroui all benefit of sailea tale SfaS 'I' Given under my band tbir of August 1839 JANE HUMES I aug 7 w3t I Trt Executrix NLTOT1UE lILlikJ IV LN that I have ap JL plied to the Judge of Court of Washington county of Culufnln yralers of administration on the personal estate uf John I1 HKdeceaed aud the fallow ing order was made Wgr Ordered that letlprs of piJJntion be granted to Leon ard Harbaugh on the estate 4 JiLaughan unless cause to thecintrary be shown om or UJ tide finc Tuesday in August next provided he give notiM Globe and Intelligencer once a week far three succfefci eeks prior to said first Tuesday in August nexti Sj 1 I July w3w GloJ 1 2 KINNARD DARBAUGCH CH EAP Hnttf'HMd England a beautiful London ediliorYjn binding price $7 50 Decline and allrfflBjinful English edition in full uiiiuiiiK wiui purtiaii pricc' Rev Mathew complete miscellaneous works English edition pniU '(London price 30 shillings sterling i (V or sale byi TAYLOR Also just received Robert! iqtnriral Works complete hi one large octavo volume i 1 Prose Works con 'h ionc large octavo volume (fjondon I complete works lilies octavo (Ixjndon) riW TEACHERS has constantly on Stationery that is kept far Rak tide used in schoela all of terms al Hall 1 YASH for egrch highest market price fab bheaella on 7th street JUST ECE1 A fresh supply of the chcwp edit ern opposite the Marsh Marke tion of Waverley Novels (Ivanhoe) is this day received june 22 dtf zl rt lr LKT L4 Cl 1 CfY 1 1 1 1 ii wa a wac avj a XZ1X ix IUUI UlKMD WWVWI atVWU Hotel Globe aug I Age One year Seven yeare or lif 25 5 100 112 204 30 131 136 236 31 136 153 27 40 ftk 169' 183 320 45 191 1 196 373 50 196 209 460 232 I 321 78 60 435 491 700 ANNUAL BIMIUM Age 1 year 7 year or life Age 1 year 7 yeare or life 14 72 86 153! 38 11 48 1 70 3 1)5 I 15 77 88 1 56 I 39 1 57 1 76 84 90 I 62 40 1 69 1 83 ft 3 2(A 17 86 91 1 65 41 1 78 1 88 3 3t 18 89 ft 92 1 69 42 88 189 3 19 90 94 I 73 43 1 89 1 92 3 5 20 91 96 I 77 44 1 90 1 94 3 1 21 92 97 1 82 I 45 1 91 1 96 3 73 1 22 94 99 ft i 88 45 92 1 98 3 A 23 97 1 1 93 4 47 I 93 1 99 4 ol 24 991 1 07 98 i 48 1 94 2 02 4 17 25 1 001 1 12 2 04 I 49 1 95 2 04 449 26 1 07 ft 1 17 2 11 I 50 1 96 2 09 4 60 27 1 12! 1 23 2 17 51 a 1 97 2 20 4 75 1 20! 1 28 2 24 I 52' 2 02 2 37 4 9(l 29 1 38 1 35 2 31 53 2 10 2 59 5 24 30 1 31 1 36 2 36 I 54 2 18 2 89 4 31 I 32 1 42 2 43 56 2 32 3 21 73 32 1 33 1 48 2 50 56 2 4 7 3 5 6 6 05 33 1 34 1 43 2 57 57 2 70 4 20 6 27 34 1 35 1 50 2 64 l' 68 3 14 4 31 Jo 35 I 36 1 53 2 76 I 59 3 67 ft 4 63 6 75 36 1 39 1 67 2 81 60 4 35 4 1 7(H) 'T 37 1 43 1 63 2 90 DM Applications post paid may be addressed to PATRICK a tl I i 1.

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.