blue lock? more like bl - Chapter 5 - luka_stars (2024)

Chapter Text

Bachira takes a step back and admires the theater, which has been transformed into place befitting of a party in just under an hour.

“Oh, Raichi, that table goes off to the side. That’s where the pizza’s going to be.”

Raichi rolls his eyes and drags the table away, while mumbling something under his breath.

Bachira smiled and turns to Niko. “So, how’s it going with the movie?”

“I’m just uploading the movie now,” Niko mumbles, eyes glued to his laptop screen. “And some Barbie Dreamhouse episodes.”

“Wow, Netlfix has all of it?”


“Oh that’s-”

“Drinks and popcorn,” Gagamaru interrupts. “Where should I put them?”

“Over there Gagamaru!” Bachira answers


Karasu comes dashing into the room, with Otoya. Hiori and Rin behind him. “Holy sh*t, Bachira you went all out for this one!”

“Hello,” Yukimiya enters with twelve boxes of pizza nearly obstructing his view. “Sorry I’m late, I had people chasing me down for this.”

“Did you buy all that Yuki?!” Hiori gasps.

“Well, we never specified how much I should get… so I brought as much as I could carry. Different types too.”

“Thank you Yuki! You can put them over there,” Bachira says, pointing to the table Raichi has moved.

“Woah Bachira! This is so cool,” Isagi enthusiastically says. Nagi is also with him, hood up. Rin looks at the white-haired boy with a judgemental stare, but Nagi doesn’t seem to notice.

Hiori does and stomps on his foot. “Don’t you dare.” He whispers.

Rin eyes him but doesn’t answer.

More and more people enter as the movie night is about to start.

“Hi everyone,” Nanase says, with Kurona behind him. “Woah, that is a lot of food!”

“You pigs better not finish all of it,” Raichi frowns.

Bachira gasps and quickly texts a groupchat he made earlier.

[6:56pm] bachira, hiori, isagi

bachira: targets have entered the perimeter!

bachira: operation kuronase commences!

hiori: omg did you know that kurona + nanase is basically nanana 🤩🤩

isagi: i hate you guys

“WE’VE ARRIVED!!” Shidou being Shidou leaps into the room and immediatly pounces on the pizza. “I SMELL FOOD-!”

Sae drags him away by the collar and dumps him in a chair. “Sorry about him. He’s hyper.”

“When is he not hyper?” Otoya laughs.

A silent figure makes their way in. “Where’s Niko?” Kiyora Jin looks around with a stoic look on his face.

“Over here,” Niko waves him over. “And don’t even think about trying to leave.”

“We’re here!” Aiku says. Sendou, Kaiser, Ness, Aryu, Chigiri, Kunigami and Reo are also with him. And they’re all carrying some sort of Barbie merchandise, from dolls to posters and t-shirts and hats, with some carrying bags which probably have more merchandise. And Sendou’s even wearing a Barbie wig.

“What’s with all that?” Rin asks.

“The little man took us shopping!” Sendou points to Reo. “Dude, this guy is rich!”

“You should have seen the cashier’s face when she saw grown men walking out Barbie merchandise,” Chigiri laughs. “Actually, she even asked us for a selfie.”

Reo sighs with a smile on his face. “Can’t believe you guys made me buy all that.”

From the corner of his eye, Isagi noticed Nagi glaring at Reo.

“You better have extra for us!” Shidou exclaims, grabbing a Ken doll and t-shirt.

Once everyone had their respective merchandise, grabs food, and sits down, Bachira turns off the lights and the movie begins rolling.


[9:15pm] bachira, hiori, isagi

bachira: any updates?

hiori: yeah holy sh*t raquelle is so iconic

hiori: why isnt there a stand-alone series about her :(


hiori: oh!

hiori: nope ive been paying attention the screen the whole time

bachira: ugh

bachira: isagi?

bachira: isagi you know that im giving you football tickets for this right?

bachira: you better remember that

isagi: bachira they just left

bachira: what??

bachira: why did nt you tell me???



bachira: ken’s beauty blew me away

hiori: REAL!!

isagi: well whats the point of this if kurona and nanase literally left


bachira: wait kurona forgot his phone

bachira: im gonna go return it to him

isagi: you better not be stalking them

bachira: nooo im just being a kind citizen and returning something forgotten :D

isagi: finally you’re not obsessed with stalking them

bachira: yeah, i figured that they wouldn’t do anything in public anyway

bachira: im just gonna give kurona his phone back

hiori: find him yet?

bachira: they’re not anywhere in the halls

isagi: did they go that far??

bachira: wait i hear noises

bachira: coming from the stairwell

isagi: noises?

bachira: hey i think i just heard kurona

bachira: he sounds like he’s out of breath

hiori: oh no



bachira: why not? besides i think i see them

hiori: BACHIRA

bachira: huh?


bachira is offline

isagi: BACHIRA???

hiori: yeah he’s screwed


“Hey Kurona! I think you forgot your…

In a blur, Bachira hears a yell from someone obviously startled, and he gets pushed onto the phone. Before he can curse at the whoever shoved him, he’s stopped short by a scene he never expected to see.

It’s Kurona and Nanase, but clearly they were in the middle of something. Kurona has his hands wrapped around Nanase’s neck and his lips are red and a bit swollen. Nanase’s hair is dishelved and the bandana he usually wears is on the floor.

Bachira halts. “...Phone.”

They all stare at each other for three seconds before Bachira turns full-on tomato red.

“Holy, I’m so sorry! I-I just came to give you back your phone cause you left it and I figured you’d want it back, and I heard a noise so I went to check it out and, anyway I totally didn’t mean to see that! I’ll keep my mouth shut just please don’t be mad-”

“Woah, slow down!” Nanase says, embarrased. “Um, thanks for returning this.” He takes the phone and hands it back to Kurona, who has basically died of humiliation, eyes blown wide.

“We’re sorry you had to see that, that,” Kurona mumbles. “We weren’t doing anything weird though, I promise promise.”

“All good,” Bachira slowly gets up. Then a smile forms on his face. “But if you two were kissing, then that means… you two are a thing! I knew it! I knew it!”

Kurona and Nanase stare at him as he happily jumps around.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to be loud,” Bachira suddenly stops. “But if you don’t mind me asking, how long have you been dating?”

“Well… okay, four months,” Nanase admits.

Bachira nearly screams like a fangirl.

“Don’t tell anyone,” Kurona whispers. “Not until we’re ready.”

“Your secret is safe with me,” Bachira says proudly. “But when you do tell them, I want to be there so I can flex to Isagi and Hiori that I found out first and was right all along.”

Nanase gawks. “I’m sorry, right all along?”

Bachira pauses. “Oops… so I may have told them a while ago.”



[9:25] bachira, hiori, isagi


isagi: maybe hes dead

hiori: ISAGI

bachira: hey guys!

bachira added kurona and nanase



bachira: nope still me!

nanase: hi guys :D

isagi: bachira what did you do 😭

bachira: haha thats a funny story

bachira: but uhhh

bachira: i had a bit of an awkward encounter with kurona and nanase

hiori: oh no you were flashed weren’t you

kurona: it was just a kiss kiss

isagi: A WHAT

hiori: AYO WHAT???



hiori: no way one of bachira’s headcannons were right!!

bachira: kuronase is officially canon!!

isagi: wow congrats you guys <3

hiori: yeah congrats!

nanase: thanks isagi and hiori :D

nanase: but can we just keep this between us for now?

nanase: kurona isnt comfortable with announcing it yet

kurona: no i am now

nanase: huh?

hiori: whaaaaat??

kurona: i was embarrassed embarrassed when bachira caught us before

kurona: but i dont feel so bad anymore, and hiori and isagi are being rlly nice about it

kurona: so i’m fine with others knowing too


bachira: i feel like a proud father

isagi: ok that was a weird comparaison

nanase: @ kurona <3

kurona: 💗


bachira: WAHHHH

isagi: my heart WTFFF

kurona: can we announce it tomorrow?

nanase: of course :D

bachira: DO IT IN THE GC (if you’re comfortable)


bachira: (if you’re okay with it)

kurona: what is it?

bachira: okay so…


“There’s a group chat and you guys never invited me?!” Sendou gasps. “What the hell!”

“Sendou, we already have one super aggressive guy,” Niko mutters. “We really don’t need another one.”

“Who’s the other aggressive guy?” Shidou asks. “Rin?”

Sae shakes his head in embarrassment. “You stupid demon.”

“Aiku, this is betrayal. How could you do this to me?” Sendou frowns.

“First off, I can’t add people, only Karasu can,” Aiku explains. “And second-”

“Oh Karasu~!”

“Hey, hey! I’ve already been tackled enough times-!”

Sendou has already run off and tackled Karasu to the ground. Otoya, instead of helping the poor guy, is simply filming the entire thing.

It was 10:45pm and the movie night was soon ending. Because of the mess that was made, Bachira was forcing everyone to stay and help clean up.

Rin picks up trash with Hiori while staring at Nagi and Isagi from a distance. The moment Isagi starts laughing after something Nagi says, Rin's blood boils with anger.

Hiori sees his very visible anger and nudges. “Dang, looks like they're getting along pretty well.”

Rin stuffs his hands in his pockets and kicks a soda can. “Yeah, forget this. I'm not asking him out.”


“Do you not see what's going on?” Rin mumbles. “He's getting along better with Isagi than I ever have. I wouldn't be surprised if he already asked him out either.”

“Come on Rin, you haven't even tried!” Hiori pleads. “He's literally right there, just talk to him! Plus, what if I was wrong about him and Nagi and they're just friends?”

“No, you were right about that part,” Rin says. “He likes Isagi. And Isagi probably likes him back.”

“Oh for goodness sake,” Hiori rolls his eyes. Suddenly, he remembers something and runs over to Bachira.

“Bachira, I need you for a second,” Hiori pulls him aside.


“You said that you convinced Isagi to get involved with your plan using football tickets, right?”

“Uh-huh,” Bachira nods. “What about them?”

“How many did you get?”

“Three! One for me, one for another person, and one for myself. They're free ‘cause of this giveaway I won a while back–’

Hiori shakes Bachira in frustration. “Three?! But if you're there you'll ruin the moment!”

“Moment? What moment?”

“Bachira, give me those tickets. It's for Rin's sake.”

“What?! I'm not–” Bachira begins to protest, but then he smiles. “Oh, is this so that Rin can ask out Isagi? Sure!”

Bachira takes out his phone and quickly sends Hiori an email containing the tickets. Hiori just stands there in shock.

“How did you even know–”

“Hiori please, I'm a love expert. I know everything about everyone's crushes, love drama, and all that extra stuff. Plus, Isagi was gonna use the tickets to invite Rin to the game anyway.”

“Oh my gosh Bachira, you're a savior,” Hiori smiles. He then emails the tickets to Rin along with a text.

[10:50] hiori - rin

hiori: I just emailed you tickets to a football game happening on Saturday

hiori: use them and ask Isagi out on a date there

hiori: there's three but just use two of them

rin: what the hell??

rin: where did you even get these from?

hiori: no time for questions

hiori: go and ask him NOW

hiori: GO GO GO

Rin looks up from his phone and at Hiori, but the latter is gesturing to Isagi, who is now conveniently alone.

Taking a deep breath, Rin silently wishes himself luck and moves towards Isagi. He taps him on the shoulder.

“Oh, Rin,” Isagi smiles. “I haven't talked to you this entire time. Weird, right?”

“Uh, yeah,” Rin mumbles. “Well, uh, did you enjoy the movie night?”

“Yeah! It was pretty nice,” Isagi says, then shows off his Barbie hat. “Reo gave this to me, isn't it cool? I never thought pink would suit me.”

“I guess it does.”

“Anyway, I was wondering, what did you want to tell me earlier today? You went offline before explaining anything.”

“Right, sorry,” Rin says, his heart pounding. He glances at Hiori and Bachira, who are giving him a thumbs up.

Here we go, Rin thinks to himself.

He begins. “Isagi, can I ask you something?”

“Yeah, sure.” Isagi says. “What's going on?”

Do it. Do it now Rin!

“I have tickets to a football game happening this Saturday, and I was wondering if you would go with me.”

Isagi's eyes widen. “Oh, wow, well I'd love to go with you.”

Hiori and Bachira begin jumping up and down like fangirls, full of joy.

Rin feels like doing the same thing. “Wow, uh, thanks–”

“But I'm hanging out with Nagi that day.”

The two spectating guys stop jumping as Rin's heart deflates.

Isagi notices the sad look. “I'm so so sorry, it's just that Nagi's still getting over the whole Reo thing and he doesn't have anyone to be with, you know?”

Rin's mind starts racing. It's over, Nagi's already made plans with Isagi and then he'll confess his feelings and they'll start dating. And Rin would simply be left alone and heartbroken.

I have to do something, I have to do something.

Then he remembers.

“So maybe we can go another time?” Isagi continues. “I'm sorry, I feel kinda bad–”

“I have three tickets. Nagi can come with us.”

From a distance, Rin hears Hiori muffling a scream.

“Really? That's great!” Isagi smiles. “I'll tell Nagi then.”

f*ck my life.

“Tell me what?”

Nagi approaches the pair with a curious look on his face, and Rin instantly wants to kill him.

“Oh, there you are Nagi,” Isagi says. “Rin has three tickets to a football game on Saturday, so me and you could go with him. Wouldn't it be fun?”

Nagi eyes Rin. “Yeah, okay.”

Isagi, oblivious to the obvious tensions, nods happily. “Alright, football game it is.”

Meanwhile, Rin just wants to melt into a puddle and slip away.


[11:10pm] hiori - rin





rin: I didn't have a choice hiori

rin: him and nagi had already made plans

rin: I panicked

hiori: man, I don't even know what to say

rin: I'm stupid

hiori: yes

hiori: but its not game over

hiori: because you can still make a move

rin: how?

hiori: keep nagi from doing ANYTHING romantic with Isagi

hiori: basically, make it look like this is just a hangout between friends

hiori: which means you can't do any romantic either

hiori: so then at the end, isagi won't suspect that it was a date and that will avoid the situation of him leaning towards nagi, and he won't think you and nagi are competing for him

hiori: then as soon as its is over…

hiori: BAM! hit him with the confession <3

rin: hiori

rin: I can't believe I'm saying this

rin: but you're a genius

hiori: I know right ✨💅🤸✨💯

rin: I know you just did a cartwheel in the hallway

hiori: you're right and I kicked kurona in the face and now I'm being chased and bitten by freaking shark teeth


hiori is offline

rin: i

rin: I don't have time for this

rin is offline


[11:20pm] reo - nagi

reo: so how's your rebound going?

reo: yeah don't think I didn't notice that you unblocked me

reo: keeping me as a backup?

nagi: can u stfu

nagi: acting so petty

nagi: and for what?

nagi: because I don't cling onto an ex unlike you?

reo: why'd you unblock me nagi

nagi: to tell you that I'm sorry

nagi: that you’re a pain in the ass

reo: here we go again 🙄

nagi: Ihy

nagi: so much

nagi: you can't even be happy for me

reo: happy? about what?

reo: I know nagi

reo: you're just using isagi to get over me

reo: but wtv I don't care

reo: but you're the one that's still clinging

reo: why were you staring at me when I entered the theater

reo: bc I'm actually hanging out with people other than you? and having fun?

reo: does that make you mad?

nagi: Idc what u do

nagi: why does everything have to be about love with u

nagi: it's like it's impossible for us to just be friends

reo: because you never make it clear what you want

reo: I'm not gonna be friends with someone who can't communicate

reo: you say you want to be friends but then you call it a hassle

reo: you say you want love but then you call it a hassle

reo: nagi, what the f*ck do you want??

nagi: to just think about ME for once

reo: …

reo: I can't believe this

reo: I don't think about you?

nagi: no reo, u don't actually think abt me at all

nagi: never


reo: WHEN



reo blocked nagi



nagi: I just

nagi: want it like before

nagi: Ihy

nagi: you're a hassle

(Six messages unsent)

nagi blocked reo


[11:20] isagi - bachira

isagi: bachira

isagi: those tickets rin has

isagi: are those the ones that you were supposed to give to me?

bachira: hell no lol

bachira: I actually lied about your tickets!!

isagi: WHAT

bachira: what, you thought I was actually gonna buy tickets for a plan that didn't really go accordingly?

bachira: you're so funny isagi

isagi: you do realize that we're in the same dorm right

isagi: the minute you step foot in here I'm killing you

bachira: WHAT

bachira: WAIT

isagi is offline

bachira: ISAGI WTF


[11:26] bachira - chigiri

bachira: guess what! I'm sleeping over

chigiri: wtaf

chigiri: but I kinda need some privacy

bachira: forget you and kunigami's make out session or whatever you're doing

bachira: I'm coming over in 5 minutes

bachira is offline

chigiri: BACHIRA

blue lock? more like bl - Chapter 5 - luka_stars (2024)


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.